As long as you are not so addicted to it and neglect her its fine. You have to be honest about it and she hopefully isn't the jealous type and ask you to stop.
pfft of course you can't
I won't waste valuable freeones real estate by listing all of the things you can longer do now that you're married. Welcome to the man-made prison that is marriage.
if you have to hide it, probably not the best thing for the relationship. But it's way hotter to watch it together, so give it the old college try: get her drunk, get her hot, and put it on. See what happens.
Ofcourse you can! My wife and I watch porn regularly.
that doesn't sound too good. :crying:
can you elaborate on that, mate ?
Depends on how your wife feels about it. How would you like it if your wife watched pics of guys that look better than you all day long. After a while wouldn't you start wonderin' if she likes looking at them so much why doesn't she be with them? Same thing many girls think. I think if she's cool with it, then go for it, if not then it aint right bro. And that's why I (ahem) hide mine:tongue:
is it right ?
should i discuss it with her ?
am i fuckin' sick ?
I actually think porn helps me stay faithfull. If I can't masturbate while watching a redhead getting a good face splattin' then who knows, I might find a redhead and give her that facesplattin' meself.
Watching porn with your girlfriend/wife is the BEST! Talk dirty about what you both like to see (*COUGH* Kimora *COUGH*) and go go go!![]()
Hmmmm, Lech, I don't know. If you want to explode you load into her probably avoid the porn (if you jerk). :dunno:
Don't listen to these dillholes telling you to lie about it and go behind her back - dishonesty is not something that should ever exist in a marriage. Would you want to be lied to about something that hurts or bothers you? Do things the mature, adult way, and just talk to her. If theres something she wants in return, give it to her. If porn isn't worth all that hassle, then give it up completely. You married her, so she's gotta be pretty damn important to you, so really think about whats worse - living without porn, or living without the woman you love, because you lied to her and she found out.
Or, just do what I always advise to guys who have this issue- ask your woman to make you her own porn. Give her a camcorder, some sexy outfits, some fun toys and tell her to go nuts for an afternoon so when you get home from work, you have your own bating material.