Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

Didn't Arkan's Tigers sweep across eastern Bosnia in 1992 pillaging towns, villages, and communities, raping, beating, torturing, and killing their victims in the name of Orthodox Christianity? Then there is Northern Ireland where fighting continues and there are only Christians there fighting what is essentially a religious war. Then there was the astonishing revelation only yesterday that a Catholic Priest, Father James Chesney was the 'prime suspect' after nine people, including an eight-year-old girl, were killed and 30 injured when three car bombs exploded in the quiet Northern Ireland village of Claudy in July 1972, which the Catholic Church then helped cover up! All religions can be hijacked by violent radicals, imagine a world without the barriers and constraints of religion


Didn't Arkan's Tigers sweep across eastern Bosnia in 1992 pillaging towns, villages, and communities, raping, beating, torturing, and killing their victims in the name of Orthodox Christianity? Then there is Northern Ireland where fighting continues and there are only Christians there fighting what is essentially a religious war. Then there was the astonishing revelation only yesterday that a Catholic Priest, Father James Chesney was the 'prime suspect' after nine people, including an eight-year-old girl, were killed and 30 injured when three car bombs exploded in the quiet Northern Ireland village of Claudy in July 1972, which the Catholic Church then helped cover up! All religions can be hijacked by violent radicals, imagine a world without the barriers and constraints of religion


The difference is that these wars, though fought in the name of a certain religion, are not ordained by the word of God. The Koran (the direct word of God to Muslims) specifically advocates violence towards, and abolition of non-Muslims.
Didn't Arkan's Tigers sweep across eastern Bosnia in 1992 pillaging towns, villages, and communities, raping, beating, torturing, and killing their victims in the name of Orthodox Christianity? Then there is Northern Ireland where fighting continues and there are only Christians there fighting what is essentially a religious war. Then there was the astonishing revelation only yesterday that a Catholic Priest, Father James Chesney was the 'prime suspect' after nine people, including an eight-year-old girl, were killed and 30 injured when three car bombs exploded in the quiet Northern Ireland village of Claudy in July 1972, which the Catholic Church then helped cover up! All religions can be hijacked by violent radicals, imagine a world without the barriers and constraints of religion



U isn't it pretty clear this thread has become nothing more than and excuse for Trident to try and pile on Islam? Certainly all these people want to do is change the debate since the facts and law aren't on their side. Almost like arguing with a chick during PMS.

Besides standing up for the right of any group to build a structure to worship their religion peaceably, I started off not giving a shit whether they built the thing or not.

Now because of some of the lame nonsense being perpetuated by intolerant extremists here and elsewhere...I hope they move the site closer to "GZ" and build 15 more just to spite some of these goobers.

BTW "Try"...the Greek Orthodox Church supposedly to be rebuilt near "GZ" fell through because the Church wanted more money from the g'ment to rebuild..not because they were denied any right.
The difference is that these wars, though fought in the name of a certain religion, are not ordained by the word of God. The Koran (the direct word of God to Muslims) specifically advocates violence towards, and abolition of non-Muslims.

Most of these radicals don't proclaim to fight against non muslims because it is directed in the Koran (they would hardly get any moral or financial support that way), they also pick issues such as land (palestine, kashmir, chechnya, US interference in middle east ) as their primary objectives. If these radicals were only interested in killing non muslims for the hell of it they'd be killing people everywhere and all the jews in countries like Iran would be dead by now (not protected by law). You'll find most radicals are poor and illiterate and most likely have never even read the Qu'ran, they will be either be brainwashed by some radical Imam, forced into it at gunpoint by insurgents, sold into insurgency by their poor families (younger ones) or get paid money (for their family) by the radicals to join. It's laughable that so many people think all these radicals have sat down and spent years (that's how long it takes) to study the Qu'ran and then reached the philosophical conclusion to kill all non muslims.:elaugh:
Didn't Arkan's Tigers sweep across eastern Bosnia in 1992 pillaging towns, villages, and communities, raping, beating, torturing, and killing their victims in the name of Orthodox Christianity?

Yes he did. He got what he deserved in the end. He was shot by a rival gangster a few years later good riddance.

Muslim jihadists also beheaded both Serb and Croat POWs.
Most of these radicals don't proclaim to fight against non muslims because it is directed in the Koran (they would hardly get any moral or financial support that way), they also pick issues such as land (palestine, kashmir, chechnya, US interference in middle east ) as their primary objectives. If these radicals were only interested in killing non muslims for the hell of it they'd be killing people everywhere and all the jews in countries like Iran would be dead by now (not protected by law). You'll find most radicals are poor and illiterate and most likely have never even read the Qu'ran, they will be either be brainwashed by some radical Imam, forced into it at gunpoint by insurgents, sold into insurgency by their poor families (younger ones) or get paid money (for their family) by the radicals to join. It's laughable that so many people think all these radicals have sat down and spent years (that's how long it takes) to study the Qu'ran and then reached the philosophical conclusion to kill all non muslims.:elaugh:

Not that I fully disagree with you, but I would point out that these are not "philosophical conclusions," they are actual lines in the Koran.

