My Shemale Ass Is Waiting 2

Rilasciato a: 31 maggio 2012 per Universal Trannies
These shemale asses are waiting and they need a royal screwing. They're all puckered up and tight with anticipating for your cock! They're stroking their fat penis with excitement as they await you to penetrate deep inside them and stimulate them in ways they've only dreamt of in dirty magazines! Whip out your "papi stick" and go to town!

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Scena1: 00:00:01 - 00:21:16 (21:15)

Scena2: 00:21:17 - 00:41:09 (19:52)

Scena3: 00:41:10 - 01:08:18 (27:08)

Scena4: 01:08:19 - 01:33:34 (25:15)

Scena5: 01:33:35 - 01:53:03 (19:28)