White Americans no longer a majority by 2042


When "far left" comes to mind, I think of : the welfare state - a govt. dependent populous, historical revisionism, the abolition of private property rights, dependence, the overall degradation of society at large, homelessness, dependence, dirty streets, the forfeiture of personal choice, eugenics programs, dependence, mass unemployment, extreme toleration of decadent, outlandish, irresponsible - foolish behavior and dependence.

When I hear "far leftist", I think of a modern day revolutionary, one who identifies with the usurpation of the rule(s) of law, one who, in their own private circles, praise the "worst" (or best, depending on your frame of mind :rolleyes:) most murderous tyrants this world has known !

The reality is, they offer little more than their mere body weight toward any "discipline" or protest etc. with which they're dispatched.

"Never underestimate the power of (I'll be nice) . . "ignorant" people in large numbers", as they say.
That said, it's no wonder why the "far leftists" champion the current, out of control immigration non - policy, currently in place. Oh, sure, their dispatchers will train them to spout all of this "racism" crap. It's totally unfounded. They may call you a "nativist' . . . . or even a NATIONALIST !! So be prepaired !

It really must be difficult for those (of the extreme left persuasion) to observe the functions of the ambient "real world" around themselves . . . they reach adulthood and come to find out about all of those precious wasted years they'd been misguided . . . with all of this time invested, they remain loyal to a dysfunctional system. Sad.
No one has done more to swell the number of illegal aliens in America then the wealthy; particularly wealthy conservatives. Illegal aliens offer them cheap, union free labour and cheap domestic help.
It isn't average liberals that welcome the importation of illegal immigrants nearly as much as wealthy conservatives (along with some wealthy liberals). Though the wealthy never publicly admit it.
No one has done more to swell the number of illegal aliens in America then the wealthy; particularly wealthy conservatives. Illegal aliens offer them cheap, union free labour and cheap domestic help.
It isn't average liberals that welcome the importation of illegal immigrants nearly as much as wealthy conservatives (along with some wealthy liberals).

It's both neo-cons and modern liberals that want it. When a neo-con and a modern liberal join against the masses to appease people here illegally, the state of affairs is pretty bad. Remember the outcry from the masses when they continually tried to pass McCain-Kennedy? I had never experienced anything like it in my 20 odd years of life living in America. Most...most Americans' were against it - whether they democrat or republican. I, myself wrote at least 3 letters to my senator, and while he had voted for it the first time he voted 'nay' the second time. Lucky for him because I would have worked to see he wasn't re-elected this fall had he not changed his vote.
It's both neo-cons and modern liberals that want it. When a neo-con and a modern liberal join against the masses to appease people here illegally, the state of affairs is pretty bad. Remember the outcry from the masses when they continually tried to pass McCain-Kennedy? I had never experienced anything like it in my 20 odd years of life living in America. Most...most Americans' were against it - whether they democrat or republican. I, myself wrote at least 3 letters to my senator, and while he had voted for it the first time he voted 'nay' the second time. Lucky for him because I would have worked to see he wasn't re-elected this fall had he not changed his vote.
Maybe. But rich, neo-cons have WAY more political power then diehard liberals.

You actually write your Senator? No offense, but unless you represent an organized block of voters or are a large campaign contributor then that is a nearly complete waste of time.
Maybe. But rich neo-cons have WAY more political power then diehard liberals.

You actually write your Senator? No offense, but unless you represent an organized block of voters or are a large campaign contributor then that is a complete waste of time.

What difference does it make in regard to money when they are already in office and they vote in favor of aliens with a proven track record?

To your last point: there's way's to do it online free of charge. NumbersUSA has a free fax system; it's a very nice convinient system. My Senator mailed me back everytime. I remember they got hit with so many letters and calls about that bill that the people actually did have an effect on them that time. I think it was something like 90 to 10 in favor of defeating that bill, if I remember correctly.
There's way's to do it online free of charge. NumbersUSA has a free fax system; it's a very nice convinient system. My Senator mailed me back everytime. I remember they got hit with so many letters and calls about that bill that the people actually did have an effect on them that time. I think it was something like 90 to 10 in favor of defeating that bill, if I remember correctly.

