how to talk to females

What you really need is an adorable pet that you can exploit.

my mother says i am adorable

so today i was out shopping and i saw the most beautiful lady at the store, and i really wanted to go up to her and compliment her on her jewelry, but i didnt because there were so many people in the isles over and i didnt want to be embarrassed if she shot me down

all i need is more confidence
my mother says i am adorable

so today i was out shopping and i saw the most beautiful lady at the store, and i really wanted to go up to her and compliment her on her jewelry, but i didnt because there were so many people in the isles over and i didnt want to be embarrassed if she shot me down

all i need is more confidence

:dunno: So if you don't get a chance with her for fear of being shot down and you actually go up to her and are shot down..isn't the sum of both choices the same? In this case, what would you have to lose by going up to her?

The fucking people in the store don't know you...fuck 'em. The biggest reason why people fear rejection is because they don't know what to say once they face that circumstance.

Therefore, before you approach a woman in this situation...have 2, prepared thoughts in your mind ahead of time. What you're going to say after she reciprocates with interest AND what you will say if you're rejected.

If you do, rejection, embarrassment, etc. will be less of a concern IMO.
:dunno: So if you don't get a chance with her for fear of being shot down and you actually go up to her and are shot down..isn't the sum of both choices the same? In this case, what would you have to lose by going up to her?

The fucking people in the store don't know you...fuck 'em. The biggest reason why people fear rejection is because they don't know what to say once they face that circumstance.

Therefore, before you approach a woman in this situation...have 2, prepared thoughts in your mind ahead of time. What you're going to say after she reciprocates with interest AND what you will say if you're rejected.

If you do, rejection, embarrassment, etc. will be less of a concern IMO.

what do suggest i say if i get rejected?

should i apologize? or just walk away without saying anything?
what do suggest i say if i get rejected?

should i apologize? or just walk away without saying anything?

An apology could be one thing depending on the response...Never just walk away unless the chick gets to be an utter bitch about it.

I would always say if you get rejected have some reason to make her believe your approach was sincere in the first place.

Again it depends on the situation but it would help to notice something very specific about her for being the reason for your approach if you get rejected (or even if you get a good response).

The whole point is if you're rejected not to take it personal and approach the situation like it's your world and if you're rejected ...she just probably has a thing that makes her being able to entertain your offer untenable.:2 cents:
An apology could be one thing depending on the response...Never just walk away unless the chick gets to be an utter bitch about it.

I would always say if you get rejected have some reason to make her believe your approach was sincere in the first place.

Again it depends on the situation but it would help to notice something very specific about her for being the reason for your approach if you get rejected (or even if you get a good response).

The whole point is if you're rejected not to take it personal and approach the situation like it's your world and if you're rejected ...she just probably has a thing that makes her being able to entertain your offer untenable.:2 cents:

thanks for the good advice

should i just walk up and say what i want to say? or should i make her notice that i am talking to her by saying, excuse me miss or maybe get her attention by looking into her eyes


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
should i just walk up and say what i want to say?


i don't get why you go out of your way to compliment her jewelry though. i really think you are overthinking this whole situation she's just a girl not a fire breathing dinosaur, chances are you'll walk away from the encounter alive.

i don't get why you go out of your way to compliment her jewelry though. i really think you are overthinking this whole situation she's just a girl not a fire breathing dinosaur, chances are you'll walk away from the encounter alive.

so... are you saying complimenting women on jewelry is a bad idea?

if yes, what should i compliment a woman on?


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so... are you saying complimenting women on jewelry is a bad idea?

if yes, what should i compliment a woman on?
Her tits.

But seriously, randomly walking up to her and only complimenting her on something is too awkward, unless you know how to follow up on it. You need to come up with a fake reason for approaching her, even if you have to lie. Say something like "nice jewelry, where did you get it? because I'm thinking of getting some jewelry for my sister on her birthday" or some shit like that. I've never actually used that appraoch but I can see it working. Doesn't really matter what the reason for approaching her is, just as long as you know how to follow up on it and lead into a long conversation. Although a woman with nice jewelry might be a bit materialistic, so you would need to be rolling in dough or be handsome. Approach a woman who seems down to earth and is as shy as you are.

More importantly, if she rejects you then don't act ashamed and back off or get defensive. No need to overly apologize either. Just say "boy, I feel like a fool, I just didn't know how to approach you and I don't usually do this but you seem nice-whatever I'll go now".

7/10 times she will find you cute and amusing and apologize for being rude and want to talk to you more. The other 3/10 times she's a bitch. Saying what you're thinking is oftentimes the best thing to do. Also remember that we are all insecure and you just need to gather up some confidence and say "fuck it". Ignore all those thoughts in your head that dwell on your shortcomings and make you think you're not good enough.

Wall of text ^^^


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
the best way to talk to females is preferablly with your mouth. But if there are other orafices you can project verbal commuinication from I am open minded to new ideas.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
First: Don't risk your job, so any controversial issues should be left out, these punk-ass 'Let's fuck' advice responds are just jokes ^^

I can say: Be polite and nice, be yourself.

Compliment her, and ask her if she would meet you for a cup of coffee or glass of wine, that is a good way to pass her the ball so she can either think, yes, I would like to have some extra time with this guy or, well, no he is not my type.

Just accept that it is okay if a woman does not go for you, there are plenty around who will surely like to do so.

Just make sure you keep yourself well-groomed, look nice, smell nice, hair, nails, shoes, clothes all fresh and clean that is a huge plus :2 cents:
today i served this really beautiful girl at work, and i wanted to make more than small talk with her, but for whatever reason i just couldn't
Just ask her, 'whats the best deal she's ever had on a pair of shoes'. The you can sit back and chill for an hour while she recounts each of her shoe buying experiences until she concludes with her 'best ever buy'. She'll think she's had a great conversation with you, and you can ask her for a date :) or to see her tits


Official Checked Star Member
What you really need is an adorable pet that you can exploit.

That works most of the time. I'm a sucker for a cute puppy.

Anyway, so about two weeks ago I made a quick run to the grocery store. I was wearing a brown sweaterdress, some brown cut-out leggings (as in, they weren't solid, you could see parts of my legs through the pattern) and some brown boots. I'm in the produce section getting bananas and a cucumber (mind out of the gutter, pervs) and see a dude grab his cell out of his pocket, walk by me and say really loudly "Hey, Mike, you'd love to see what I'm lookin at right now. My gawd, so hot." Dude wasn't speaking to me, but about me. To someone else. (Supposedly.) I just ignored him, and went on with my business.

Dude followed me around the store, and finally stopped me as I was about to leave. "I'm sorry miss, but I just had to compliment your outfit. That is the hottest thing I have ever seen. Sorry to bother you, but I just had to compliment it." So I say "Thanks," and he walks away. Didn't try to have a conversation, just said what he wanted to say and walked away.

I have laughed about it, but in all honesty if he hadn't pulled that stunt with the fake phone call, I probably would have said something to him sooner. Just be real, be genuine. Sometimes the approach will be well-recieved, sometimes it will just be brushed off. Be prepared for both options. :)