the rumors are true"Win a Date With Nikki Nova"


ok there's like way too much to respond to here at once but I will try.
Yes I HAVE Gotten naked on the first date but that does not mean that I WILL on this date...unless...who knows if I actually truly click with the winnder (no pressure) hahah.

Ok and yes I do believe the winner will be flown in from wherever he or she may be from

I would love to answer you Brian but what do you mean when you say and "all inclusive" date. Do mean airfare and hotel or do yo mean sex? No this isn't a contest for sex. It's a date. A fun night out and there will probably be a friend or two there to chapperone but also so it's a total blast!

HAHA, brutally honest women! Every guy is like "YES! sex with a pornstar". Nikki's probably thinking "oh god, what did I get myself into?".
Maybe you've never been on a real date before. The term "date" can be interpreted many ways. Read what the good lady said. …“Yes I HAVE Gotten naked on the first date but that does not mean that I WILL on this date...unless...who knows if I actually truly click with the winner.” That means if you were such an amazing date You MiGHT get lucky. The same rules that apply on a normal date, you knob. :D

"You knob" - Your first post and you choose to end it flaming me?


just one more question, Nikki. can i enter using any e-mail
address or do i have to use one that includes my real name? :cool:


Official Checked Star Member
to ed007
You can enter any email address that you want us to have on file. Just be sure and check that email addres frequently, ESPECIALLY on Fridays when the weekly contest question goes out. Now of course if you DO end up being the winner we will need your real name at that point hahaha.

Oh to the guy that called the other guy a "knob" that's funny. I have honestly never even heard that term before. Now I have a new name to call people hahahaha. I am not condoning this however. I would like everyone to get along. In a perfect world right? ho hum. A girl can dream


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Would it help my chances of winning if I offered to pay for dinner? You can get anything you want off of the Taco Bell late night menu. Aaaaanything you want.

Disclaimer - You can get anything you want, as long as it costs less than $1.79, as I will only be bringing a $5 bill on our date and I plan on getting a Nacho Supreme for myself, and those things are like 3 bucks. Soooooo, yeah.


Would it help my chances of winning if I offered to pay for dinner? You can get anything you want off of the Taco Bell late night menu. Aaaaanything you want.

Disclaimer - You can get anything you want, as long as it costs less than $1.79, as I will only be bringing a $5 bill on our date and I plan on getting a Nacho Supreme for myself, and those things are like 3 bucks. Soooooo, yeah.

You had me at Taco Bell.

mr google

I'm up for this. :eek: :eek: :hatsoff: Are you a boxing fan Nikki? If the answer is YES then I'll explain why I asked. :wiggle:


Official Checked Star Member
to Greg Centauro- You probabaly should. I'm just so theratening. I am up to 2 push ups now hahah

chefchitown- don't tease me. Taco bell is my favorite fast food. I was so happy when they brought back the Encherito that I was talking about it to all o fmy friends for weeks and weeks. I am total taco bell geek so don't play! hahaha

Mrgoogle- I feel like if I answer yes you are going to challenge me to a fight and so I should say no maybe? I do enjoy boxing. I don't follow it that much like I used to just because I'm too busy to even watch tv lately but yes. I actually love UFC and basketball
I occasionally play the lottery, but I've never won anything. I wonder what the odds are to win a date with Nikki Nova. Probably the same. :dunno: Though, I'm guessing it's worth a shot. Especially if a money shot is involved. :thumbsup:
Oh, boy! I'd better start grooming for that! A shower before then might be nice, but I'm not making any guarantees... :D
Maybe you've never been on a real date before. The term "date" can be interpreted many ways. Read what the good lady said. …“Yes I HAVE Gotten naked on the first date but that does not mean that I WILL on this date...unless...who knows if I actually truly click with the winner.” That means if you were such an amazing date you MIGHT get lucky. The same rules that apply on a normal date, you knob. :D

Ballsy response from a newbie... :ban:
Sorry NN, I much as would like to, my gf used to be a bartender at a strip club, so she is familiar with how to beat down a misguided male. If I actuality won a date with NN, I would be castrated………………I’m out!
Maybe you've never been on a real date before. The term "date" can be interpreted many ways. Read what the good lady said. …“Yes I HAVE Gotten naked on the first date but that does not mean that I WILL on this date...unless...who knows if I actually truly click with the winner.” That means if you were such an amazing date you MIGHT get lucky. The same rules that apply on a normal date, you knob. :D

What a douchbag

mr google

Mrgoogle- I feel like if I answer yes you are going to challenge me to a fight and so I should say no maybe? I do enjoy boxing. I don't follow it that much like I used to just because I'm too busy to even watch tv lately but yes. I actually love UFC and basketball


I'm so glad you are a fight fan. I am going to set you a challenge but not to a fight. I’m a man of peace and good will to all and I could never fight a lady and a very sexy one too. :iloveyou:

I'm sure you've heard of Floyd Mayweather? He’s been on dancing with the star etc. Well at some point in the near future there should be an announcement that Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao have signed a contract to fight to determine who is the best boxer on the planet. I think this fight will be the biggest and one of the best in the history of the sport. Anyway, what’s this got to do with you? I’ll explain.

I have already challenged all the members of this board who believe that Manny will win the fight to put their “Rep Power” where their mouth is and many have risen to the challenge. So what I would like you to do is add a whole lot of glamour to this competition by agreeing to join me :lovecoupl @ team google or team mimiD :ban2: :hammer: It’s all just good wholesome fun. :rofl:

Obviously I can’t tell you who to support but I can and will beg you shamelessly Homer Simpson style: PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! join team google. I understand Mayweather needs to wash his mouth out with soap and water but you can't question his exceptional skills in the ring. I hope you will agree to endorse team google. :helpme::helpme: :wave2: