What pisses you off?


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Now you know why she's with him. He's incredibly rich, and is gay. She's his beard and he's renting her.
Those queer (meaning ODD) arm covering things NBA players wear all the time. What in the bloody hell are those things supposed to do? :facepalm:

It's called a shooting sleeve and they use it for a variety of reasons. Some use it to keep their elbow warm, like a protective sleeve. They also will sometimes apply icy hot on their elbow and then put the sleeve over it. The second reason is to keep their hands from getting all sweaty.
It's called a shooting sleeve and they use it for a variety of reasons. Some use it to keep their elbow warm, like a protective sleeve. They also will sometimes apply icy hot on their elbow and then put the sleeve over it. The second reason is to keep their hands from getting all sweaty.

I think they look fucking retarded. AI was the first player I ever remember wearing one, only his was "fashioned" by himself.


Yeah. I was at my aunt's and it was dark in my room so it just sort of happened. They told me to ice it but I had to split back to the Twin Cities. That sucker swolled up something fierce the next day. I do believe it's broken but the pain is starting to go away.

Aren't broken toes sorta ''self setting'' unlike other joints etc. on the human body? :dunno:

Re what pisses me off:

After removing 11 difficult to get to, precariously positioned mounting screws, the head of the very last one decides to strip. :mad:

That's the breaks :o
Aren't broken toes sorta ''self setting'' unlike other joints etc. on the human body? :dunno:

That's what I would like to know. Fairly certain it's coming around nicely though now. It definitely swelled up pretty nicely but the pain has started to go away particularly in the last couple days.

Terry Sleeper

Closed Account
Political correctness.

(i) If a person is stupid enough to be disrespecful of another simply because of (for instance) the latter's ethnic origin, then no amount of PC training will correct that. In which case PC is a waste of time;

(ii) if a person is fair and open-minded enough to treat people as he finds them then he doesn't need PC training. In which case PC is superfluous.

Not difficult, is it?


Closed Account
That's what I would like to know. Fairly certain it's coming around nicely though now. It definitely swelled up pretty nicely but the pain has started to go away particularly in the last couple days.

I broke my big toe when I was 14. I thought that you couldn't move it if was broke which is not true. It did heal but I lost about half of its dexterity (will bend only slightly). If you can go ahead and get it checked out.
I broke my big toe when I was 14. I thought that you couldn't move it if was broke which is not true. It did heal but I lost about half of its dexterity (will bend only slightly). If you can go ahead and get it checked out.

I was very close to going to the doc I wacked it so hard. But I figured I've wacked that little runt so many times in my life I guess I sort of let the days slowly go by until now. You are probably right though; I can't move it "outside" (not up and down) without excrutiating pain still.
Just tie a Popsicle stick to it.


You should see my right fist. I got into a pretty serious scrap back in high school and I swear I destroyed several bones. The damage I did after that one was...:facepalm:

If I remember I think I just iced it. I can still ball it up and it's fully functional but the entire bone that connects to my pinky is sort of arched. The bone that connects my palm to my middle finger is all out of whack too.


Hiliary 2020
more gym things that piss me off.
here in the city of eternal spring and laziness nobody ever puts their stuff back.
never ever ever.

so every dumbell, bar, weight, you name it is on the floor exactly where the last inconsiderate fuck left it.
every gym is like that here, nobody ever puts anything back.
its part of the culture, total inconsideration for others.

so before I begin I round up everything I'm gonna use so I don't have to search for it during my routine and screw up my concentration, and then guard it.

the funny thing is that if you confront somebody here about it and ask how fucking hard is it to put something back you are considered the asshole.
It comes from a total lack of discipline by the parents.
thats why I rarely see a colombian guy really working out serriously instead of just doing some useless exercise with baby weights like the girly men they all are.

Its funny the difference. In the states if you don't put your stuff back where it belongs you will get kicked out of the gym.
Here the phrase "put something back where it belongs" doesn't even translate to spanish.

piss me off.

Another thing that bothers me is people here's total ignorance in the gym as far as what the hell their doing.
I am surrounded every day by people doing these really ridiculous, useless and awkward......even dangerous movements.
Its like I am working out in the one flew over the cuckoos nest gym with a bunch of freaks.
I mean watch a video, learn about something before you do it........again they rack a discipline.

piss me off


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Rude cashiers. I didn't run into many until the last year or so -- then BOOM -- I can't quit coming across them.

I completely agree on that one, customer service has gone in the toilet, and been flushed.