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Trump : Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel. The US Embassy will be moved from Tel Aviv

Or Germany and Japan.

And take ... for example North Korea vs. South Korea - that isn't an example of "one military winning over another" but a stalemate. Just shut the fuck up. Is your SJW sister in college feeding you these replies?

YOU shut the fuck up. Uneducated Trump base


Hiliary 2020
You do realise that angry palestinians and palestinian sympathisers is the kind of thing that could draw public opinion in moderate muslim countries towards radical islam instead of supporting a government who works with the US government, the kind of things that upset King Abdullah of Jordan because it destabilises his country, it bolsters his radical muslim, anti-american, anti-Israel oppponents, do you ?

You need to understand something : Donald Trump doesn't care about the opinion of anyone but Donald Trump. He thinks he's "like a smart person". He thinks himself as the best at everything he does. He thinks he can easily solve problems that experts have been trying to solves for years.

According to The Time of Israel, Rex Tillerson, James Mattis and Mike Pompeo all tried to prevent Trump from doing so while Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner tried to delay the move. Trump didn't listen to any of them and still did it, because he thinks himself more intelligent than these 5 people combined :facepalm:

As Johan mentioned even his Secretaries of Defense and State advised against (among many others).
It creates a full blown powder keg.
This is the sort of complex decision that should be settled at the end of serious peace negotiations. Instead it pretty much puts the brakes to this administration ever being a trusted participant in any future negotiations.
But the evangelicals who make up his base are all for it. Those loons are probably thrilled he may have helped speed up their "rapture" date :facepalm:

Meanwhile this is EXACTLY the sort of thing ISIS and their ilk wanted and needed. They've been heavily degraded but we just handed them a spectacular recruiting tool.
Well done D.T., you stupid cunt :glugglug:

All good, I just don't think:
A- Trump just did this on his own. I believe Netanyahoo and the Israel GOV basically own Trump.
Israel is backed by the banks and the banks control everything.
There is no way I think Trump just did this on his own.

B- We have a different opinion on just exactly what ISIS is so no need to go further there.

I did notice today there massive amount of "Angry Muslim" news articles portraying israel as the victim.
Amazing how they got all these "News Reports" with the same exact twist out there so quickly.
Almost as if they knew in advance and had time to prepare them beforehand.

Meanwhile this is EXACTLY the sort of thing ISIS and their ilk wanted and needed. They've been heavily degraded but we just handed them a spectacular recruiting tool.

Well what do ya know. Hopefully they won't attack anything big and start a major war right?
Jordan had been a key U.S. ally in the region, even joining us in bombing missions against ISIS.
Now Jordan's King Abdullah has warned Trump that this decision would have "dangerous repercussions on the stability and security of the region".

You wouldn't think he'd have to point that out to any thinking person, but then we're talking about Trump here, so...

:facepalm: :facepalm:
Blah blah "dangerous repercussions". Stability or something. How stable has that region been with our embassy in Tel Aviv? Oh hey look, arabs in the middle east and/or the muslim world are angry about something.
Blah blah "dangerous repercussions". Stability or something. How stable has that region been with our embassy in Tel Aviv? Oh hey look, arabs in the middle east and/or the muslim world are angry about something.

There has been more relative stability. Arab nations HAD joined with us in the coalition to destroy ISIS, after previously turning a cold shoulder to Bush's invasion of Iraq. ISIS et al HAVE been degraded. As of December 2017, after prolonged actions, ISIS is estimated to control less than 3% of Iraqi territory and 5% of Syrian territory.
Please explain to us why the fuck, considering all of that, THIS was the moment Trump chose to stir up a potentially enormous hornets nest.


Is somewhere outhere.
I guess it all goes back to his favourite catchphrase "America 1st". He's pleasing all the Jews in the US who will have more money than all the ethnic minorities put together, and if he has them on his side he'll be safe whatever happens. But also jobs in defence will be saved and possibly more work to keep them busy, whilst everyone is trying to work out how to make America great again. As dumb as it seems, it's probably a win-win for him as long as the trouble doesn't appear on his doorstep.


