U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terrorist

Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

How do you know they took credit for it? Did they tell you in person? How did you find out? Who told you? Are you sure you believe them? Why do you believe them? Did you ever question that belief?

so i dont know 100%, but all that "death to america" propaganda they use gives me a pretty damn good idea they were behind the attacks. go ahead and question why i think that. or how i know what they are saying. or how about which america they want to bring death upon.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

They killed a few thousand Americans in one day - again, so the story goes.

You're coming way to close to utter disrespect for the dead, and the families of the dead from that day, with that statement!
1)First of all, many Muslim nations don't display anywhere near the amounts of "cultural imperialism" shown by places like America and parts of Europe. There are few Muslim capital cities that don't have nightclubs, short skirts, western burger joints floating around.

2)Next, Hezbollah are democratically elected, if you remove them, you destroy the very meaning of democracy. If you say Hezbollah has commited acts of terrorism, well so has the American government many times, so shall we remove them as well.

3)Next, GWB was elected despite having a few million less votes than Al Gore. That is not a democracy. You can come up with any excuse you want for the American voting system, but when a man becomes President when MORE Americans have voted for another man, that is NOT democracy, and there aren't many countries in the world that would be so ignorant as to claim that is democracy; that is representative democracy. Selective democracy. Assez democracy. Semi democracy. A fucking farce is what it is. If Gore had won having millions less votes, I'd be fucking relieved, but no less disgusted that a man with millions less votes than the other guy can "win" the Presidency.

4)And finally, you're all telling King "were you there?", "did you see it?"



5)You all believe Muslims flew planes into those buildings? You all believe Iraq had WMDs? You all think anything you see on US news is true? You all believe that they are all bad and we are good? You believe that the events as documented in "United 190-whatever" are the way it all went down? You really believe the US government had no knowledge... er... that they had nothing to do with the actual events?

Were you there?

Did you see it?

If you weren't there, and you didn't see it, why do you believe it?

It's well-documented that those "terrorists" didn't pray, didn't dress in Islamic gear, terrorists probably wouldn't want to attract attention to themselves. But you guys are RIGHT. How do we KNOW they didn't? How do we KNOW they were Muslim? How do we KNOW those buildings fell from the planes and the fire? How do we KNOW who the enemy is, or if there is one?

5)ASK YOURSELF HOW YOU KNOW THESE THINGS. It is very very important thay you understand how you know these things.

1) Cultural imperialism????? Perhaps should we say that in a lot of european countries and in North America that there is a significant of radical Islamism and there is nothing wrong with a rich culture but there is a lot more to worry with religious fanatics and other anti western extremist trash

2) How predictable it was coming from you. I guess every terrorist leader fucker who killed an Israeli or an American in kamikaze attacks is a hero for you??? You never cease to "amaze" me by your level of insanity. A terrorist is a terrorist no matter of how he is elected, Arafat was a terrorist and so are people of the Hamas and never try to pass them for angels because they are all worse than dogshit.
All American presidents were never involved in terrorist groups or never declared threats of bombing or killing another presidents/race. Revise your history seriously.

3) Can you prove it or are you just talking for talking? Like it has been said before ironically: " It is always the fault of the republicans when a democrat loses." The reality is perhaps too harsh or too strong to deal with??? You cried Kerry with the same excuse.

4) It looks like a teenager talking.

5) Fact is that a lot of Muslims dislike America and Western countries and that you refuse to face it. You think that all Muslims are that peaceful and that all like America and want to make peace with Israel???? If so you are naive. Because you think that the government orchestrated 9/11 and all the attacks????? You logic is seriously fucked up and the only government that you have to blame that did nothing when it had an opportunity to catch Osama and co is Clinton's leftist insane administration.
Anyway...back to the topic...I've heard that some people now think that these guys may have wanted the outcome that they got, perhaps so they could have grounds for a lawsuit. I've heard (second hand) that all the things they did, asking for seat belt extenders that were not needed, moving to unassigned seats and refusing to go back to their assigned seats, having one way tickets, and no checked luggage each and of their own are red flag raisers, and are individually enough to make a person suspiscious on a flight, and these guys did about everything on the no-no list. I still say the airline did a good job. Innocent people who are acting suspisciously, are inconvenienced all the time for their suspiscious behavior. There's no reason these guys shouldn't be treated the same.
Anyway...back to the topic...I've heard that some people now think that these guys may have wanted the outcome that they got, perhaps so they could have grounds for a lawsuit. I've heard (second hand) that all the things they did, asking for seat belt extenders that were not needed, moving to unassigned seats and refusing to go back to their assigned seats, having one way tickets, and no checked luggage each and of their own are red flag raisers, and are individually enough to make a person suspiscious on a flight, and these guys did about everything on the no-no list. I still say the airline did a good job. Innocent people who are acting suspisciously, are inconvenienced all the time for their suspiscious behavior. There's no reason these guys shouldn't be treated the same.

