Ass Masters 9

Released at: May 25, 2011 by Evolution Erotica
Grab your pad and pencil and plenty of lube because school is now in session! The ass masters are here! Misty Stone is taking a private lesson from they master. Join Misty and her friends as the receive expert instruction that captivates their interest and given them so much satisfaction for their accomplishment.

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Scene1: 00:01:42 - 00:30:01 (28:19)

Scene2: 00:30:02 - 01:00:35 (30:33)

Scene3: 01:00:35 - 01:26:46 (26:11)

Scene4: 01:26:47 - 01:53:54 (27:07)

Scene5: 01:53:54 - 02:19:18 (25:24)