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Major Scientists Confirm: Global Warming Panic Is a Hoax

This is why I really don't think that anything we are doing here in the United States to combat climate change is going to make any sort of difference at all. Until countries like China and India are on board with "going green," nothing anyone else does is going to matter. Half of the world's population resides in those two countries alone, and both countries have (slowly) emerging middle classes and industrial sectors, both of which have the desire for, and means of access to, oil and are polluting at an epic rate, with a "don't give a fuck" attitude. We are wasting our time, and money, imposing environmental sanctions, restrictions, fees and taxes on ourselves in what amounts to nothing more than a grossly vain effort to show the world that "we care." Even if every American drove an electric car etc... it wouldn't mean a thing until you get the emerging world to give a shit, which they don't, and most likely never will. Pollution and greenhouse gasses pay very little attention to national borders, and for that exact reason, America alone "Going Green," is a huge waste of time, IMO.
For decades, America's been an example for the rest of the world, people use to say "Hey, look, what they've done in America, this is what we should be doing !"
When the french Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was writen, the US Bill of Rights was one of its main inspiration for some of most unfluent french deputies were admirers of the American Revolution.
USA used to be nation that guided the rest of the world. And now, this country has fallen to a nation that simply goes with the flow, waiting for other to do the first steps in the unknown. They use to be the leaders of the world and now they just let others be the leaders and just follow them, wherever they go.
This is sad...
think of it another way, If globalwarming,cooling/climate change was the most pressing matter that is putting the planet in danger. It's biggest champion would not fly in his private fucking jet anymore or sell carbon credits. But give him a chance to bitch and moan about it and he'll jump up on that soapbox and make fake analogies of people who never existed and you'll believe him.... but you already do...........
I guess we shouldn't have bothered with the Constitution...fuck it, other countries were going to rule with kings and queens, why shouldn't we?
Seriously, when did America allow itself to give up so easily? A couple of comments above are showing me why this country has allowed itself to so quickly become second rate.
This was once a nation of leaders, a leader in technology, a leader in new ideas, even at times a leader in global improvement.
Now, we are confronted with a barrier that should be rather easy to overcome (as long as we are willing to sacrifice some of our "big boy" toys), and we shrug our shoulders with an "eh, the rest of the world isn't playing, so I don't want to play either." With the brave attitude shown by many on this board and many of our nation's "leaders", Lewis and Clark would have just stayed in Illinois and told Jefferson, "meh, Indians already there".
For those willing to study it and the intelligence to understand it, the raw numbers for global climate change studies are out there.

You're being more ridiculous than usual. Even if climate change is real, and man-made, and its going to kill all of us, what is the benefit to voluntarily submitting to all the restrictions and costs that come along with "going green," when it wouldn't even begin to scratch the surface of solving the problem without other countries following? Its just vanity, smuggery, and an opportunity for large, corporate capitalists (which I know you love) and Washington lobbyists to cash in, while shaming those citizens that don't fall in line. It has nothing to do with solving the problem. Its odd that you are in the blame America first crowd, yet seem to think that Americans can solve the problem of global climate change all by themselves, they can't.

For someone who talks so much about reason and logic, tell me this: How is forcing Americans to "go green," without the majority of the world following suit, doing anything to actually address the problem?

"eh, the rest of the world isn't playing, so I don't want to play either."

What do you do when you want to play a game of basketball and there aren't any other people willing to play? Shoot hoops by yourself, knowing that no one else is ever going to show up, and there's never going be a game? Force others to come and play with you? I know how you so adore imperialism and diplomacy at gunpoint.

And this statement:
With the brave attitude shown by many on this board and many of our nation's "leaders", Lewis and Clark would have just stayed in Illinois and told Jefferson, "meh, Indians already there".[sic]

...is just completely obtuse. You're a total sensationalist. For someone who claims reason and logic are important, you sure do know how to get away from the point rather quickly.

For those willing to study it and the intelligence to understand it, the raw numbers for global climate change studies are out there.

That may very well be true. Go ahead and forward that information to the governments of China, India, Mexico and several other 3rd world and emerging countries, get them to give a shit, and that would be a small start.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I've actually got no beef with PlumpRump's position. I don't agree with it, but that's ok. The people I have a problem with are the deniers.
I've actually got no beef with PlumpRump's position. I don't agree with it, but that's ok. The people I have a problem with are the deniers.
Denying or accepting but not taking measures is equal : bottomline you do nothing to stop it or slow it down...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Denying or accepting but not taking measures is equal : bottomline you do nothing to stop it or slow it down...

