what game are you playing right now?

Medal of Honor for the PS3.

I ended up beating the game too. I'm probably gonna playthrough the game again to get all of the trophies. I ended up getting a couple of them.
Backyard monsters at facebook ...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Battle For Middle-Earth with The Dwarf Holds mod. Gotta love RTS.
i have finished fallout:NV&all DLC's at the moment
currently Portal2-just trying to speed through it to complete it.
trying to move onto LA Noire and Crysis2,tiger woods12,MLBthe show
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves on Normal. I just beat it too.

I was thinking about going to Call of Duty: Black Ops next or maybe some Saints Row 2. I can't decide.
Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Going through it, trying to beat it while getting all of the trophies. So far I have only missed one, and I'm at the mission after the Kowloon mission. Reznov is talking about how his father was a musician and everything. I figured that was a good place to stop.