à propos de Zoya Malyuk

Zoya Malyuk is une centerfold from United States. She is listed on FreeOnes since February 8th 2008 and is currently ranked #28544. She currently has 1 gallery links in her own FreeOnes section. Our records show that Zoya Malyuk is currently active which means she is still making movies, doing live shows and/or doing photo shoots.


20 ans

in the business


Renseignements personnels

  • Nom: Zoya Malyuk
  • Alias: Zoya Maluk
  • Site officiel: Inconnu
  • Danseuse vedette: Non
  • Date de naissance: Mai 29, 1984
  • Âge: 40
  • Orientation sexuelle: Inconnu
  • Signe astrologique: Gemini (Mai 22 - Juin 21)
  • Profession: pli central
  • statut de carrière: Active
  • Début de carrière: 2004
  • Fin de carrière: Inconnu
  • Date de décès: N / A
  • Lieu de naissance: Glendale Heights, IL - Illinois, United States
  • Nationalité: Inconnu


Passer à Impérial (po, lb, etc.)
  • Ethnicité: Caucasian
  • Seins: Natural
  • Bousiller: 86
  • tasse: C
  • Bien: 34C
  • Taille: 60 cm
  • hanche: 86 cm
  • Bout: Unknown
  • la taille: 154 cm
  • Poids: 41 kg
  • Couleur de cheveux: Red
  • Couleur des yeux: Brown
  • Piercings: Non
  • Emplacements de perçage: Inconnu
  • Tatouages: Non
  • Emplacements de tatouage: Inconnu
  • Pointure: 36 eu

Information additionnelle

She is the Playboy Cyber Girl of the week for October 13 2003 and of the month for February 2004. Describe yourself in 10 words: Cute, funny, friendly, loyal, easygoing, pretty, serious (sometimes), nice and foreign. Describe a typical day: I don't have any schedules in my life, so my day depends on how I feel -- and I feel different every day. Special skills: Tango dancing and gun shooting. An adrenaline rush you haven't had yet: If I had more time (and was more brave) I would skydive. Turnoffs: Rude, disrespectful men, liars and people who play head games. Turn-ons: A caring man with a friendly attitude who appreciates a woman's appearance.


Classement global actuel de Zoya Malyuk: 28544

Dernières galeries de photos Zoya Malyuk