Which Band Lead Singer Has The Best On Stage Voice?

For at the time before they became mainstream and started to go down hill, Dani Filth.

Shamaya from Otep. For a woman she's fucking hardcore with it.

Glenn Danzig. Prince.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Lately this cover version ahs got me mesmerized:


Grace Potter, along with Joe Satriani... Magic.

There are a lot of fantastic female singers. Post your faves.

Love that vid of Joe & Grace...im a big fan of Satch & its even more awesome to hear her voice over some of his licks! Good choice Supedupafly, rep coming your way! ;)

I really like Maria Brinks voice from In This Moment, Sarah Mclachlan & Alison Goldfrapp. Also Sharon Den Adel from within Temptation, shes got excellent range.

Alison Goldfrapp - Utopia

I think Thom Yorke from Radiohead has one of the best ones that most closely resembles what he sounds like on the albums.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Ben Gibbard - front man for Death Cab and The Postal Service.