The Gun Control debate thread

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

Ohio passed, and recently instituted Constitutional carry. What a lot of people don't seem to understand though, is it's only good in your home state. If you want to maintain the reciprocity with other states, and still have an easier time with gun purchase back round checks, you still need to renew your license every 5 years.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

The only reason I posted this here, is because this is a perfect example of why gun control won't work. Here are three violent felons, 2 of which were incarcerated for attempted murder. They were in lock up, but some sad little fucking moron, not just let them get away, but helped them. Now does anyone know what the first thing they're gonna do? Well, the second, the first is get street clothes. They'll find, buy or steal a couple of guns, hold up some place, and possibly shoot the clerk, and they're back out there making the world a shittier place. If one single little minor misdemeanor is committed by these little vile animals, that ignorant twat should be charged with it to. If they kill someone, she's just as guilty. The 2, 17 year olds should have been in a regulation big boy prison, and there little fuckwit friend, should have been in the maximum security section of the facility he was in. They also should have never been put in the same place, if they were friends before capture, if it happened while they were there, it wouldn't matter.

I know a member of this board, served as a corrections officer, I would love to hear his thoughts on this. It seems to be happening to adults too. That female guard, Vicky White did it too, ended up shooting herself in the head, to avoid the consequences.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Me, sorry. Should have been more specific.
No it's fine, I just fuck up a lot, so I figured it was 50/50.

The only reason I posted this here, is because this is a perfect example of why gun control won't work.
How do you explain it working pretty well in the vast majority of first world countries around the world then? Devil's advocate would say your example shows how gun control doesn't go far enough if in pretty much most major nations of the world escaping criminals that got out can't go and easily get a gun in them. It's not like it's a coincidence or accident they their murder rates are far lower.

And yes, I know the socioeconomic conditions for the poor in those countries are a major factor for the low crime rates, but when one is also against that for us also...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
How do you explain it working pretty well in the vast majority of first world countries around the world then? Devil's advocate would say your example shows how gun control doesn't go far enough if in pretty much most major nations of the world escaping criminals that got out can't go and easily get a gun in them. It's not like it's a coincidence or accident they their murder rates are far lower.

And yes, I know the socioeconomic conditions for the poor in those countries are a major factor for the low crime rates, but when one is also against that for us also...
Most other countries don't have the volume of gun violence we do, but most aren't even close ot our size, or population, but it still happens. France has had a few fairly recent attacks by muslims, with explosives, and guns. Most countries don't have citizens, they have subjects, and they aren't really free. There is a difference between democracy, and freedom. I don't think you can compare us to any European country, most aren't much bigger then Texas or Alaska. Even the larger countries don't have the population, and places like Africa, and South America, are riddled with gangs and war lords, that commit wholesale genocide, that never seems to make it into the comparison numbers. Lastly, how many of the firearms related deaths in America are suicide, or crimes committed by criminals that had no right to have a firearm anyway. Those criminals should never see daylight again, or freedom, when criminals are more harshly dealt with, as opposed to coddled, they are a huge factor in me maintaining my rights. On top of that, we now live in a sad little pathetic overly sensitive world, in which a kid that's pick on, can't punch a bully in the nose, and settle it like it should be, he has to use his words, and be understanding of why he's being bullied. We dump stress on every hard working man and woman in the country, then expect more from them at every turn. We create some of these people, we turn them into crazed maniacs, with the weight of the world on their shoulders, then act indignant, when they've had enough. The government intrudes into every aspect of our lives, and then we're expected to trust and respect the very people that betray use.

But lets all blame the inanimate object, that needs a person to pick it up, for it to be dangerous.

Look, I don't like to see this shit happen, it does nothing but cause sorrow, and if you aren't into guns, or shooting sports, then don't buy one, but I believe in my rights, guaranteed to me, in the Constitution, I believe they are absolute, and I enjoy shooting skeet, and trap, I enjoy target shooting, and would like to get into competition, so I choose to own them. No one is forcing you to buy a gun, and you are in no danger from a law abiding citizen, even if they carry. I carry, and I can assure you in no uncertain terms, the last thing I want to do, is have to be in that situation, and I can also assure you, if I were, I would only make an effort, to protect myself, or family. Playing Marshal Dillion, is not my job, and I have no intention of trying for hero status. Laws, and examples, were clearly explained to me, over the 10 hours I spent in a classroom, before going to qualify, and they made it a point to point out, drawing your weapon to defend others, especially those you don't know, will likely lead to trouble. So, that's my answer, if you disagree, feel free to do so, many on this board do.
Here's a good example of how responsible & proficient gun culture can look like. Not only do you have a highway, but there are also cows grazing the line of fire.
You need absolute confidence in gun safety to have places like this, and the Swiss seem to fit the bill.

@Mr. Daystar & maybe others might find this amusing

Canada's Liberal govt wants to enact new gun legislation. What I found funny is that they bend over backwards to cater (or pretend to) indigenous rights, but this law also bans many guns they use in hunting. So the liberals are in a catch-22: You either appease the people who want strict gun control or the indigenous peoples. The law as it is can't cater to both groups. Unless of course, you want to make an exception that indigenous peoples are allowed guns that everyone else is banned from owning.

The video is long, but there are some gems in there. Another thing they touch is the idea of categorizing weapons that are "made to shoot animals vs those made to shoot people". WTF? I might not be a gun expert, but I'm pretty any gun that might be "classified" to kill animals is going to be just as lethal against humans. What kind of pointless distinction is that?


In a turn of events that absolutely defies logic, the Republican-controlled Missouri House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to reject an amendment that would have banned minors from being allowed to openly carry guns on public land without adult supervision. Which, thanks to a 2017 law, they are currently free to do.