Closed Account

Sorry for a late respose I have lots to do.

You are kind off illustrating the one-sided view people should get rid off but I'll get back on that.

[...] Arafat was behind the second intifada [...]

Just wanted to say: I stand corrected :hatsoff:

(please next time use another soure than a dubious blog I don't have time to dig to the actual sources)


For the EMPEROR!!
I guess it all goes back to his favourite catchphrase "America 1st". He's pleasing all the Jews in the US who will have more money than all the ethnic minorities put together, and if he has them on his side he'll be safe whatever happens. But also jobs in defence will be saved and possibly more work to keep them busy, whilst everyone is trying to work out how to make America great again. As dumb as it seems, it's probably a win-win for him as long as the trouble doesn't appear on his doorstep.

It's more to please the so-called Christian Evangelicals in America. They want Jerusalem back in Jewish hands, because that's when Jebus is supposed to come rollerblading back on to the scene and they'll all get Raptured or something.


Hiliary 2020
It's more to please the so-called Christian Evangelicals in America. They want Jerusalem back in Jewish hands, because that's when Jebus is supposed to come rollerblading back on to the scene and they'll all get Raptured or something.

Its not for religious reasons at all. Thats just the cover story.
Creatures like Netanyahoo and all the rest of the Israeli GOV past and present use Judiaism as a means to get what they want.
"By deception thou shalt do war". They are behind it all. They control the information. They control the narrative. Everything we think we know is what they have told us.
Israel was created by the Rothchild Banking Empire, the richest of the richest people in the world.
The ones at the top of the pyramid, the ones who own everything. They are untouchable.
Israel is their baby and an uncountable amount of money has been spent as well as lives and misery to get it for them.
And it looks like Trump is just another one of their puppets.
Got nothing to do with religion and never has.

I think even the Israeli people know this by now but what are they gonna do? Even speaking about can can their lives destroyed.
Bump for the orange idiot, his mouthpiece Haley and their abject stupidity.
Oh gee they're "taking names" and threatening to cut off aid to those who don't support this decision. Trump's 30% mostly think we spend trillions on foreign aid each year when in fact we spend 1% of the federal budget on it, with a large portion of that 1% going to Israel.
And so President I-Treat-Everything-Like-A-Real-Estate-Deal continues to exhibit his reckless penny-wise-pound-foolishness.
For now this remains the dumbest move yet that I've seen from this administration.
Oh noes, a bunch of countries circle jerked each other in condemning the U.S. in it's support for Israel, their favorite punching bag. So what's new?

Yes or no, is Jerusalem the capital of Israel? Even if hell were to freeze over and a two state solution would come to pass, Jerusalem would STILL be the capital of Israel. That is not negotiable.

Didn't congress vote unanimously to recognize Jerusalem as the capital?
Nearly unanimously, yes. But since then our presidents have wisely not stirred that potential hornet's nest, leaving a final dispensation of the matter as an elemental part of negotiations focused on a two state solution, including quite possibly a divided Jerusalem.

I'm entirely with the U.N. on this issue. To do this at this time is just reckless provocation. Recall that I have family there and a great love for Israel. But that doesn't prevent me from being critical towards some of its actors and actions, including its current PM and the decades of legitimate condemnation by our own presidents from both parties regarding the settlements issue.
Nearly unanimously, yes. But since then our presidents have wisely not stirred that potential hornet's nest, leaving a final dispensation of the matter as an elemental part of negotiations focused on a two state solution, including quite possibly a divided Jerusalem.

I'm entirely with the U.N. on this issue. To do this at this time is just reckless provocation. Recall that I have family there and a great love for Israel. But that doesn't prevent me from being critical towards some of its actors and actions, including its current PM and the decades of legitimate condemnation by our own presidents from both parties regarding the settlements issue.