In that case the authorities were right to proceed with people having a suspicious behaviour.
All people who are members of the Hezbollah has participated in terrorist acts so don't try to pass them for angels or honest people. It is perhaps these same people from Hezbollah who helped to kill the libanese minister. Fact is that GWB was elected democratically with the majority, so he is your president, want it or not.

ok take your pick. if you want to consider actions carried out by a majority power and an official military unit as acts of terrorism, then it's not fairing very well for "my" president in the light of that comparison.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

Because these are the kinds of things people make up and spread around, whether authorities, media, or everyday people, because they think they're right

Are you not an everyday person who thinks he's right? You're not the only person who can think for themselves whether you come up with the same conclusions as other thinking people or not.

If you think about it, it's not unreasonable to consider it possible that these guys wanted to set the airline up for a lawsuit by doing what they did. Like I said any single one of the things they did were enough to raise red flags with the crew, and they did what four or five of them together? What are the odds of that? That, coupled with the legal speak they are spewing on interviews now that they have a lawyer: "I was 'humiliated', I felt 'demeaned'" is enough to to make a reasonable person consider the possibility. These are the exact same things that they guys that had the run in with Michael Richards are saying; the key words being "humiliated" and "demeaned" because these are the exact words in the laws that they will be using to go after the airline, and after Richards. Of course they could be setting up a lawsuit! It's the new American dream!

And don't tell me you didn't hear of the conspiracy theory of 9/11 before you came to that conclusion yourself. I'm sure you heard it suggested, and then thought it out and came to the conclusion, for yourself, that it's could reasonably be true.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

WOW! This is some serious shit. All this talk about terrorism, muslims, 9-11 etc... The resolution for the airlines is simple: All muslims fly on their own planes with their own pilots. F-16s follow the planes and shoot them down if they stray off course. End of story.

Terrorism is a muslim problem to solve. They should be denied everything till they take care of their assholes and prove to the rest of the world they are worthy to walk among us. The PC punks are killing the rest of us. There is no reason why non-citizens deserve constitutional protections while in this country. They should be watched, followed and inspected, continually. They have no rights to privacy. If they burn an American flag they should be arrested and deported forever. If the mosques start preaching hate and anything anti-American the entire religion should lose it's Tax exempt status. After that, if they continue, they are declared enemies of the state and the religion is banned from the country...till further notice. This puts all the responsibility to fix terrorism in their lap. They have something to gain from solving the problem. Not one more American soldier/citizen should have to die trying to protect a hostile religion and people. Now this is "Homeland Security." Not that, no balls, PC, feel good, religion of peace (pieces) version (joke) we have now.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

how do we know that you're not really a terrorist angus, trying to divert attention away from the real target? please post all of your phone records for us so we can make sure. :rolleyes:


Closed Account
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

WOW! This is some serious shit. All this talk about terrorism, muslims, 9-11 etc... The resolution for the airlines is simple: All muslims fly on their own planes with their own pilots. F-16s follow the planes and shoot them down if they stray off course. End of story.

Terrorism is a muslim problem to solve. They should be denied everything till they take care of their assholes and prove to the rest of the world they are worthy to walk among us. The PC punks are killing the rest of us. There is no reason why non-citizens deserve constitutional protections while in this country. They should be watched, followed and inspected, continually. They have no rights to privacy. If they burn an American flag they should be arrested and deported forever. If the mosques start preaching hate and anything anti-American the entire religion should lose it's Tax exempt status. After that, if they continue, they are declared enemies of the state and the religion is banned from the country...till further notice. This puts all the responsibility to fix terrorism in their lap. They have something to gain from solving the problem. Not one more American soldier/citizen should have to die trying to protect a hostile religion and people. Now this is "Homeland Security." Not that, no balls, PC, feel good, religion of peace (pieces) version (joke) we have now.

WOW. What a first post, you had to dig deep for this one huh?