Not sure who you mean by "you". If you're referring to the The United States as a collective we have regulations. Probably not stringent enough, but they're there. If you're referring to me particularly, that would just be a shot in the dark. Either way doesn't matter. You can't have a constructive dialog with anyone if you can't agree on the facts.
With the brave attitude shown by many on this board and many of our nation's "leaders", Lewis and Clark would have just stayed in Illinois and told Jefferson, "meh, Indians already there".
Perhaps your most retarded comment since I've been here.
Denying or accepting but not taking measures is equal : bottomline you do nothing to stop it or slow it down...

I live in the state of California. Believe me, I've been made to take measures.
Is the President and First Lady concerned with their Carbon Imprint, when they fly separately to the same location? Count the times in the last 3 years they gave used both Air Force 1 & 2 for personal pleasure. Yet, he's the one who suggested to the American people to "turn your thermostat down a little more" in the winter, and put on a sweater to stay comfortable. WTF?

Hourly cost to fly Air Force One a staggering $181,757.00 per hour!

Some are accusing Barack Obama of using Air Force One as his personal toy (shown in photos). ----> http://caveviews.blogs.com/cave_news/2010/11/hourly-cost-to-fly-air-force-one-181757-per-hour.html

Now we know how much it is costing taxpayers for his flights around the world as well as jaunts in Air Force One to New York and other places for a 'date nights' with Michelle.

The average American could buy a nice house for the amount of money it takes to run Air Force One every hour.

The U.S. military has provided an updated estimate on that cost, first published by a taxpayer watchdog group and confirmed by FoxNews.com, and the number is staggering -- $181,757 per hour. That's the price tag for shuttling around President Obama, who, as it turns out, has spent more days abroad in his first two years than any other president.

And... how about Air Force One's carbon imprint?

The Really Big Obama Carbon Footprint
Submitted by may on August 23, 2011 - 12:26am

Barack Obama and the First Family are on vacation with the very rich and famous. Even when he is on vacation, President Obama maintains his status of having apparently the largest carbon usage footprint of any person in history. Obama’s energy consumption just for his travel and that of his family is enormous.

An entourage of 40 large black vehicles transported Obama to buy ice cream and some books. None of these vehicles even remotely approach the 56.2-mile per gallon CAFE standards, which Obama is insisting will be in place in 2025 and forced upon we the people. The gasoline consumption of the Presidential limousine remains confidential.

The 747s used as Air Force One are rated at 5 gallons of jet fuel per mile (60 gallons per minute) by Boeing. The number of airplanes accompanying Obama’s Presidential travel can be in the dozens.

The Obama’s are also wasteful in their travels, with it not unusual for First Lady Michelle Obama to travel in a separate airplane. Mrs. Obama departed for Martha’s Vineyard early so she could have a few extra hours of vacation. It is estimated that her separate early departure cost we the taxpayers an extra $100,000.

First Lady Obama departed early for their Hawaii vacation last December, again at an estimated cost of $100,000. If there exists a reason for the separate travel arrangements, it would be beneficial to the American people for the White House to explain the reasons for the separate travel. Perhaps the separate travel has security implications of which we are not aware?

President Obama repeatedly asks all of us to sacrifice and to do without. Obama is asking those who work the hardest, often not ever taking vacation time for themselves, to give more money to our Federal government to recklessly spend. It is not surprising that President Obama’s approval ratings are going lower. His -24 Presidential Approval Index rating reported on Monday was the lowest Rasmussen has thus far recorded.

President Obama and the Obama First Family travel in great luxury and at significant cost to the American people. I do not recall President Obama or any other member of the Obama Family thanking us for the opportunity of living in the White House, traveling in private Air Force and Marine aircraft, and for us paying their indulgent expenses. This might be something one should not expect from royalty and those who might think that they are royalty.


