>>> The Board has been updated! Read about the changes or report bugs!

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Maybe now people won't create those annoying posting milestone threads solely for the purpose of getting rep. If so, then this new upgrade just won the Internet.

We only have one member bitching about rep. Surprise, surprise as to who it is...

Don't be coy, why don't you man up if I am the one your so subtlety hinting too w/ your "We only have one member bitching about rep. Surprise, surprise as to who it is... ???"
Really how many time does our Rep system have to be changed.. I mean follow the rules, I try to help people, I use my Rep too award others for great posts etc.. Others want, repect, & value the Rep system as well, so I am NOT trying to start any :baconsalt: / altercation w/ you, but why do YOU have to fuck w/ everybody when they state there opinions??? :2 cents: :dunno: :glugglug:

What ever happened to the word "with" ?

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
What ever happened to the word "with" ?

Lol.. With.. :eek: See, you had too point that out didn't you, otherwise it would weigh on your mind until you said something about it. :D

Connor Macleod

Staff member
This appears to be the smoothest update-transition ever. I really like that we now get notices on rep and the activity log is cool.

The only problem I've seen is some of the smileys are not working.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Well, is this up for debate? I think that really sucks.. albeit our Rep used to be WAY out of control and inflated before it was crunched the last time, and it was addressed / replaced w/ a stricter Rep system which I thought was pretty fair, now we get a limitation on our Rep power in exchange for being able to rep somebody (again) quicker, I personally would prefer to stick w/ the last Rep system we had before the board was updated again..

So, is this decision Final or if enough members (liked / preferred) the previous Rep system before the board update we just had, can or will it be changed back? :mad::cussing: becuase I really don't think its fair... Allot of board members go out of there way to help others, such as ID'ing, provide other new members w/ instructions etc.. & what about the members that provide news, and or post great things consistently are cheated w/ this new improvised Rep system IMO.. :2 cents:

And if we are stuck w/ this new Rep system instead of having everybodies 100 rep power visible when we post, our Rep should be visible instead, I mean everybodies Rep power is now 100 right? so instead of that showing replace it w/ our Rep again. :2 cents:

Even though it doesn't matter for me (as a mod), I agree the new system is not fair. It should be set back to the way it was, or done away with entirely.
There is fires and looters running amok in every major city on the planet. I believe this update is the cause for this breakdownin society.

Also, still no mobile forum? Cmon.
I don't usually complain on the boards, but not liking the new style so far at all. Especially the "My Activity" section on my profile. Can I hide that and make it normal again or no?
I've never actually accessed the site on my phone. How bad is it?

Extremely frustrating. I have to refresh the page a couple times if I want to.comment. Backspacing doesn't work sometimes. Quoting screws up. Nothing bad enough to.keep me away, but I wish it was fixed. I only post from my phone.
I worked like a hooer in overtime to get that rep score now it's gone :hairpull: