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Kurdish Teenager Stoned

Something i came across last night. I am not even sure whether its worth posting this but since there is nothing on the news about it, I guess it is worth bringing as much attention to it as possible.

The story is unclear, but apparently members of the Yazidi Kurdish community in Iraq have stoned a 17 year old girl for having an affair with a Sunni muslim.

Also, apparently those idiots have filmed the whole ordeal on their mobile phones. How and why they have these gadgets of course remains unclear.

Anyway, http://www.aina.org/news/20070425181603.htm here you can find the video and the general description of what happened. Warning you in advance, the scenes are naturallly quite graphic and may be unsuitable for the faint hearted


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
That makes me sick, and very angry. The people that commit those crimes deserve... Well I should say what I'm thinking.
OMG!!!! I feel horrible for that girl. That is one of the worst ways to go. I still think burning and drawn and quartered are the two worst.
Wow, I can respect other peoples religions and beliefs but those guys are full on dickheads. You are right Kingfisher, the people that commit those crimes deserve to be... shot.


That was disgusting and sickening. That should remind us of how lucky we are to have the benefit of civilization and rationality (some of us) where we live, and we should constantly push forward UN human rights laws and more importantly, not keep breaking them and the Geneva conventions ourselves. Remember, these honour killings, as well as wife beatings, happen all the time in Europe and North America too... only not as publicly and not with state sanction - that is disgusting.

But what do you mean, how and why they have mobile phones - half the third world now has mobile phones aplenty. Why they would shoot this disgusting snuff movie is beyond me though - I only hope it was to wake up the world to the horrors of honour killings, rather than as entertainment or sensational journalism.

God help us, Fox is back!
Why would anyone take a horrible subject like honor killing, or stoning, an acceptable event in Islamic countries, and equate them with an illegal assault here in the West...where most wife beatings aren't fatal and are criminally punished?
Only Fox knows,,,and he never tells!
Does anyone else equate an Islamic honor killing with smacking the wife around before being taken away to jail for domestic abuse?
Has anyone here killed or beaten severly their wife or daughter, or sister, for actions that brought shame to your "honor"?
Like having a little out of wedlock fun with their boyfriend? Making out, kissing in public, having a little sex with a man not married to them?:eek:
I don't know of ONE, maybe I live in the only good place in the US of A.
So, you may ask, how does this equate with a stoning in Iraq?
No one but Fox knows the answer to that question, unless the answer is...it doesn't!
There isn't any real comparison, but I guess you can't tell lies without a little dishonesty...:D
Those Yezidi Kurds are Christians, so this has nothing to do with Islam... Except that the girl wanted to marry a muslim.
Has anyone here killed or beaten severly their wife or daughter, or sister, for actions that brought shame to your "honor"? I don't know of ONE, maybe I live in the only good place in the US of A.

and how many people do you know in Iraq that do that? as of this article, I guess that would make it one. right off the top of my head, I can think of an event here a few years back in the Good Ol USA where some men tied a person to the back of thier truck and drug him to death until he was decapitated because his being black was "shameful" and insulted thier white "honor". so that makes us 1 for 1.

but I guess that's not a fair comparison, because you asked for family members. I couldn't name in detail such an event because domestic violence is such a common occurance that it really doesn't stand out as anything spectacular.

What im trying to say is that you make it seem like this is something that everyone does and it happens everyday, instead of an isolated incident on the part of biggoted extremists, the likes of which exist outside of the middle east as well.


Way to go, Calpoon...this one is up there with your best efforts.

