College Classics No. 5

Uitgebracht om: 25 oktober 2019 bij California Star Productions
Mrs. Warboise has been having some difficulty in dealing with 2 mischievous students at St. Gelda's School for Girls. The Chancellor recommends a return to good, old-fashioned methods of discipline. Mrs. Warboise rather likes the idea. Tearful young girls bent across her knees, tender young bottoms bared to the stinging slap of Mrs. Warboise's hand, and then her shoe. The tears however, are not those of repentance but anger. It seems like a follow-up session with the Chancellor is in order. For the occasion he has retrieved his shiny black leather paddle and a limber cane.

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Scene1: 00:00:56 - 00:13:37 (12:41)

Scene2: 00:13:39 - 00:19:20 (5:41)

Scene3: 00:19:23 - 00:36:27 (17:04)

Scene4: 00:36:41 - 00:49:02 (12:21)