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Pornography and it's relationship to perceptual biases

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Nothing in life is free, except FreeOnes!
I mostly go on this forum to debate and challenge the status quo...unfortunately (or fortunately) today is no different.

First, let's be honest...life is about what you do and what you don't do. Since most people suck at balancing the things they do in life, when someone is doing a lot of one thing, they're probably ain't doing much of anything else. This is ESPECIALLY the case when people attempt to balance things that predominantly OPPOSE each other.

Take, for example the internet (or virtual reality). The more time a person spends on the internet, the less time they spent in ACTUAL REALITY. The more time a person spends at work working, the less they spend in leisure.

Now, I've posted here many times in the past that most pornstars are about mostly equally average looking and ugly, even fewer are above average and very, very few are very attractive. AFAIK this is the case for the women in 18-35 age range. Bare in mind I'm comparing pornstars to ALL women, while most don't...more on this later. This is about the same percentage-wise when it comes to women in general, but coming across attractive women in the real world is actually EASIER because the number of women is greater and they tend to be concentrated in specific places.

I know most of you were shaking your heads when you read the beginning of the last sentence, but consider that most people don't perceive the word "ugly" and sometimes even "average" accurately. When most people see or hear the word "ugly" they immediately think something similar to:

However, even though the woman above is ugly she is also WAY below average. By definition ugly simply means below average...and of course average is...well...average.

Since most pornstars are average and ugly ("most", as in having the highest PERCENTAGE, which considering I've made 4 categories anything higher than a 1/4 WILL be the majority even if it is 00000.1% more in value (this of course is an extreme example)) the perceptions of SOME average and above average in the eyes of the porn enthusiast will become skewed.

The main problem most porn enthusiasts have when they think pornstars are "hot" is they don't realize what's going on. It's PERCEPTION BIAS. Let's start with...

1. Contrast Bias – Contrast bias occurs when we meet a moderately attractive person in an environment with unattractive people (and vice versa). For instance, if you go to an office party, the one cute girl at work will suddenly look like a stunner surrounded by a bunch of married, aging, overweight women. Put that same girl in a night club and she’d look pretty average. But at the office party, suddenly her stock has shot through the roof. Another common example is when you have the “hot friend” phenomenon. When you meet a group of women, all of which are unattractive except for one. Suddenly that one attractive woman looks a lot better. This is contrast bias at work.

This is ALSO the case when most men think of pornstars, they DISCOUNT every other woman who doesn't fuck random men (yes, I understand pornography is MORE than just sex, but in this case I'm specifically referring to sex workers) and the women in their reality.

I've experienced something similar to this MYSELF, I'd broken my leg whilst (none of your business). When I was recovering I was lazy and became pretty much a hermit, always on the computer. I remember I came across old pictures of a woman I'd dated a long time ago, I remember being surprised I'd dated a woman of that "physical" caliber, as I used to be quite poor at attracting the opposite sex. When I had recovered and went back to the REAL WORLD, about a year later I came across those pictures again and I saw her for what she was, pretty....AVERAGE.

That's why moderately attractive pornstars become "stunners" to the average porn enthusiast. Our brains make decisions quicker and EASIER when contrast is involved.

Suppose you are living with your mom in a house, she owns the house while you are a guest and have no where else to stay. If she tells you to mow the overgrown lawn in the backyard, you might protest. If she tells you to mow the lawn and warns, that if you don't she'll throw you out of the house (and you believed her), you'd most likely do it.

Mowing an overgrown lawn is hard work, but CONTRAST it to being homeless and all of a sudden it won't seem so bad.

This may not have been the best example, but you get my point.

Add to this SCARCITY BIAS, as in the fact that the average porn enthusiast has little or NO access to women...so the woman who has sex with men for money will always be more appealing and you have a DEADLY combination.

2. Scarcity Bias – Scarcity bias is similar to the contrast bias, except instead of overestimating how attractive a person is based on other people being unattractive, scarcity bias overestimates how attractive a person is because there are few or no other options. A perfect example of this happened with a friend recently in Malaysia. He was taking a boat tour, and there was a very plain-looking French girl on his boat, along with about 12 Chinese tourists, most of whom were elderly or older couples. My friend started chatting to the French girl, who he claimed was pleasant. By the end of the full-day boat tour, he excitedly described to me how they traded Facebook information and how he thought he liked her and wanted to meet up with her. After seeing this woman MYSELF I looked him in the eye and said, “You liked that she was the only available woman on a boat that you were stuck on for 12 hours, that’s what you liked. By tomorrow you’ll have forgotten about her.” Sure enough, he did.

