What is the latest good film you watched ?


"X-Men: Days of Future Past"

It has plenty of action and storyline for those of you who are fans and a good story for those who just want a sci-fi/action movie to watch.


PS: The is a final short scene after all the credits have run, so those who wait will be rewarded ;)
X-Men: Days of Future Past
yep, same here
"X-Men: Days of Future Past"

I'm going to add one for "Days" too. It's not the good film I've watched latest, but it's the latest good film I've seen, in the cinema last Wednesday. I'll not ruin anything for anyone, but here are some thoughts.

For anyone that felt let down by Last Stand (which sounds like a lot of people) but felt that First Class was outstanding, Days Of Future Past will feel like a welcome return to form for the Stewart/McKellen/Jackman/Berry roster and a welcome continuation of the excellent McAvoy/Fassbender/Lawrence/Hoult run. In short, depending on whether you thought First Class was better than X2 or not, you might find it the best installment of the X-Men movie franchise since the latter. Personally due to the brilliance of McAvoy and Fassbender so accurately capturing what I imagine young Charles and Erik to have been like, and what I feel was a fine performance from the current [NOBABE]belle du jour[/NOBABE], J-Lawro, I thought First Class was the pick of the lot. And Days is a worthy successor, I'd probably have it #2 behind First Class for now, but I'll have to see what the re-watch value is like when I get the DVD.

The roster of mutants is impressive. Not including cameos and subtle hints, we're treated to (McAvoy's) Xavier, (Fassbender's) Magneto, Beast, Mystique, Quicksilver, Havok and Toad in the past, and (Stewart's) Xavier, (McKellen's) Magneto, Storm, Iceman, Colossus, Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, Bishop, Sunspot, Blink and Warpath in the future... plus of course, Hugh Jackman's Wolverine to bind the two together. Comic fans should be happy with the storyline involving Bolivar Trask and the Sentinel program which is inspired by (but not a direct recreation) of the storyline of the same name. Mystique plays such a vital role (and looks like a badass in the process) that hopefully it should quell some of the allegations of sexism concerning Wolverine replacing Kitty as the time traveling main protagonist - mainly written before the cinematic release, I should add.

The acting is fine, the action superb, the humour hits the right notes and you may get a lump in your throat at points. Lawrence in particular is fabulous, especially delivering some of the more acerbic lines. Peter Dinklage is understated but effective as Bolivar Trask. The score and soundtrack are great. The film is perfectly paced, at 2hr 10 it does not fall into the "too long" category of a lot of recent blockbusters and the pace is such that it never drags. The bleakness of the future dystopia is not underscored, nor the threat looming from the fearsome Sentinels who are a much more terrifying proposition than the easily-dispatched-yet-numerous metal clods of the comic/cartoon. The only real criticisms I could have is that the film could have been even better - it's a shame that a future scene involving the rescue of Rogue from a detention center had to be cut due to time constraints, [NOBABE]Halle Berry[/NOBABE]'s unexpected pregnancy limited how much she could actually do as Storm, and my personal pet peeve is that in five films featuring Xavier's team, they have neglected to feature Gambit. But that's being rectified in the next one... even though I'm not enamoured with the casting of Channing Tatum.

PS: The is a final short scene after all the credits have run, so those who wait will be rewarded ;)

Indeed, anyone that watches a Marvel-inspired film these days and doesn't expect a post-credits scene hasn't been paying attention. If you know what the next film is all about without having read the comics, you'll be intrigued. In the highly unlikely scenario that you're a big X-Men comic fan and HAVEN'T read heard what the new film is going to be about, you'll cream your pants.

In a nutshell... it's a fucking great film if you like X-Men. If you take major issue with the fact that it's Wolvy rather than Kitty going back in time and that it's not quite close enough to the comic story, then you deserve to be thrown on a bonfire along with all the "Bumblebee is supposed to be a VW beetle" knobheads. Enjoy it for what it is ; a quality X-Men movie inspired by a story from the comic, not simply telling the same story again.

Lian Neeson on a plane is much better than snakes.

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