the feminist rape culture warriors deliberately ignore women rapists and pedophiles
The fellow (from Pennsylvania?) who introduced a Louisville slugger to a female teacher's head, after she molested his son and some soft-hearted judge turned a blind eye... I won't say that violent revenge is the
right answer. But I will say this: she won't do that again. That much I can guarantee. Just a shame that he had to pull time for doing what he did.
Fucked up people, who use positions of authority to take advantage of kids (female
or male) for their own depraved sexual desires, are pieces of shit. People can spin it any way they want, make up whatever rationalizations they want. The bottom line is, in order to have a semi-functioning society going forward, we need young people in school to learn... not to learn to satisfy the sexual desires of adults. The fact that some adolescents mature at different ages than others doesn't mean a thing. We can't give standardized tests to determine who has what mental or emotional age. Are the ages within the various state or national laws somewhat arbitrary? Yes. But I'm of the belief that there is no harm done if a law says that you have to keep your hands off of 15 year old girl
or boy. And the fact that [NOBABE]the kid[/NOBABE] might want to enter into this sordid relationship means nothing either. One rule that applies to every adolescent is this: they're
all dumbasses. When you're 13-16, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground... you just
think that you do.