If you have little to no options in women (in general), a sex worker who you can see naked and who does "nasty things" with strangers for money on camera is going to be a lot more alluring and "reachable" than a woman who has no interest in you and only does "nasty things" to men she's attracted to.

This goes hand-in-hand with RECIPROCAL BIAS...

3. Reciprocal Bias – I've coined this term from someone else, but it basically means “The biggest aphrodisiac is someone who likes you.” That cute girl, as soon as she grabs your hand and tells you that you’re hot, goes from “cute” to “really sexy” in a heartbeat. The reciprocal bias goes in reverse as well. That “smoking hot woman” over there, once you talk to her and she shows absolutely no interest in you, immediately turns into that woman “with a nice body, but terrible attitude,” and you’ve already convinced yourself that you’d never date her and that you were stupid for wanting to.


The moderately attractive pornstar who WILL fuck you, if she was PAID will always be MORE attractive to the porn enthusiast, than the REALLY attractive model who just poses....this of course extends to the REALLY attractive woman in the street who requires SKILL and STRONG PERSONALITY traits to have sex with.

That's why you get OCS members being so nice to everyone on here, when in reality, they wouldn't look at most of you once (let alone twice). If you think she's sexy that means more $$$$.

Again, this relates to PHYSICAL BIAS.

4. Physical Bias – The more physically attractive a woman is, the more likely we will be to idealize her, overestimate her, and become emotionally invested in her.

This should be obvious to most men (though very, very difficult to control), but I relate it to this forum in it's NEGATIVE form.

Depending on a guy’s beliefs when confronted with an attractive woman, will get excited and talk about how attractive she is. But when confronted with an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous woman, they begin to nitpick faults and criticize her before even meeting her. If a man believes himself to be unworthy of a supremely beautiful woman, he will actually develop a perceptual bias AGAINST them.

There are more perceptual biases out there but these are the most obvious ones I see on this forum, over an over again. The purpose of my post is not to encourage anyone to get rid of their perceptual biases, but to understand them and become aware of them. Perceptual biases can be positive at times, but they can be dangerously negative as well.


Can I flirt with you?
I have to agree that woman in the picture is way below average to what I see daily and even within uglier ones, she'd rank under rare species. Other part of the post then again turns into worthless blabber. This rather reflects your own possibly self-denial, maybe slightly bitter, but at least very clearly a shallow minded and arrogant thinking. This seems the very definition of a "nice girl", which gets even worse with the narcissist self-defined self-worth ego bullcrap and story having more holes than all the most popular male pornstars together have gotten in their entire lifetime...

I'll admit openly, I prefer to fap to good looking, hot, sexy, curvy sex fantasy [NOBABE]wet dream[/NOBABE] babes and I don't really care if they don't look that good without makeup... I'm just a horny dude enjoying my free time with sexually arousing things and crying won't change a thing... Ugly is still ugly, a whore is still a whore... no person will buy worse shoes when better ones are available with same price. That's like girl entering porn without being anything special and thinking she'd become next Jenna Jameson just because she "exists", but ends up only kicking herself in the arse...
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Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member
You are putting some deep thougt and an immense energy into this piece, and I must say, you sum up most of it very well.

And, as you already stated, you will catch some fire for this ;)


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
1. Contrast Bias

That's why moderately attractive pornstars become "stunners" to the average porn enthusiast.

I find the opposite effect, on here. Some posters here are so jaded and spend so long staring at immaculate airbrushed models and pornstars that their standards become so high, I see them describe some models as "ugly" that would actually make your jaw drop if they walked into the room in real life and are way more attractive than the women we encounter in real life, but the bar has been set artificially high by whacking it too much to even more "perfect" looking models. They brand girls that are actually gorgeous as "ugly" because they are contrasted to even hotter ones.


Stick with Freeones
Can't say I've found Admiral Ackbar that attractive. When did he shave his hair off?


  • Admiral Ackbar.jpg
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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
When I started watching porn my standards evaporated because I realized naked women are hot. A woman doesn't have to be particularly pretty, have a "perfect" body, or even be particularly charming, as long as she's over eighteen and has good personal hygiene, I've always figured, why the fuck not.