We are known as the "melting pot", and to do any of what you suggest is not a solution IMHO. That "their own planes" thing ...sorry nm. I'll pass. :angels: Anyway, while opinions vary on how this particular incident was handled, I don't feel overkill is the answer. I for one never "stereotype" or clump anyone by race, creed, nationality, haircut, music tastes, clothes or turban. Not all Muslims are bad, anymore than all of any race or nationally are because of the actions of a few. We must continue to upgrade and use security as best we can, Even at the inconvenience of many (small price I feel) but these measures you talk of are extreme in my way of thinking.


melting pot n.

A container in which a substance is melted.

A place where immigrants of different cultures or races form an integrated society: “Canadians . . . liked to think of their country as a mosaic rather than a melting pot” (Kenneth McNaught).

Note: I love the mosaic statement above.


Closed Account
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

Angus: how many people have actually been killed by Islamic terrorists?

How many people have been killed by our governments and their recent military decisions?

So what's your "final solution" for that predicament?

Sorry Fox, but flying a plane into a building to purposely kill THOUSANDS, or filling a car with explosives and setting it off near civilians FOR NO GOOD REASON is not the same as a leader sending troops into battle to defend our country. No matter how fucking stupid those dicisions are. And believe me, i know those dicisions are fucking stupid... It's still not the same.

I know your opinions and i respect them, so please there is no need to give me an essay on how i am wrong, it is just my opinion.

But yeah, Angus has some very strong ideas. A new age Hitler in the making? Maybe. But he's just young, confused and full of anger which he doesn't know how to process properly. And slightly idiotic.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

WOW! This is some serious shit. All this talk about terrorism, muslims, 9-11 etc... The resolution for the airlines is simple: All muslims fly on their own planes with their own pilots. F-16s follow the planes and shoot them down if they stray off course. End of story.

Terrorism is a muslim problem to solve. They should be denied everything till they take care of their assholes and prove to the rest of the world they are worthy to walk among us. The PC punks are killing the rest of us. There is no reason why non-citizens deserve constitutional protections while in this country. They should be watched, followed and inspected, continually. They have no rights to privacy. If they burn an American flag they should be arrested and deported forever. If the mosques start preaching hate and anything anti-American the entire religion should lose it's Tax exempt status. After that, if they continue, they are declared enemies of the state and the religion is banned from the country...till further notice. This puts all the responsibility to fix terrorism in their lap. They have something to gain from solving the problem. Not one more American soldier/citizen should have to die trying to protect a hostile religion and people. Now this is "Homeland Security." Not that, no balls, PC, feel good, religion of peace (pieces) version (joke) we have now.

Do you realize how much you've just trampled all over the Constitution of the United States of America? Your post goes against the very freedom for which this country was established and embraces. You must realize the minute you start arresting people for burning a flag or saying "anything anti American", you begin a slippery slope. What's next, arresting people for wearing a "Slayer" shirt or voicing an opinion AGAINST President Bush? You cannot "pick and choose" the freedoms a country provides. It's all or nothing. And fortunately, to some extent our country still provides freedom and freedom ALWAYS comes at a cost. Anything worth having always does. The minute facism trumps freedom is the minute America loses whatever the hell war it is currently in.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

Do you realize how much you've just trampled all over the Constitution of the United States of America? Your post goes against the very freedom for which this country was established and embraces. You must realize the minute you start arresting people for burning a flag or saying "anything anti American", you begin a slippery slope. What's next, arresting people for wearing a "Slayer" shirt or voicing an opinion AGAINST President Bush? You cannot "pick and choose" the freedoms a country provides. It's all or nothing. And fortunately, to some extent our country still provides freedom and freedom ALWAYS comes at a cost. Anything worth having always does. The minute facism trumps freedom is the minute America loses whatever the hell war it is currently in.

Well said, PG. I'd give you a greenie if they'd let me.

Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

I understand the rationale behind the action, its precaution, but people must remember that 95% of Muslims are normal folk. A few idiots spoil it for everyone. Think of all the Muslims you've met...bet most are pretty ok people, right?

I'm of Muslim heritage, although I'm wholly secularized and not into religion. I've not got a beard or whatnot. I'm far from a fanatic. I wouldnt be here if I was...
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

I'd say 70% of the Muslim world has cultural identification with the faith for reasons of there heritage. Certainly amongst under 30's. I also take great pride in my ancestors Indus Valley pre Islamic civilization. Its about understanding.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

White and muslim are not in the same field. One is a skin colour, one is a religion. There are thousands of white muslims.