Official Checked Star Member
Global warming is a hoax... the Earth goes through its natural stages of ice age, heating to extreme temperatures blah blah etc etc... Are we polluting our earth & destroying natural resources that we should be protecting such the ocean, rivers, forests, jungles... yes we are! Not us lil people essentially but the guys from Wall Street who can play there gambling games with stock market deriviatives & then if they lose be bailed out by the so called democratic government (which is completely capitalist!). I personally feel that Mother Nature will rid the Earth of humans before we destroy the planet... everything works as apart of the Darwin theory; survival of the Earth will be as long as we are not here or rid the world of the greedy rich KUNTS! :whip:


Always follow the money, always find the broader goal. The ties of obfuscation are easily undone but it takes time to sift through nonsense and people just don't have any. It also takes intelligence, not a ton of it, but a bit.
The money that fights science with obfuscation comes from somewhere and the people who put forth these arguments have a broader goal.
Money is to be made in the name of Global Warming. Oh wait, liberals are always changing names something after it has worn out its welcome. Pardon me... it is now Climate Control. (six months from now it will be called something "nicer".)

Anyway, when you stop and think about it... do you REALLY believe the people of:

all of South America
African Continent
Soviet Union
North Korea / South Korea
etc., etc.

Are the above mentioned worried about Climate Control/Global Warming? Fuck NO they aren't. And why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO MONEY IN IT WHERE THEY LIVE. Who in this country has become wealthier than he was six years ago because of the "Global Warming" scare? AL fucking GORE!

Seen his mansion lately? I wonder how much it costs to cool that home in the Tennessee hot humid summers? Do you really think he drives a Prius? I wonder how much his electric bill is each month. I wonder if he's concerned about the carbon emissions that spew from the jet engines on his private jet, every time he flies to one of the "Climate Control Conferences." Why should he be, when the president isn't concerned.

It's a farce, ladies and gentlemen. One, big, gigantic, fucking farce!
So because we don't have the fuels now, we shouldn't bother trying to develop cleaner, safer, more efficient alternatives? Why this now or never state of mind?

You know what? Nevermind. I don't know why I'm trying to talk reasonably with someone who thinks Global Warming is a farce.

It is a farce. Obama's excessive green laws and 21 different grades of gas hurt us all when we pay 5 dollars a gallon while the rest of the world pollutes at will!!
Is the President and First Lady concerned with their Carbon Imprint, when they fly separately to the same location? Count the times in the last 3 years they gave used both Air Force 1 & 2 for personal pleasure. Yet, he's the one who suggested to the American people to "turn your thermostat down a little more" in the winter, and put on a sweater to stay comfortable. WTF?

Hourly cost to fly Air Force One a staggering $181,757.00 per hour!

Some are accusing Barack Obama of using Air Force One as his personal toy (shown in photos). ----> http://caveviews.blogs.com/cave_news/2010/11/hourly-cost-to-fly-air-force-one-181757-per-hour.html

Now we know how much it is costing taxpayers for his flights around the world as well as jaunts in Air Force One to New York and other places for a 'date nights' with Michelle.

The average American could buy a nice house for the amount of money it takes to run Air Force One every hour.

The U.S. military has provided an updated estimate on that cost, first published by a taxpayer watchdog group and confirmed by FoxNews.com, and the number is staggering -- $181,757 per hour. That's the price tag for shuttling around President Obama, who, as it turns out, has spent more days abroad in his first two years than any other president.

And... how about Air Force One's carbon imprint?

The Really Big Obama Carbon Footprint
Submitted by may on August 23, 2011 - 12:26am

Barack Obama and the First Family are on vacation with the very rich and famous. Even when he is on vacation, President Obama maintains his status of having apparently the largest carbon usage footprint of any person in history. Obama’s energy consumption just for his travel and that of his family is enormous.

An entourage of 40 large black vehicles transported Obama to buy ice cream and some books. None of these vehicles even remotely approach the 56.2-mile per gallon CAFE standards, which Obama is insisting will be in place in 2025 and forced upon we the people. The gasoline consumption of the Presidential limousine remains confidential.

The 747s used as Air Force One are rated at 5 gallons of jet fuel per mile (60 gallons per minute) by Boeing. The number of airplanes accompanying Obama’s Presidential travel can be in the dozens.

The Obama’s are also wasteful in their travels, with it not unusual for First Lady Michelle Obama to travel in a separate airplane. Mrs. Obama departed for Martha’s Vineyard early so she could have a few extra hours of vacation. It is estimated that her separate early departure cost we the taxpayers an extra $100,000.

First Lady Obama departed early for their Hawaii vacation last December, again at an estimated cost of $100,000. If there exists a reason for the separate travel arrangements, it would be beneficial to the American people for the White House to explain the reasons for the separate travel. Perhaps the separate travel has security implications of which we are not aware?

