
Midget Goes To Hollywood

Uitgebracht om: 4 juni 2001 bij FilmCo
Bridget the Midget's latest picture takes up to Hollywood where she pounds the pavement and pounds every Hollywood producer on the blvd. Cumming to town on a Greyhound, where she searches for her hopes and dreams, and finally dives head first into the world of x-rated videos. Filmco--who brought you Mighty Midget and Midget, P.I offers you this latest feature shot on location in Hollywood, CA. Bridget is looking as beautiful as ever and is definitely ready for her close up.

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Scene1: 00:00:01 - 00:16:00 (15:59)

Scene2: 00:16:01 - 00:36:41 (20:40)

Scene3: 00:36:41 - 00:57:34 (20:53)

Scene4: 00:57:35 - 01:12:00 (14:25)