So the United States government acknowledges through statements by current and past administrations and a near-unanimous vote in congress that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, but we shouldn't provoke the arab/muslim world by stating it, even though we are in the right? It's not prudent? When exactly would be the "right" time? I'm sorry but that is the reasoning of a battered wife (Bin Laden's weak horse). Nikki Haley (for President 2024) was right when she told those in the U.N. to fuck off . It's obvious we don't need them, but they need us. This feckless body of globalist cucks and tyrants can issue all the resolutions they want, but who enforces them?
we shouldn't provoke the arab/muslim world by stating it

That was already done once. Years ago. It's the acting on the statement at this point in time that's pointlessly and grossly inflammatory.

even though we are in the right?

Are we? Tens of millions of americans and most of the rest of the world sees it otherwise.

It's not prudent? When exactly would be the "right" time?

I already noted above when would be the right time.

And un I'm sorry but that is the reasoning of a battered wife

No it's the reasoning of the side with a hard earned leg up in the psychological war on terror having the wisdom to not jeopardize that advantage.
And to do so needlessly, at that.

This feckless body of globalist cucks and tyrants can issue all the resolutions they want, but who enforces them?

They've been used as the foundation/justification for many enforcement actions, including of course many by us.

They've also been passed over: as for instance by George Bush, who went ahead with his pre-emptive invasion of Iraq, which ramped this whole clusterfuck up ten thousandfold, without the UN's approval. A total disaster that left the UN, IAEA, France and Germany looking extremely wise and prudent - while we came off looking exactly like the violent, reckless invaders and occupiers fundamentalist islamic propaganda had portrayed us to be.
Which is essentially what we're building the groundwork for again. Will we never fucking learn?

Feckless, globalist, cucks - seems to me maybe you're letting your anger/frustration/impatience rule your better judgement? I of course share some of that harsh emotion with you, but there is nothing good that I can see that can come from this plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem at this time, nor is there any practical or pressing need to do so - other than what, fulfilling a campaign promise???....despite the horrific potential consequences of doing so?
That was already done once. Years ago. It's the acting on the statement at this point in time that's pointlessly and grossly inflammatory.

Like Charlie Hebdo printing Muhammad cartoons was "grossly inflammatory." But no, cower down so as not to be inflammatory. Again, the battered wife syndrome

Are we? Tens of millions of americans and most of the rest of the world sees it otherwise.

So you're deferring to popular sentiment on what is ultimately right or wrong?

I already noted above when would be the right time.

Can we quit pretending here? Israel's existence is the sticking point. Barring a military solution by outside forces, there will be not be an arab state in it's place. There actually never will be one. Israel is not alone. And I'm not talking about the U.S. So this is a moot point and no actual worry.

No it's the reasoning of the side with a hard earned leg up in the psychological war on terror having the wisdom to not jeopardize that advantage.
And to do so needlessly, at that.

You know what a psychological leg up on terror is? Killing them. ISIS' caliphate is no more.

They've been used as the foundation/justification for many enforcement actions, including of course many by us.

They've also been passed over: as for instance by George Bush, who went ahead with his pre-emptive invasion of Iraq, which ramped this whole clusterfuck up ten thousandfold, without the UN's approval. A total disaster that left the UN, IAEA, France and Germany looking extremely wise and prudent - while we came off looking exactly like the violent, reckless invaders and occupiers fundamentalist islamic propaganda had portrayed us to be.
Which is essentially what we're building the groundwork for again. Will we never fucking learn?

Feckless, globalist, cucks - seems to me maybe you're letting your anger/frustration/impatience rule your better judgement? I of course share some of that harsh emotion with you, but there is nothing good that I can see that can come from this plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem at this time, nor is there any practical or pressing need to do so - other than what, fulfilling a campaign promise???....despite the horrific potential consequences of doing so?

The U.N. is a feckless body. They can't enforce their own resolutions without the U.S. As you said, the U.N. didn't approve of Bush invading Iraq in 2003. What could they do to stop it? More recently, they ruled in favor of the Philippines against China in their South China Sea dispute and China keeps building it's bases on reefs. Putin invaded Georgia, seized Crimea and has troops in Ukraine. What has the U.N. done about that? Feckless.