*2020 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Find the skit on youtube. That would be awesome. (y)

Sydney Powell. Another loser ...

View attachment 835896
This shit show is stranger than fiction. There is an audience for it or they'd cancel the program.
  • Early 80s Bono: And it's true we are immune, when fact is fiction and TV reality

Trump's Legal Lackey is huuuuuge. Did he grab her by the ... whatever is down there.
I've been watching the little spat between powell and carson unfolding over the last 12 hours or so. Seems like the lemmings are ditching carlson and sticking with powell.

Being a republican must be like living in bizarro world. If someone like Maddow or Hayes got caught out in a big lie they would lose a lot of viewers, but if a big name on fox gets caught out in a big truth they lose theirs.

tucker carlson abandons trump's election fraud case on air

sidney powell returns fire after tucker carlson's tantrum last night


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I've been watching the little spat between powell and carson unfolding over the last 12 hours or so. Seems like the lemmings are ditching carlson and sticking with powell.

Being a republican must be like living in bizarro world. If someone like Maddow or Hayes got caught out in a big lie they would lose a lot of viewers, but if a big name on fox gets caught out in a big truth they lose theirs.

tucker carlson abandons trump's election fraud case on air
Definitely bizarro world is the proper phrase.

I do like Brian Tyler Cohen's comments about this. (y)

Here is Stephen Colbert...

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FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Stupid is what stupid does.

How do events happening in Minnesota? Precisely how does Minnesota law affect outcomes in Michigan court rooms?

With Q - aka Sydney :facepalm:

The best story was the Hugo Chavez scheme.


Lawyers for the Trump campaign not in Washington and the outbreak of Covid-19?? - Rudy Giuliani is Patient Zero! Sydney Powell is Patient One!

See how much he's sweating, spitting, and drooling on that podium during his press conferences? That's why Sydney Powell took over. She's spraying it too.

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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Stupid is what stupid does.

How do events happening in Minnesota? Precisely how does Minnesota law affect outcomes in Michigan court rooms?

With Q - aka Sydney :facepalm:

The best story was the Hugo Chavez scheme.


Lawyers for the Trump campaign not in Washington and the outbreak of Covid-19?? - Rudy Giuliani is Patient Zero! Sydney Powell is Patient One!

See how much he's sweating, spitting, and drooling on that podium during his press conferences? That's why Sydney Powell took over. She's spraying it too.

Great post.

It shows you how inane Trump's arguments have become. No legitimate lawyer will take the cases. A boss once reminded me to ask myself if I'd be comfortable making the argument at a cocktail party. If not, it was a no-go. These guys are laughing stocks at this point.

Another Legal Lackey - Jenna Ellis (nice hips and boobs by the way).

2016 Jenna: Trump is an 'idiot' who wants to 'destroy American democracy'
Now: 'he's the best president in modern history'

2016 Jenna: Trump is an 'idiot' who wants to 'destroy American democracy'
Now: 'he's the best president in modern history'

Seems like the major pre-requisite to being a member of today's republican party is having no principles or spine whatsoever.
At least now we have proof of life after death. Hugo has been gone what now, 7 years and still spreading socialism everywhere.

As an aside, that Jenna Ellis(Evangelical Christian by her own admission) is one hot babe in the spirit of Kayleigh. Stunning and slippery as a wet snake. I saw her on Bill Maher and almost fell off the chair. I knew she was spewing bullshit and still couldn't stop watching her. My oh My.
Is this the end of tucker? I don't have any actual statistics, but I often take the temp of the trump crowd by skimming the comments of right wing youtube vids I watch, and a lot of the comments are tucker is out because he doubted the gospel of sidney.

Sorry tucker, guess that tilt for the 24 nomination just turned to fake news! They found someone willing to go further than you!


(Sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I know this is the 3rd time I've posted this pic. I just can't help myself. I can't even promise that this is the last time....)


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Hehe about Tucker Carlson. Good picture though. (y)

I guess Tucker will have to become a Democrat once again. He was registered as one during his time in Washington, DC.

Wouldn't that be a kick in head? No just kidding.

He'll be back on top once this Loser is out of the White House.


But seriously, maybe this Gospel of Sydney? Is like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and David Koresh combined into one theology.

So she came out of the closet - as Q - I guess her law practice will soon be suffering because of the "soon to be" guilty verdict of Michael Flynn. She couldn't get him out of Judge Emmett Sullivan's court and then she next claimed "prosecutorial misconduct." in the Flynn case. That didn't work either. Maybe it's her? And her lack of adequate legal skills.

For pretty much her whole legal career, she has been representing losers. Starting with Enron executives, Arthur Anderson executives, General Michael Flynn and now President Trump.

She's whacked out of her mind.

Blaming Hugo Chavez, Venezuela, Cuba, China, the Clinton Foundation, George Soros, et al.

Bringing in Minnesota law into a Michigan courtroom. "Stupid is what stupid does."

