oops . here comes the Pirate ! i better get nasty ! before he attempts to win !!!
I say we both get a private snap of Alisa's bewbs!

^^:laugh: :hybrid:

What say you, Alisa???:D

^^ does she have a choice in the matter :laugh: ;)


^^:laugh: oops. Alisa Is gonna kill us both when she reads this ! :o

I see the statement while your away the boys must play holds true.

Kill you no. Beat you yes ;)

PS I WIN!!!!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Won what? A cheese cake?

Jon S.

Do you now? Oh you meant OOTW! Why yes you do! But, of course, in this thread, winner is still spelled...J-O-N!!!:cool:

What kind of cheesecake? Cherry? Strawberry? Chocolate? I's gotts ta know!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You know you can never win, for I've been the winner more times than the both of you put together.

Jon S.

Are you sure that you would want to win them all? I'm sure out there somewhere, someone is giving away membership in the "Enema of the Month Club"! Like I said, are you REALLY sure you would want to wil them all? ha ha ha!

By the way....as usual....I WIN!!!
Jon I ment all the contests in the Members section not all around the world. It would be hard for me to have the largest penis after all I have the wrong parts.

Oh, I have something here for you to beat as hard as you want.

winning. again.

OC I wasn't talking about THAT kind of beating Sorry

I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:elaugh:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

Jon S.

lose .. go back to your Nikki alter .....heh heh heh
Nikki alter? You must have me mistaken for who??? or jitna or someone else! Ha ha ha! I like Nikki as a PERSON...nothing more...nothing less!:cool:

I win. :partysml:
Boston might have won the Stanley Cup...but the only winner in here is....


Jon I ment all the contests in the Members section not all around the world. It would be hard for me to have the largest penis after all I have the wrong parts.
They have that "contest" too?:dunno: I thought after I was born, the rest of mankind would have given up!:pimpdaddy