Take the "Sword Verse" as an example:
Sura 9:5 When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way.
Most of these radicals don't proclaim to fight against non muslims because it is directed in the Koran (they would hardly get any moral or financial support that way), they also pick issues such as land (palestine, kashmir, chechnya, US interference in middle east ) as their primary objectives. If these radicals were only interested in killing non muslims for the hell of it they'd be killing people everywhere and all the jews in countries like Iran would be dead by now (not protected by law). You'll find most radicals are poor and illiterate and most likely have never even read the Qu'ran, they will be either be brainwashed by some radical Imam, forced into it at gunpoint by insurgents, sold into insurgency by their poor families (younger ones) or get paid money (for their family) by the radicals to join. It's laughable that so many people think all these radicals have sat down and spent years (that's how long it takes) to study the Qu'ran and then reached the philosophical conclusion to kill all non muslims.:elaugh:

Some Islamists are very well educated.

The last Arab Jews in Yemen are being ethnically cleansed from their homeland. They've been there longer than Islam has existed.

I never underestimate Islamists.
The last Arab Jews in Yemen are being ethnically cleansed from their homeland. They've been there longer than Islam has existed.

Since Jews, Muslims and Christians all shared the land known as Israel now for centuries prior to 1947...I'll bet that's what the Muslims thought was happening when they were being pushed out of what they knew as Palestine.

Just one circular argument after another.
Since Jews, Muslims and Christians all shared the land known as Israel now for centuries prior to 1947...I'll bet that's what the Muslims thought was happening when they were being pushed out of what they knew as Palestine.

Just one circular argument after another.

Jews were in "Palestine" long before Islam and Arabs.
Since Jews, Muslims and Christians all shared the land known as Israel now for centuries prior to 1947...

The real spread of Islam didn't start until after the death of Mohammed in 632 AD. Jewish people have lived in present day Israel since around 1,250 BC. So, by my count Jews have inhabited current day Israel for ~1,900 years longer than Muslims, and ~1,250 years longer than Christians.
The real spread of Islam didn't start until after the death of Mohammed in 632 AD. Jewish people have lived in present day Israel since around 1,250 BC. So, by my count Jews have inhabited current day Israel for ~1,900 years longer than Muslims, and ~1,250 years longer than Christians.

Bear in mind Jews had scattered across the world (especially Europe) and when Israel was created Jews accounted for only a third of Palestine (and many of these had recently arrived after escaping Nazi Germany and being shunned by the rest of Europe), many more Jews arrived after the creation of Israel as Israel is the only nation on Earth that grants citizenship based soley on being Jewish (Law Of Return http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return). The Palestinians were born and raised there whilst many of the Israelis were not, so why should a Palestinian rot away in a camp and have their land taken from them which is then given to a Jewish person who was born and raised in Brooklyn (or anywhere) and has just decided to pack up and leave for Israel despite not being born, raised or even having lived there :dunno: Hardly fair when you look at it like that.
...why should a Palestinian rot away in a camp and have their land taken from them which is then given to a Jewish person who was born and raised in Brooklyn (or anywhere) and has just decided to pack up and leave for Israel despite not being born, raised or even having lived there...

Because Israel is a far better ally to the US than Palestine is. :tongue:
Because Israel is a far better ally to the US than Palestine is. :tongue:

You might want to rethink that. American association with Israel is the source of much of the hatred that the middles east holds for the US and therefore the terrorism. The US also took out Saddam for Israel (who else could his crappy scud missiles reach) at the cost of over 4000 US lives and will no doubt also fight Iran (again to protect Israel) at the cost of who knows how many more US servicemen and women. And just ask the crew of the USS Liberty what happens when the US dares to go against the interests of the Israeli government, the loyalty will always only work one way. Why do you think Britain cut all its ties with the middle east despite ruling over much of it for so long, its just not worth the hassle.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Bear in mind Jews had scattered across the world (especially Europe) and when Israel was created Jews accounted for only a third of Palestine (and many of these had recently arrived after escaping Nazi Germany and being shunned by the rest of Europe), many more Jews arrived after the creation of Israel as Israel is the only nation on Earth that grants citizenship based soley on being Jewish (Law Of Return http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return). The Palestinians were born and raised there whilst many of the Israelis were not, so why should a Palestinian rot away in a camp and have their land taken from them which is then given to a Jewish person who was born and raised in Brooklyn (or anywhere) and has just decided to pack up and leave for Israel despite not being born, raised or even having lived there :dunno: Hardly fair when you look at it like that.

I hereby claim that any info is false!