à propos de Haley Hunter

Haley Hunter is une porn star from Mexico. She is listed on FreeOnes since July 7th 2004 and is currently ranked #10884. She currently has 3 gallery links and 46 videos in her own FreeOnes section. Our records show that Haley Hunter passed away on August 21st 2007.


5 ans

in the business


Renseignements personnels


Passer à Impérial (po, lb, etc.)

Information additionnelle

  • Haley Hunter aka Haley Paige passed away on August 21, 2007. Read more here.
  • The circumstances of her death are considered suspicious, and her then husband Chico "Wanker" Wang is implicated in her death.
  • Traces of methadone were found in the toxicology report.
  • The coroner stated that she had no track marks to indicate a heroin overdose, though he added it was possible to overdose by smoking heroin.

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