Well, is this up for debate? I think that really sucks.. albeit our Rep used to be WAY out of control and inflated before it was crunched the last time, and it was addressed / replaced w/ a stricter Rep system which I thought was pretty fair, now we get a limitation on our Rep power in exchange for being able to rep somebody (again) quicker, I personally would prefer to stick w/ the last Rep system we had before the board was updated again..
So, is this decision
Final or if enough members (liked / preferred) the previous Rep system before the board update we just had, can or will it be changed back?

:cussing: becuase I really don't think its fair... Allot of board members go out of there way to help others, such as ID'ing, provide other new members w/ instructions etc.. & what about the members that provide news, and or post great things consistently are cheated w/ this new improvised Rep system IMO.. :2 cents:
And if we are stuck w/ this new Rep system instead of having everybodies 100 rep power visible when we post, our Rep should be visible instead, I mean everybodies Rep power is now 100 right? so instead of that showing replace it w/ our Rep again. :2 cents: