Why do Men Cheat

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 6599735, member: 579739"]"You're giving cheaters too much credit. People cheat because they're dirty disgusting sluts, and there's nothing more to it."

Most of my clients are married men. I think this sums it up. I don't view this as a bad thing. When I'm with a woman or man who I know is cheating, it turns me on.
Ummm... did you not read my previous post?

I was neither agreeing nor disagreeing with any of your post, but rather being a bit silly and playing into your note on "I was thinking you, or someone else, might respond saying something like..."

My observations and feelings are what they are.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 6599792, member: 579739"]I'm confused :(

But that's ok.
So long as we're having fun.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I've always had a fear of being alone. It stems from being such an ugly child and in my early teen years. No one liked me, everyone picked on me, I was depressed as all hell. I've changed a lot through the years and grown into a better woman, but that part of my life will always be with me.

I have no problem being honest. I'm willing to admit my mistakes without being too ashamed of them.

Thanks for being agreeable! I was thinking you, or someone else, might respond saying something like, "You're giving cheaters too much credit. People cheat because they're dirty disgusting sluts, and there's nothing more to it."

Not at all. I really appreciated your candor and honesty... something that's usually in very short supply around here.

I know what it's like to be depressed too. Mine came many years ago, upon (finally) realizing that all I had in my life were the trappings of success. That's why when people say that if they just had this amount of money or that amount of money, they'd be happy, I can tell them, from firsthand experience, that they're completely full of shit. Living with a wild lion might sound like a cool idea too... until you wake up to him eating your leg.

When we become someone that (even) we no longer like, that is depressing. But if we work to change, it's also a good first step to healing and becoming a better person, IMO. Sounds like you learned that much earlier in life than I did, so :hatsoff: to you. Some people find their death beds and never learn that lesson.

I am not a saint now by any stretch. But I'm also a far cry from the money grubbing, soulless monster that I used to be. Hell, the 1990 version of me would have made the ideal poster boy for the 2012 GOP. :cthulhu: :rolleyes: :facepalm: :D


Closed Account
I've always had a fear of being alone. It stems from being such an ugly child and in my early teen years. No one liked me, everyone picked on me, I was depressed as all hell. I've changed a lot through the years and grown into a better woman, but that part of my life will always be with me.

I have no problem being honest. I'm willing to admit my mistakes without being too ashamed of them.

Thanks for being agreeable! I was thinking you, or someone else, might respond saying something like, "You're giving cheaters too much credit. People cheat because they're dirty disgusting sluts, and there's nothing more to it."

Omg this girl is awesome. Simply awesome. I'm just completely shocked. Like whoa big time...
I've been with my girl for over a year now but I've been seeing this other girl on the side for some time now. I fucked her so I guess I'm a cheater then. Oh well.
Wife and I have moved into an open marriage, it benefits both of us. She has an insatiable sex drive so it allows her to fulfill it. I get to meet new women and have fun as well.
To us, there is no cheating. This would not work for most, you have to have a seriously strong marriage to make it work.

Before I met my wife, I never had the chance to cheat, I rarely dated a girl more than a few weeks before getting bored and moving on.

My wife actually brought up the idea of an open marriage. I had no issues with it at all, and did not feel unwanted.

I have always thought the following:
Sex and love are two entirely different things, they can mix, but are never the same thing.

To me, when I am with another woman, its about the moment, the fun, the smells, the feeling,etc. There is zero love there. Even the women I have seen for over a year know its just pure sex, there will never be anything more than that. Do I care for them as people and friends? Yes, but there is zero emotion beyond that.

My wife usually has a closer friendship with guys she has sex with. I don't need that.
Girls i love you and it breaks my hurt to do this, but come on: post an "I'm better than men" if you have never ever cheated on your partner in your life. And yeah cheating on one that you have decided to leave one week later counts for cheating.
It's funny how we fought throughout all the 60's and 70's to gain the right to cheat and now that we do have it, we are ashame to say that we cheat like men, like it has always been. Some cheat, some don't and gender has really nothing to do with it.

World population is
49.65% female
50.35% male

If you want to believe that men cheat on their partners only with single women, go ahead, but chances are that for a man cheating there is a woman cheating. Oh, and if it was like you say, then we should be ashame to lead the stats for ruining families (single woman fucking a married man, eventually with kids).

I thought the world's population was about 52% women and 48% men?
Not at all. I really appreciated your candor and honesty... something that's usually in very short supply around here.

I know what it's like to be depressed too. Mine came many years ago, upon (finally) realizing that all I had in my life were the trappings of success. That's why when people say that if they just had this amount of money or that amount of money, they'd be happy, I can tell them, from firsthand experience, that they're completely full of shit. Living with a wild lion might sound like a cool idea too... until you wake up to him eating your leg.

When we become someone that (even) we no longer like, that is depressing. But if we work to change, it's also a good first step to healing and becoming a better person, IMO. Sounds like you learned that much earlier in life than I did, so :hatsoff: to you. Some people find their death beds and never learn that lesson.

I am not a saint now by any stretch. But I'm also a far cry from the money grubbing, soulless monster that I used to be. Hell, the 1990 version of me would have made the ideal poster boy for the 2012 GOP. :cthulhu: :rolleyes: :facepalm: :D

Sorry, but the 2012 GOP can't do poster boys with real people. Maybe a couple characters from The Transformers.
I used to think that cheating wasn't good. But I met a woman who was trapped in a relationship, and partially because she was in a relationship, she was somewhat isolated from other people, different perspectives and different considerations. We had a great time together and when we had sex, I felt that I was making her happy. I don't know whether someone will stay in their relationship or not, and I'm not pushing for anything to go in any particular direction. Sex is not everything in a relationship, but it also isn't the only thing.
Rules are good for guidance. Principles are good in principle, but reality really takes more. A relationship is not one person doing all the giving or taking. I would never buy from a store that only expected to me to give them money, and they didn't have to give me products, service, or anything else. Why should I do that in my personal life? The rules or principles are good to guide us, but being in a bad relationship, or a dead-end relationship or even a good relationship that doesn't fulfill you can wreck your life for years.
Cheating is a word with a lot of negative connotations. But consider, if you like football and your partner doesn't, would you give it up because of them? Probably not. But would you consider it cheating if you watched games when they weren't in the room? Would you consider it cheating if you went to games without them? It's probably rude to watch the games incessantly while they are sitting there, but it's like fucking someone while your partner sits and watches.
I guess cheating is probably closer to your having sex when you already know your partner would love to either be having sex with you, and you're doing something they would enjoy, but without them. If they don't care, don't like it, can't do it, but other parts of the relationship are fine, than I don't know whether I would categorize it as "cheating."
I'll be honest. I've cheated and I've been cheated on. I suppose anyone who has cheated on their wife, husband, bf, or gf, had a reason for doing so.



Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I think men cheat for many reasons and with that being said can be for very different reasons.
I myself feel if your going to commit then it applies to every aspect of your relationship. Not being happy sexually
means your not sharing with your partner everything and what gets you off. Communication is everything.
I think people that have been together for years change but if they dont change together they grow apart and
that even means more so sexually. How sad is it when people just stay together and both regret it.
These men that say they love there wives but cheat are really not happy. Bottom line your relationship can change and
because your with that person you generally can love them and care for them..but wanting to fuck each other is no longer there
and then this is no different then the love for your sister or brother at this point. I think men that cheat and are not fucking there wives
need to man up divorce there partners and move on. The same applies to women to. There are a lot of women unsatisfied that
cheat as well...