President Obama repeatedly asks all of us to sacrifice and to do without. Obama is asking those who work the hardest, often not ever taking vacation time for themselves, to give more money to our Federal government to recklessly spend. It is not surprising that President Obama’s approval ratings are going lower. His -24 Presidential Approval Index rating reported on Monday was the lowest Rasmussen has thus far recorded.

President Obama and the Obama First Family travel in great luxury and at significant cost to the American people. I do not recall President Obama or any other member of the Obama Family thanking us for the opportunity of living in the White House, traveling in private Air Force and Marine aircraft, and for us paying their indulgent expenses. This might be something one should not expect from royalty and those who might think that they are royalty.

Are the above mentioned worried about Climate Control/Global Warming? Fuck NO they aren't. And why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO MONEY IN IT WHERE THEY LIVE. Who in this country has become wealthier than he was six years ago because of the "Global Warming" scare? AL fucking GORE!

Seen his mansion lately? I wonder how much it costs to cool that home in the Tennessee hot humid summers? Do you really think he drives a Prius? I wonder how much his electric bill is each month. I wonder if he's concerned about the carbon emissions that spew from the jet engines on his private jet, every time he flies to one of the "Climate Control Conferences." Why should he be, when the president isn't concerned.

It's a farce, ladies and gentlemen. One, big, gigantic, fucking farce!
So, because Obama doesn't gives the right example, because Al Gore do business with Global Warming but in reality, doesn't gives a shit about it, are these reasons for us to do nothing ?!
Do you really need some politicians to do the right thing for you to start being responsible ?
For those people that don't think the world is getting warmer...the world just recently had the hottest 12 month span in recorded human history.
Anyway, when you stop and think about it... do you REALLY believe the people of:

Soviet Union
.... etc., etc.


c'mon sam, would've thought an informed member like yourself would know the ussr is no longer in existence



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Until you can get a jet plane off the ground with these "alternative fuels", it's pointless to even think that the average car owner with his GREEN CAR is going to make a difference with the so called global warming farce.

It is a harder read than Santorums scripture, but there is some evidence in there:

http://www2.icao.int/en/SAAFA/Lists/Summary of Sustainable Alternative Aviation Fue1/ReadOnly.aspx

Consuming only b/s from creatures like Rick Santorum is not the smartest way to go.


My Penis Is Dancing!
You're being more ridiculous than usual. Even if climate change is real, and man-made, and its going to kill all of us, what is the benefit to voluntarily submitting to all the restrictions and costs that come along with "going green," when it wouldn't even begin to scratch the surface of solving the problem without other countries following? Its just vanity, smuggery, and an opportunity for large, corporate capitalists (which I know you love) and Washington lobbyists to cash in, while shaming those citizens that don't fall in line. It has nothing to do with solving the problem. Its odd that you are in the blame America first crowd, yet seem to think that Americans can solve the problem of global climate change all by themselves, they can't.

For someone who talks so much about reason and logic, tell me this: How is forcing Americans to "go green," without the majority of the world following suit, doing anything to actually address the problem?

Clean breathable air, clean drinkable water, a ground without trash, energy not reliant on foreign oil. Yeah, you are right. Count me out.

What do you do when you want to play a game of basketball and there aren't any other people willing to play? Shoot hoops by yourself, knowing that no one else is ever going to show up, and there's never going be a game? Force others to come and play with you? I know how you so adore imperialism and diplomacy at gunpoint.

Ah, an analogy. How nice.
I don't play basketball. I suck at it. I am a short white guy who cannot jump.
However, I do love baseball. A sport that can be played only as a team, right?
No...because I loved baseball as a kid. Give me a tennis ball, a glove and a wall, and I could have hours of fun playing with myself. Go ahead. I left that joke wide open.
Of course, after a while, the kids across the creek saw me having so much fun, and decided to join. So it DID become a team sport.
That is one of the the things about other people - if we are enjoying ourselves with a better life, others tend to join in. I know you like guns...but I have no use for them. If you need a gun to further your cause, you are a nothing, a failure. However, if you can get others to join your cause after proving that it improves your way of life, then that cause will advance naturally. No little bang bangs needed.

And this statement:

...is just completely obtuse. You're a total sensationalist. For someone who claims reason and logic are important, you sure do know how to get away from the point rather quickly.

