Shemale For Sale

Uitgebracht om: 17 januari 2008 bij Bacchus
Shemale hookers sure know how to satisfy their johns. So don't just sit there wondering; go ahead and buy a sexy tranny and see for yourself. She'll do it all...suck dick, let you fuck her ass, and if you're in the can flip roles. The best of all possible worlds awaits you!

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Scene1: 00:00:14 - 00:23:23 (23:09)

Scene2: 00:23:25 - 00:51:49 (28:24)

Scene3: 00:51:52 - 01:13:31 (21:39)

Scene4: 01:13:34 - 01:34:09 (20:35)

Scene5: 01:34:20 - 02:00:58 (26:38)