I'm sure it seems like he did write you back. The science of form letter writing is so advanced these days. I guarantee you he never read your letter. Unless he was bored out of his skull or you live in Rhode Island, lol.
It's both neo-cons and modern liberals that want it. When a neo-con and a modern liberal join against the masses to appease people here illegally, the state of affairs is pretty bad. Remember the outcry from the masses when they continually tried to pass McCain-Kennedy? I had never experienced anything like it in my 20 odd years of life living in America. Most...most Americans' were against it - whether they democrat or republican. I, myself wrote at least 3 letters to my senator, and while he had voted for it the first time he voted 'nay' the second time. Lucky for him because I would have worked to see he wasn't re-elected this fall had he not changed his vote.

And thats different than what facetious is saying the left wants which is the current situation.Since nobody can agree on any sort of reform/compromise we are stuck with the current status quo.That is exactly I think what the employers who are exploiting the workers want ,the way it is now.If the illegals got any sort of legal status to be here the employers would lose a lot of the power to abuse them they have now with substandard wages etc.That is hurting all working people in the US.Reform of some sort would be better for everyone.
I have been hearing this statement for the past twenty years or so.

I don't see what the big deal is. So what if "white" people are outnumbered.
Well, ninetysixcavy, assuming that the "No" you started with there was your answer to my question, I guess I must express some minimal relief.

It seems to me though that what you really don't like are people who sexually harrass or assault your girlfriend or sister. That's understandable.
You also don't like people who steal things from garage sales, people who don't speak English, people who are bilingual (so, presumably in that case, people who DO speak English and some other language), people who commit crimes and people who are members of foreign armies. ("Not ONLY did he steal stuff from my garage sale, he also couldn't deny it in English - two crimes!!")

So, as long as people are LEGALLY in the United States (either legal residents or citizens) you are fine with them reproducing at a rate higher than that of (legal) whites, correct ?

No, this is what bothers me; The fact that we let people like this in our country:


...and the fact that we pay for these people: http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/...2008/08/17/122810.html?s=al&promo_code=680C-1

What bothers me is the fact that illegals grope my girlfriend at her occupation; the fact that the most likely to commit theft at her work are people who tend to be of the bilingual variety from South America. The fact that a dozen people - not one of them who can speak english - are on the roof of my neighbors house, most of them staring at my sister when she goes to her car, sometimes whistling and shouting. The fact that a group of roofers of that variety were in my girls neighborhood only to later show up at her garage sale to have been found stealing their property. You wanna know what bothers me? The fact that there is a small foreign army (estimated anywhere from 20 to 40 million) people, many roaming in my neighborhood, commiting crime after crime. This is what bothers me: http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt...l+Alien+Crime+&y=Search&fr=yfp-t-501&ei=UTF-8

The wool has been pulled over your eyes via the form of bleeding heart save-the-world political correctness. You cannot be saved. You are hurting your own country...and you can't even see it.


Reform of some sort would be better for everyone.

You want reform ?

We'll take 1 million illegal entries and the other 39 million may return home. . . . with the condition that they (Mexico) bail out our currency :D. After all, we've bailed out their peso in the 90's and probably did so a few other times prior.
Last I checked, those despots who domineer that country are enjoying 9th - 12th place finish for most wealthy countries in the world ! Too bad that our govt. doesn't have the courage to put a boot in their (Mexican govts) ass for the way they treat their people !!!!