That's really all you need to know, but I'm posting the rest here so you don't have to deal with the vanityfair paywall, and see for yourself.
In the year 2023, no one expects Republicans to have a reasonable take on gun violence (like that it’s a problem), or to do something about it (like pass meaningful gun control legislation). Still, you might think that conservatives wouldn’t be so thoroughly detached from reality that they would approve of—nay, fight for the rights of—small children being able to openly carry firearms in public places. Because that would just be, to use an official legislative term, f--king insane. Can you guess where we’re going with this?

In a turn of events that absolutely defies logic, the Republican-controlled Missouri House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to reject an amendment that would have banned minors from being allowed to openly carry guns on public land without adult supervision. Which, thanks to a 2017 law, they are currently free to do. (That law, which was vetoed by then governor Jay Nixon and overridden by the Missouri House, also allows Missouri residents to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, safety training, or criminal-background check. As Sgt. Charles Wall, spokesman for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “under current state law, there is no minimum age to lawfully possess a firearm.”) To be clear: The proposal rejected this week was not seeking to ban minors from openly carrying weapons on public land, period, but simply from doing so without an adult supervising them. But apparently even that was too much for the state’s conservatives, who quite literally believe it’s fine for actual kids to walk down the street carrying guns. The proposal was defeated by 104-39, with just a single Republican voting in favor of the ban.

State representative Donna Baringer, a Democrat who represents St. Louis, said she decided to sponsor the amendment after police in her district asked for stronger regulations to stop “14-year-olds walking down the middle of the street in the city of St. Louis carrying AR-15s.” With the proposal officially blocked, said 14-year-olds, and kids half their age and younger, “have been emboldened [to carry AR-15s], and they are walking around with them,” she said. Representative Lane Roberts, apparently the only Republican with any sense in the Missouri House of Representatives, had said prior to the vote: “This is about people who don’t have the life experience to make a decision about the consequences of having that gun in their possession. Why is an 8-year-old carrying a sidearm in the street?”

A great question! And one that his fellow GOP lawmakers obviously did not have any good answers for because if you’re a sane person, there is none. In a ridiculous attempt to justify that scenario, Republican state representative Bill Hardwick argued that he “just [has] a different approach for addressing public safety that doesn’t deprive people, who have done nothing to any other person, who will commit no violence, from their freedom.” As a reminder the people Hardwick is arguing must have the freedom to carry firearms on their person, are children, some of whom cannot even buy a ticket for a PG-13 movie.

In a bit of equally absurd “logic,” state representative Tony Lovasco told The Washington Post: “Government should prohibit acts that directly cause measurable harm to others, not activities we simply suspect might escalate. Few would support banning unaccompanied kids in public places, yet one could argue such a bad policy might be effective.” Right, yes, except one small thing: A kid hanging out in public without an adult is a much smaller risk to themself and others than a kid hanging out in public without an adult and carrying a gun. Someone—not us of course, definitely not us, but someone—might suggest this is the argument of a total moron.

Of course, all of this is happening less than a month after news of a Virginia six-year-old shooting their teacher and a viral surveillance video from Indiana that captured a diaper-wearing toddler carrying a handgun and firing it.

Meanwhile, as state representative Peter Merideth noted, conservative lawmakers in the state who think kids bearing arms is fine and dandy, are currently trying to pass a bill that would make drag performances on public property or seen by minors class A misdemeanors. “Kids carrying guns on the street or in a park is a matter of individual freedom and personal responsibility. Kids seeing a drag queen read a children’s book or sing a song is a danger the government must ban,” Merideth tweeted. “Do I have that right MO GOP?”


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
It is certainly one man exercising his First Amendment right to express his opinion.

This is a very good article. It's the same one I slipped into a post in mass shooting thread.
I find this fucking hilarious. The literal second sentence in the article is "We should do everything we can to fix this." Then the idiot immediately goes on to blatantly not do that, and to make excuses for not doing that. Talk about lack of self awareness. No, that's not the way it works. He doesn't want to "do everything we can to fix this".

The person just goes off the rails and ignores or tries to counteract the most obvious Occam's Razor reason we have a problem in the first place, the guns. He places blame on decades long debunked lunacy (like violent video games, no seriously read the article), ignores the most obvious solution to the problem everybody else has come up with that has been shown to actually work in the world, brushes off the Second Amendment's modern day uselessness in fighting off a tyrannical modern army without any logical bases for doing so. Then he proceeds to think arming the fucking teachers or adding more people into the schools with guns to make it a more hardened place to attack and all the cost in doing so is a better idea than to make it so guns never end up in the school in the first place so people can't be massacred. I'm half shocked he didn't call out lack of prayer in school as a reason with his train of thought.

About the only saving grace is he advocated for more mental health care. Yeah....How much do you want to bet the idiot will then turn around after saying that and vote for the people that will in no way ever want to do that? He wants to "close the repeating loop". The access to guns is the repeating loop.
YouTuber Shot After Playing Prank On Stranger At Virginia Mall Who 'Didn't Take It Very Well'

A dumbass youtuber who makes "Jackass"-type videos playing pranks on people got shot in the stomach when he took it too far.
It was an overreaction, and I don't think he should have been shot.

That said, this is one of few times I would not mind the shooter being totally exonerated, and where I feel no sympathy for the "victim". The punk even says "he plans to return to filming prank videos once he is recovered because it is his "passion" ". Talk about not being able to take a hint.

If you're to believe the comments, it sounds like police might charge the punk for harassment or mischief. I hope they do.