I can't speak to your personal life; but my family, the families of my friends, and the people I work with and their families are not so assaulted by violence, that we do not notice when it occurs.
Very rarely...and no one in my immediate sphere has ever killed anyone, or participated in any killings of anyone for reasons of hate, offended honor, or the like...
I do have experience of violence committed by criminals and the like, and any men who beat women here are arrested...it is illegal to commit violence unprovoked by an assault.
Are you claiming to have actual knowledge that Sharia Law is a myth, a fraud like 911, the moon landing, and all the reports of stonings, executions of women for adultery in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, or any Islamic ruled area of the planet?
You really think anyone but you and maybe a few Rosie O'Donnell types truly think we are just like "them", and there is as much killing of women here for simple acts of individuality outside the religious guidelines of Christianity/Judaism as there is in Iraq and the middle East for the same actions under the rule of Islam? Really?
And a crime of murder done by people in prison forever (your example of the dragging murder) is your example of how it's the same here as there, where the police helped kill the girl in the videos and sure as hell didn't arrest anyone, let alone put them on death row.
That's your best example of how we are just like them, and they aren't so bad?
What else? Was your point that since I haven't been standing there when a female was stoned to death, that there hasn't ever been a case of anyone ever being shot, stabbed, beheaded, stoned, or plain beat to death by anyone anywhere for reasons dictated by a religious code of conduct that demands such a thing?
Are you really claiming that Judeo/Christian disapproval, and ostrisization, for extramarital activity amounts to the same thing as Sharia executions for the same activities? We are all just folks here, basically?
It's pitiful how you'll say anything, no matter how silly or disrespectful, to try and sound like you have something to say.
This is one of your worst posts yet, and you have said some off the wall stuff before.
YOU don't know of any other occurences, maybe; I would never make such a statement knowing as I do that the tenets of Islam today, 2007, require severe punishments for infractions of these natures; I also KNOW that no Christian/Jewish girl lives under such a threat of extreme punishment in the West.
Whether a Muslim father would forgive his daughter somewhere, or a Christian father would murder his daughter for loose morals isn't an absolute negation of the fact that out of millions of people in both situations the chances are extremely likely that a Muslim will commit severe physical harm upon a female guilty of loose morals, where a Western parent/family member wouldn't even think of it.
You and Fox can backslap each other 'til the cows come home, but there will never be any examples for either of you to show how we are just like the third world, that all the violence committed on our population (not allowed, frowned upon, illegal) by our worst members compares to the allowed, condoned, and commonly accepted level of sexual enslavement and extreme violence of the third world found in the East, Africa, and elsewhere in Asia and Indochina, especially where Islam is prevelant.
The Kurds are just as insane as the Iraqis there, feeding off of each others attitudes; I have no faith in our common humanity ensuring safety for the weakest of us, but at least the enlightened tenents of the Western lifestyle allows for some freedom of movement; I am so tired of no credit being given for so many years of actual progress in the area of human relations.


This is a part of an article from a website (Stop Honor Killings)

"The Yazidi-Kurdish girl, Du'a, was brutally lynched by a mob intent on punishing her because of her affinity for a Muslim man. The 17-year-old girl was taken away against her father's will, thrown from a roof, dragged from behind a car, and after that, when she was still alive, concrete blocks were dropped on her head until she died. Her body was then thrown atop the village trash heap where it laid for several days, until Yazidi authorities gave the parents permission to claim their dead daughter's body.

Almost everything was recorded by mobile-phone video cameras, and the video was then circulated throughout Kurdistan towns and finally broadcasted on the Internet and a number of foreign TV stations. Islamists were not late to declare her as a martyr of belief - they stated that she had converted to Islam - and shortly after they killed several Yazidi-Kurdish workers in the Mosul area.

The fundamentalist's opportunist approach in exploiting a young woman's death for their obscure intentions - from engaging Kurdish areas in a civil war they have avoided until now to creating a split between Kurds belonging to different religions - is not as important as the life of Du'a or rather Du'a's human right, her right to life: human rights that are the point of departure for every democracy.

Du'a was not the first victim of violence against women in Kurdistan, and unfortunately, she will not be the last. Be it within the Muslim or Yazidi communities, the violence against women has continued without interruption. One may state that this kind of violence exists even in Western communities, but let us not forget that groups do not sanction such violence in Western societies; rather, it is the act of a single individual and it is a crime that is severely punishable. Honor killings and lynchings like the one that took Du'a's life are sanctioned by a large part of a community. The best evidence is that sequences of the video-recorded lynching show that the perpetrators of this crime aimed to make an example of it as a lesson to others. Strangely, the sectarian violence in Kurdistan does not affect other religious groups but their own people, namely young people, and particularly the women. The Kurdish media were silent for a long time after the incident; only when non-Kurdish fundamentalists and foreign organizations began discussing the issue did the media come forward to discuss what happened in Behzane..."
my family, the families of my friends, and the people I work with and their families are not so assaulted by violence, that we do not notice when it occurs.
Very rarely...and no one in my immediate sphere has ever killed anyone, or participated in any killings of anyone for reasons of hate, offended honor, or the like....
So you admit that you don't know what you're talking about then.

I do have experience of violence committed by criminals and the like, and any men who beat women here are arrested...it is illegal to commit violence unprovoked by an assault.
Because people never break the laws, so if it's illegal than it must not be happening. get real.

Are you claiming to have actual knowledge that Sharia Law is a myth, a fraud like 911, the moon landing, and all the reports of stonings, executions of women for adultery in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, or any Islamic ruled area of the planet?
So if I want to deny anything than I have to prove that the moonlanding was fake too? If that is my most absurd post ever, than this one is yours.