I am very glad to see you took a throw-away comment of mine so seriously. Please, continue to do so. You will further my cause, and I thank you for that.
Clean breathable air, clean drinkable water, a ground without trash, energy not reliant on foreign oil. Yeah, you are right. Count me out.

Like I said before, pollution does not abide by national boundaries.

A regional example: I live about 30 miles north of the Mexican maquiladora sector, if you're unfamiliar with the term, look it up. FTZs are notorious for pollution and can contribute heavily to other environmental problems as imports and exports are encouraged, and environmental concerns are not a priority, to say the least. Even if every person in my state, and all states contiguous, drove a hybrid car, used solar panels, recycled, etc... my region would still not have clean breathable air or clean drinkable water, not to mention an ocean without pollutants and constant beach closures. There would still be noticeable pollution, hazy air filled with manufacturing particulates and the air quality would still be terrible.

Let me ask you... Have you ever drank Coca-Cola? Have you ever consumed any products made by Nabisco? Have you ever owned any BRAVIA, Hyundai, Sony, Vizio, Dell, Samsung, Kodak, Panasonic, GE, Microsoft, Cemex, Philips, Pioneer, Siemens or Sanyo products? Ever ridden in a BMW, Jaguar, Toyota, Ford or Volkswagen? All of these companies have manufacturing and distribution plants no more than 45 minutes from where I live. If you're neither refusing to use, nor outright protesting all of these companies and all of their products on a daily basis, you've been partially responsible for the poisoning of MY air and MY drinking water and MY oceans.

Ah, an analogy. How nice... I do love baseball. A sport that can be played only as a team, right? No...because I loved baseball as a kid. Give me a tennis ball, a glove and a wall, and I could have hours of fun playing with myself... Of course, after a while, the kids across the creek saw me having so much fun, and decided to join. So it DID become a team sport. That is one of the the things about other people - if we are enjoying ourselves with a better life, others tend to join in.

Well, it looks like we, as a country, on this issue, are going to be throwing that ball against the wall all by ourselves for the foreseeable future.

I know you like guns...but I have no use for them. If you need a gun to further your cause, you are a nothing, a failure. However, if you can get others to join your cause after proving that it improves your way of life, then that cause will advance naturally. No little bang bangs needed.

Oh, I like guns, now? I've never even held a gun in my entire life, let alone owned one or threatened use of one to "further my cause." My point was that shaming, or forcing people into a state of compliance creates dissidence and weakens your position and legitimacy. But, I guess that's a typical tactic on your part, to skirt the point of the comment, and snidely remark on something irrelevant.

What if people just don't care? What if they would have rather lived their lives doing what they so chose instead of worrying about the environment? Let's say that all this man-made Co2 is depleting the ozone, melting the icecaps, and all life on this planet will be gone in a few hundred years... so what? Why should I care? Don't answer that. Its rhetorical. I don't care... at all.

I am very glad to see you took a throw-away comment of mine so seriously. Please, continue to do so. You will further my cause, and I thank you for that.

Why make a "throw-away comment" when the rest of your post is so serious in tone? And why make such an overreaching comment that is a clear attempt to emotionally, and sensationally detract from the point of the discussion?

And speaking of "your cause," what exactly is it? I mean, you have John Lennon tossing up a peace sign in your avatar, and you spout all this hippy-dippy peace and love stuff all over the place, but aside from standing on a soapbox in an internet forum, and ridiculing those who think differently than you do, what do you actually do to combat these issues that you claim to care so fervently about? Do you drive an electric car? Do you always take public transportation? Do you have solar panels installed on your home? Do you refuse to buy products from companies that are known gross polluters?

I understand that you think you're better than most people because you act like you care, and you act like you're fighting this grand crusade of awareness and enlightenment, but in reality, what is it that you actually do that actually has made a difference?
How many times do the Greenies in here need to be told.... Climate Change / Global Warming is a fucking Hoax! And anyone who tries to say otherwise is an arrogant asshole.

Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old.

Wouldn't you think that in all those years (long before man ever arrived) that there were Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Hurricanes, Forest Fires (no fire fighters back then to rush to the scene and put them out), Droughts, Steady Rains, Wind Storms, Blizzards, etc, etc.?

Yet all of a sudden, Californians are told what days they can and cannot turn on their grill to do some BBQ'ing because "we don't want to disrupt mother nature." WTF?

In Layman's Terms.... this video says it best...