Dominion Voting Systems machines, and software flipping ballots?

See the reference to her lack of adequate legal skills. Once again.

Go back into the closet lady and lock the door behind you.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Since our conservative friends are silent, I thought I'd stand in:
“Come on Tucker Carlson you’re still not being genuine. Sidney Powell is slaying dragons with her small team and you sit on high and pontificate,” Flynn tweeted Friday.

Powell told Fox Business on Friday morning that it would not be long before the proof was made public, however. In fact, proof could come “within the next two weeks,” the lawyer claimed.

It seems the proof for fraud will arriving about the same time as Trump's healthcare plan.


Ahole Trump tries to drum out GOP election officials who won’t play his games
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's family has received threats and he expects a primary challenge in 2022.

I've said countless times, ahole Trump used the republican party to get elected, to corrupt the government and infest it with mafia stooges, and divide America.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The beat goes on: https://thehill.com/regulation/cour...misses-trump-campaign-lawsuit-in-pennsylvania

U.S. Middle District Judge Matthew Brann ruled that the campaign presented “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations" that were "unsupported by evidence. In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more."

Trump is literally losing everywhere.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Ahole Trump tries to drum out GOP election officials who won’t play his games
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's family has received threats and he expects a primary challenge in 2022.

I've said countless times, ahole Trump used the republican party to get elected, to corrupt the government and infest it with mafia stooges, and divide America.
In other words, "Drain the Swamp" ... the only thing now is that there's alligators in those waters ...


The beat goes on: https://thehill.com/regulation/cour...misses-trump-campaign-lawsuit-in-pennsylvania

U.S. Middle District Judge Matthew Brann ruled that the campaign presented “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations" that were "unsupported by evidence. In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more."

Trump is literally losing everywhere.

.... The courts, the people, and democracy are biting back!


The Nation is dependent on the principles of democracy. Something the President and his campaign are in the midst of trying to undermine.

- Will he ever concede? No. Never. He's a sore Loser and a Big Baby!

Lest we not forget this ....

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“Come on Tucker Carlson you’re still not being genuine. Sidney Powell is slaying dragons with her small team and you sit on high and pontificate,” Flynn tweeted Friday.

Does anyone, anywhere have any example of a "dragon" she has slain in relation to this attempted coup? There's a reason Seth Meyers has dubbed this team the kooky cuckoo coup crew. They're a laughing stock, and until this proof magically appears, they are no threat.

I've said countless times, ahole Trump used the republican party to get elected, to corrupt the government and infest it with mafia stooges, and divide America.

It can't be denied that the republican party now belongs to trump. Most of them were fine with it, those that weren't have left and are doing other things. It's probably ok to stop making a distinction between "republicans" and "trump supporters," at least when talking about the current republican party. They both mean the same thing now.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
“Come on Tucker Carlson you’re still not being genuine. Sidney Powell is slaying dragons with her small team and you sit on high and pontificate,” Flynn tweeted Friday.

Sydney Powell is no Matthew McConaughey Reign of Fire (2002) - No dragon slayer! -- She loses more cases than she wins. The example being that she was the main defense attorney for those Enron and Arthur Anderson executives years back. And Mr. Flynn (he should stay silent) because he will soon be another convicted felon. Yet another losing case for the Law Offices of Sydney Powell, Esquire. -- To go along with the soon to be exhausted Trump campaign one!
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Remember friends and neighbors, this is a war. Not a shooting war yet, but a war for control of not only the Trump Cult but the United States of America. As Old Tom Jefferson said" Eternal vigilance is the price of Freedom". And this is certainly one of Those Times that Tries Men's Souls".

https://pacificlegal.org/eternal-vigilance-the-price-of-freedom/#:~:text=The notion of “eternal vigilance,freedom, it's an apt attribution.

https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3b06889/#:~:text=The American Crisis.-,by the author of Common Sense [Thomas Paine] "These,1776.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Remember friends and neighbors, this is a war. Not a shooting war yet, but a war for control of not only the Trump Cult but the United States of America. As Old Tom Jefferson said" Eternal vigilance is the price of Freedom". And this is certainly one of Those Times that Tries Men's Souls".

https://pacificlegal.org/eternal-vigilance-the-price-of-freedom/#:~:text=The notion of “eternal vigilance,freedom, it's an apt attribution.

https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3b06889/#:~:text=The American Crisis.-,by the author of Common Sense [Thomas Paine] "These,1776.
TJ: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Hold on, things will be getting biblical: https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/...nion/2020/11/21/id/998181/?utm_source=thehill

"We've got tons of evidence; it's so much, it's hard to pull it all together ... Hopefully this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical ... It's a massive project to pull this fraud claim together with the evidence that I want to put in ... You name the manner of fraud and it occurred in Georgia."


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I'm finding out if an editorial illustration from a cartoonist who works for a newspaper is allowed. I've never seen editorial illustrations posted here.
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