Time for me to move on.


Actually, it was closer to 2 weeks for the doof to figure out that no one likes him in the real world either.


Yet, no one can stop talking about him.

Your man crush on Sam has been noted. ;)

Yup, and you stealing my lines has been noted. Along with your refusal to answer the direct questions put to you.

Hope they don't do away with it.

If they do I hope to see mass murders and crime in Maryland. :elaugh:

I know you're weak in mind, but let's just reflect on what you just said here. You hope to see mass murder of fellow citizens of your nation. You hope for that, why, exactly? To prove your point? You're so small minded that you're comfortable wishing mass murder on a population of innocents in order to prove your stance on something is correct?

You didn't answer the question. Are you for mass murder on fellow, innocent Americans to prove your point?

You claim to be for small government and that you love freedom. How does the government having the ability to put its own citizens to death support either of these claims?

Still didn't answer, Will. Are you afraid to answer the question that you yourself brought up with your completely idiotic statements?

Will, do you hope for mass murder against innocent Americans so that your point might be proved?

You didn't answer the question. How is the cause of freedom and small government served by a government that kills it's own citizens? And while we're at it, how is this the least bit different from the drone program killing Americans?

Still waiting

Will, can you answer this simple question? YOU said you hoped for mass murders. Do you mean it? You hope innocent Americans are murdered to prove your point?

He's a spineless weasel and he's been doing the same elsewhere. I guess some folk really are gutless little shits.

Don't want to let this thread disappear, as it is a very useful tool for discrediting anything Will E. says.

What do you say, Will? An answer?

I'm still waiting for this. I want to see Worm justify the murder of fellow humans, Americans, and in my case, fellow Marylanders.

Killing in the name of....?

The question has not been answered.

Will, you said you hoped for mass murders of American citizens. Is that what you really want? All that would accomplish is proving your point. Do you hope to have your point proved by mass murders of American citizens?