There are also thousands of white terrorists, from American abortion bombers, to the IRA, to ETA. And if you ask me, the Americn government and military (and all who assist them). They are all terrorists as far as I'm concerned.

Muslims and Jews can pray any damn place they want to. They have no right to kick them off the plane. By all means put extra security on board if they have reason to be suspicious, but this is ridiculous. If someone's doing the hail mary or praying to Jesus, they'd never be kicked off the plane.

Why the fuck is everyone so worried about flying. Thank fucking god you're not in newly occupied Iraq. Illegally occupied Iraq. Almost 4000 Iraqis dead in the last month. Those are 911 numbers. We are the damn same as the fucking terrorists.


I agree that the US Gov is the biggest criminal org. in the world. But, about the abortion thing and terrorists, I have to disagree. How many times do you hear about abortion clinics being bombed? How many times do you hear about a Tim Mcveigh style attack?

Now, after you answer that, how many times do you hear about terrorists blowing themselves up or blowing up buildings many times to kill dozens, hundreds, even thousands, in the name of Islam?

The correlation is not logical, imo.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

People must understand that those people are:

a) A tiny fragment of the world's muslims. Consider that 1.5 bn people are Muslims (25% of humanity), consider that there are probably a few hundred thousand radicals globally (if that, CIA est. AL Q at 15k), what's that as a %?

b) not representative. They adhere to a grossly strict interpretation of the faith, and have ruined its image.

c) People must remember that Islam has adherents of all races and places. Hundreds of millions of White people are Muslim, inc 17% of Russians, etc etc.

I have travelled around Europe in my undergrad days, and must say I am delighted that 95% of people know that radicals are not reflective of mainstream Islam. They are the "far right"-and every culture has had to deal with its far right at some point.

They wont last. Hopefully.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

WOW! This is some serious shit. All this talk about terrorism, muslims, 9-11 etc... The resolution for the airlines is simple: All muslims fly on their own planes with their own pilots. F-16s follow the planes and shoot them down if they stray off course. End of story.

Terrorism is a muslim problem to solve. They should be denied everything till they take care of their assholes and prove to the rest of the world they are worthy to walk among us. The PC punks are killing the rest of us. There is no reason why non-citizens deserve constitutional protections while in this country. They should be watched, followed and inspected, continually. They have no rights to privacy. If they burn an American flag they should be arrested and deported forever. If the mosques start preaching hate and anything anti-American the entire religion should lose it's Tax exempt status. After that, if they continue, they are declared enemies of the state and the religion is banned from the country...till further notice. This puts all the responsibility to fix terrorism in their lap. They have something to gain from solving the problem. Not one more American soldier/citizen should have to die trying to protect a hostile religion and people. Now this is "Homeland Security." Not that, no balls, PC, feel good, religion of peace (pieces) version (joke) we have now.

I still wake up everyday and believe that I will wake up to an even bigger terrorist attack than 9-11. Rest assured, it will come here. it's not a matter of if but when. There is a seemingly endless flow of suicide bombers in the M.E., how long before they are in America blowing themselves on the buses, subways and the like? I just got done watching Cavuto and they had a guy on there who said that 150,000 people crossed into the U.S. last year alone from countries other than Mexico.

I don't doubt we will see 9-11 times 10, I just wonder how I am going to react when it happens. We are not secure; our phony's on Capital HIll do not listen to us--when 90% of the American public has been poled expressing their displeasure with the border chaos and the flow of illegals. It's not even a liberal/conservative debate; it's a common sense debate.

Read through this site (it's brief) and tell me it's not a common sense issue that effects ALL of us (usually negatively):

Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

People must understand that those people are:

a) A tiny fragment of the world's muslims. Consider that 1.5 bn people are Muslims (25% of humanity), consider that there are probably a few hundred thousand radicals globally (if that, CIA est. AL Q at 15k), what's that as a %?

b) not representative. They adhere to a grossly strict interpretation of the faith, and have ruined its image.

c) People must remember that Islam has adherents of all races and places. Hundreds of millions of White people are Muslim, inc 17% of Russians, etc etc.

I have travelled around Europe in my undergrad days, and must say I am delighted that 95% of people know that radicals are not reflective of mainstream Islam. They are the "far right"-and every culture has had to deal with its far right at some point.

They wont last. Hopefully.

Too bad. Do the ratio in religious attacks from Jews, Christians, Muslims and Bhudists (or any other religion). You're gonna tell me that Muslims don't have a massive edge?