Coma-Tied 2

Uitgebracht om: 29 september 2018 bij California Star Productions
At Emergency Hospital Dr. Van Heflin and his staff have good news and bad news regarding thier lovely patient, Patti Anderson. The good news is she has just come out of her coma. The bad news is, she's in a state of hysteria and is in need of further treatment to stabilize her condition. Unfortunately, it means more bondage for poor sweet Patti. But this time the bondage nightmare is real!

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Scene1: 00:00:34 - 00:14:30 (13:56)

Scene2: 00:14:32 - 00:37:43 (23:11)

Scene3: 00:37:44 - 00:45:07 (7:23)

Scene4: 00:45:08 - 00:49:28 (4:20)