You really think anyone but you and maybe a few Rosie O'Donnell types truly think we are just like "them", and there is as much killing of women here for simple acts of individuality outside the religious guidelines of Christianity/Judaism as there is in Iraq and the middle East for the same actions under the rule of Islam? Really?


And a crime of murder done by people in prison forever (your example of the dragging murder) is your example of how it's the same here as there, where the police helped kill the girl in the videos and sure as hell didn't arrest anyone, let alone put them on death row.
That's your best example of how we are just like them, and they aren't so bad?

No, because I didn't cite any examples of our police killing people in this thread. I don't really feel like typing hundreds of accounts right now, but I have talked about it before, so just consider those posts my best example.

Are you really claiming that Judeo/Christian disapproval, and ostrisization, for extramarital activity amounts to the same thing as Sharia executions for the same activities?

No, I'm not. I was just talking about people in contemporary societies, not religious viewpoints. If you want to talk about religious intolerance, than christianity is about a million times worse.

It's pitiful how you'll say anything, no matter how silly or disrespectful, to try and sound like you have something to say.
Ok, it's pitiful. and what is it when you do it?

the tenets of Islam today, 2007, require severe punishments for infractions of these natures, etc. etc.

The billion muslims of the world are killing millions of people a day. holy shit!

You and Fox can backslap each other 'til the cows come home, but there will never be any examples for either of you to show how we are just like the third world, that all the violence committed on our population (not allowed, frowned upon, illegal) by our worst members compares to the allowed, condoned, and commonly accepted level of sexual enslavement and extreme violence of the third world found in the East, Africa, and elsewhere in Asia and Indochina, especially where Islam is prevelant..

the difference is that we pretend that our violence isn't accepted by the entire society who swear that our everyday violent way of living is right and normal (if they didn't then they would be renouncing it just as I am) and that it's not like those crazy people in the middle east who , in reality, think the exact same thing about thier own violence.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I know, that this happens a lot in many countries, but it still surprises me, shocks me and angers
me... that religious belief goes beyond human decency. That mostly men would do that to a
young girl also says that they feel women are a sub-species in those parts of the world.
It all comes from religion, that movie Babel’s theme was if we all understood each other, there
would be less problems. Well sometimes I believe if we didn’t have religion there would be less
death, murder and heinous acts against other human beings in the world.
They stoned her and murdered her, because she was a sect of Christians and was seeing a Muslim
boy. They murdered her over that! What’s next another Catholic/Christian slaughtering of
Protestants? Or Sunni verus Shite murdering, oh that’s happening right now.
This wasn’t some murder that took place because some criminal was hopped up on meth, they
killed her over religious beliefs and because she was a woman! And in that forsaken country,
women have no rights, so who cares?


So you admit that you don't know what you're talking about then.

Because people never break the laws, so if it's illegal than it must not be happening. get real.

So if I want to deny anything than I have to prove that the moonlanding was fake too? If that is my most absurd post ever, than this one is yours.


No, because I didn't cite any examples of our police killing people in this thread. I don't really feel like typing hundreds of accounts right now, but I have talked about it before, so just consider those posts my best example.

No, I'm not. I was just talking about people in contemporary societies, not religious viewpoints. If you want to talk about religious intolerance, than christianity is about a million times worse.

Ok, it's pitiful. and what is it when you do it?

The billion muslims of the world are killing millions of people a day. holy shit!

the difference is that we pretend that our violence isn't accepted by the entire society who swear that our everyday violent way of living is right and normal (if they didn't then they would be renouncing it just as I am) and that it's not like those crazy people in the middle east who , in reality, think the exact same thing about thier own violence.

It's like you're reading some other post, and muttering to yourself about things only you see.

You got nothing...I'm wasting my time and energy bothering with anything you post.

Thank you for posting, calpoon and fox. I can't be bothered to comment (I spend way too much time on forums as it is), but I'm glad there are people out there on Freeones willing to talk sense.


what the fuck you lookin at?
:dunno: reminds me of The Lottery

Still it would be a terribly shitty way to die!


what the fuck you lookin at?


Hiliary 2020
I couldn't even watch it after I read the commentary. I don't need that in my memory.
That culture is infected, its sick, its out of control. There is no defense for that in the least amount. All those people murdering a little girl like that.
I hate those people and I hate that culture. I know it now.
Maybe it is best we leave Iraq, those people don't deserve our help. Maybe it was better they be under control of Saddam, obviously they are just as brutal as he was.
But then again seeing just how barbaric they are, perhaps turning our backs on them is imminent suicide also.
I don't know whats gonna happen, but something is, with so many sociopaths with religious self justification living in the world today.
I know I'll get shit for saying this, but if it were up to me, I would do a little Earth cleaning and soon,Its us or them.