To add to the shit list about what I don't like about our excess guests -
Illegal Voters - Illegal aliens don't have to show pic ID at the voting booth, thanks to MECHA, LARAZA ("the Race") and the democratic party. This has rendered the ballot initiative process as non representative of the will of the American people. All they have to do is issue a false SS# and their vote is cast. But it's ok, they're "on your side".:rolleyes:
Hit and run driving - I know a law enf. officer in Las Vegas and he says it's out of control ! H & R goes on unreported as the casino clubs don't want to scare would be tourists i.e. bad public relations to tell the truth. One day within the last year, regional Las Vegas endured 64 hit and run "accidents". Shit ! pedestrians on sidewalks are getting slaughtered by these huge, largely unpaid for, gas guzzling SUVs with giant wheels ! That's another thing that makes me sick how these guys aren't called for stuff that white families are lambasted for. Where's the Anti SUV rhetoric when it comes to them ? Unfounded !
If any of you guys have been to mexico for any length of time, hit and run driving is more or less customary. They're importing their indiscretions . . .gotta go

bye ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Here is a link to a report that punches a huge hole in the arguement that immigrants commit high amount of crime.The report shows that immigrants in california legal or not have much lower crime rate than the rest of the native born population.

Objection ! Mr. Russo is a 40 + year democratic activist / victim seeking attorney.
Whether you like them or not, fox news is a legit site for ref, like them or not ! Same goes for cnn, nbc, cbs, abc . . . but an attorneys office ? lol !
Objection ! Mr. Russo is a 40 + year democratic activist / victim seeking attorney.
Whether you like them or not, fox news is a legit site for ref, like them or not ! Same goes for cnn, nbc, cbs, abc . . . but an attorneys office ? lol !

fomm will always find a good excuse to victimize the "poor" illegal aliens.
Objection ! Mr. Russo is a 40 + year democratic activist / victim seeking attorney.
Whether you like them or not, fox news is a legit site for ref, like them or not ! Same goes for cnn, nbc, cbs, abc . . . but an attorneys office ? lol !

Ok you don't trust that one I have a suggestion.Go google the question
"crime stats for immigrants in the US" and look at the links.Many contain info from study's done over the past century and official stats from the the 2000 US census.The links overwhelmingly take the position that immigrants have lower crime rates than native borns.But if your looking for things where no lawyers are involved in studys of crime you may be disappointed.
Whites will be outnumbered according to census records by 2050, but it will probably take another 200 plus years for whites to lose power politically and economically and lose what is known as "white privilege".

By the time that happens, the world we now know will become quite different, so it probably wouldnt matter.

Whites will be outnumbered according to census records by 2050, but it will probably take another 200 plus years for whites to lose power politically and economically and lose what is known as "white privilege".

By the time that happens, the world we now know will become quite different, so it probably wouldnt matter.


Great points. Unfortunately, you are probably right.
This thread seems to be winding down, but I think it's appropriate, especially in light of some of the comments here, to quote the nakedly racist thoughts of William F. Buckley. In a National Review editorial of 8/24/57 he wrote:

"The central question that emerges—and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalog of the rights of American citizens, born Equal—is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes—the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race."

Ugh....I guess I should point out that it was written in 1957, not 1857.

For those who want to defend Buckley and go on about how he changed, I'm skeptical, because it's quite clear he stood by those words even as late 1989, saying "“Well, I think that’s absolutely correct" after Terri Gross of NPR read the old editorial to him.

So, my concern is that so many white Americans feel that American "whites are
entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which [they do] not predominate numerically"
This thread seems to be winding down, but I think it's appropriate, especially in light of some of the comments here, to quote the nakedly racist thoughts of William F. Buckley. In a National Review editorial of 8/24/57 he wrote:

"The central question that emerges—and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalog of the rights of American citizens, born Equal—is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes—the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race."

Ugh....I guess I should point out that it was written in 1957, not 1857.

For those who want to defend Buckley and go on about how he changed, I'm skeptical, because it's quite clear he stood by those words even as late 1989, saying "“Well, I think that’s absolutely correct" after Terri Gross of NPR read the old editorial to him.

So, my concern is that so many white Americans feel that American "whites are
entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which [they do] not predominate numerically"

I've always found it amusing when people try to argue nonsense as they clearly try to hide the racist thoughts they so desperately want to scream out, thankfully it's not 1957 when their statements wouldn't be looked down upon as they are today. I see racism on this board and elsewhere on a weekly basis. Thankfully there are more enlightened people than not to drown them out.