Women That Only You Find Attractive


It's good to be the king...
Alysson Hannigan (from Buffy and American Pie).

I think a considerable lot of folks finds Alyson Hannigan attractive, but I digress...

67-year old Cook and TV presenter Delia Smith OBE just popped in my head.

I'm watching the East Anglian Socc..ahem FOOTBALL derby on TV, and a pic of Delia celebrating the Norwich goal just appeared (she has shares in Norwich City Football Club).

And for some reason I can't get the image of Delia Smith moaning "Let's be having you" out of my head...:D


Terry Sleeper

Closed Account
As the late, great Peter Cook (in "Derek & Clive" mode) said:

"I've only seen her in the House of Commons, but in the flesh I bet that Maggie Thatcher must be fuckin' testin'. I think it's the way she duz 'er 'air".
Jodi Lyn O'Keefe.

I seem to be the only one I know that likes this lovely lady. I have never heard anyone else mention her name, online or offline. Shame on you all. Jodi is sex on legs.
I love Jodi! She has such beautiful eyes! I am a long time fan. I think she is about the only good thing in that crappy Halloween H2O.

It's nice to see someone else appreciate beauty :nanner:
I also think Rachel Ray is hot. I bet a lot of people find her hot too. I don't know if there are really any famous women that I think are hot that most guys don't.

and i thought i was the only one who is turned on by Rachel :thumbsup:


You must have been watching It's Me Or The Dog the same time I was.I've always though that she was pretty damn hot,and the English accent only helps

Cool ! She has a general discussion forum (see link) :lovecoupl lol !