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Sanatorium crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers

What frustrates me is that Santorum claims porn is dangerous. He makes this claim based on exactly zero research (as it turns out, studies have shown that porn does NOT lead to violence towards women.) He simply spouts his ideas as if they are accepted facts and people have a tendency to simply swallow what they're told.

In fact, in this thread alone, a few of you have refered to porn as a "dirty" or improper thing. Well, I don't think porn is dirty. I think masturbation keeps people from killing each other. I think that sex is a wonderful thing and I enjoy that I have the ability to look at beautiful women whenever I wish.

I bet most of you agree, yet we still find ourselves calling porn a dirty thing.

One last question: Why is it that Repulicans who claim to be against big government always want to stick their noses into the media I consume? Talk about Big Brother.

Evidence no longer matters with the Republican party.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Easier said than done considering the ever increasing numbers of single parent households in society these days. I sure as heck wouldn't want to play the role of being a disciplinarian after working an 8 - 10 hour day mon-fri. ... As if driving half way across town (after work) and picking up the little bass turds at their devious little friends' single parented residence wouldn't be enough... then I have to get dinner on table on top of that?!!:uohs:
It's no wonder why today's kids are going to pot so to speak, their custodial parent is simply burned out... running on fumes as it were.
No joke. Now, if only there were ways to reduce the number of kids being born to single parents...

In fact, in this thread alone, a few of you have refered to porn as a "dirty" or improper thing. Well, I don't think porn is dirty. I think masturbation keeps people from killing each other. I think that sex is a wonderful thing and I enjoy that I have the ability to look at beautiful women whenever I wish.
This remains one of religion's lesser-spoken-of evils: the repression of human sexuality. You know, the second strongest biological drive after self-preservation. It's a pretty simple concept, really: suppress a massive part of one's humanity, and you get inhumane people.


I plead the 5th...



:1orglaugh Actually, I'm voting for this guy. The claims of his beliefs by the leftist media seem a little too exagerated, like when the rightist media said that Obama was a socialist, pure exaggeration, right? :tongue:

Plus, I don't care either way about social issues anyway but economic issues, which is what matters the most to me, I lean more Republican. If the difference between the parties was only the social issues but the Democrats had the same economic and foreign policies as the Republicans, I'd really consider voting Democrat, or at least I wouldn't give a damn if they won.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
:facepalm: This is exactly why I crap myself laughing every time I hear the words "Conservative" and "Pornstar" used in the same sentence. Why the hell would someone be in favor of a person who advocates you not only losing your job, but possibly going to jail for it? I know not all conservatives are like this. It just seems that a sizable portion of the republican party is going out of its way to appease the far right evangelical ultra conservative assholes who don't even account for half of the Republican party's voting base. What I find even more hilarious is the fact that when there isn't even a shred of evidence that Obama is gonna implement strict gun control laws, these same assholes complain until they are blue in the face about how government should stay out of our lives and stop infringing upon our rights.

One poster on a political board I'm on calls it "delusional hypocrisy". Some people have a view of themselves that doesn't match reality. So the pornstar who thinks calling herself a "conservative Republican" sounds good (more a part of proper society) and *believes* that she'd be accepted as part of the group... in fact (reality), at any Republican gathering (in the South, anyway) they'd have security lead her out the door.

I am NOT comparing the GOP to the Nazis by saying this. But just to put a finer point on it, remember the Jews who had their kids join the Hitler Youth early on. Sometimes people in disaffected groups think that by joining in certain political movements, they'll be more accepted/acceptable. "Chickens In Support of Colonel Sanders" anyone? :D

:1orglaugh Actually, I'm voting for this guy. The claims of his beliefs by the leftist media seem a little too exagerated, like when the rightist media said that Obama was a socialist, pure exaggeration, right? :tongue:

Plus, I don't care either way about social issues anyway but economic issues, which is what matters the most to me, I lean more Republican. If the difference between the parties was only the social issues but the Democrats had the same economic and foreign policies as the Republicans, I'd really consider voting Democrat, or at least I wouldn't give a damn if they won.

I'm MUCH more concerned with economic issues as well. Pity that Santorum spends more time crowing about social issues than putting forth a substantive economic plan, that isn't just a rehash of the tired old "deregulate and cut taxes" stand-up routine that we've been hearing for years.

Along with Newt Gingrich and Michele Bahmann, he signed a pledge to ban porn, and said that he would appoint a like-minded Attorney General. That's what the man said. Unlike the paranoid fears about Obama's so called socialist leanings, Santorum's words are captured in print and on video. If those who like him choose to not believe what he's plainly said, why vote for him? Me, I take the man at his word... rather than hope that he won't do what he clearly said he would do.

Bingo. Let's imagine that by some miracle he wins the nomination, and by a bigger miracle wins the general election, there's a little something called the First Amendment that he will have to challenge to make that happen.

The First Amendment doesn't protect that which can be deemed obscene or lacking artistic value. We learned that from the Meese Commission days, as well as Bush's Obscenity Task Force... which Santorum has criticized Obama for not leaving intact. It might be a fight in some cases. But all that's necessary is to find a jury in a small southern town that agrees that a video (that was transmitted or mailed across state lines) of Bree Olson taking a cock up the ass while screaming "oh, do me, Daddy!!!" is obscene and she and the producer wind up doing time. The same reasoning that some of the porn hounds here used to say that Max Hardcore got what he deserved, well, there are other people out in the world who believe that exact same thing. Only they apply it to ALL porn.

Will E Worm

The First Amendment doesn't protect that which can be deemed obscene or lacking artistic value. We learned that from the Meese Commission days, as well as Bush's Obscenity Task Force... which Santorum has criticized Obama for not leaving intact. It might be a fight in some cases. But all that's necessary is to find a jury in a small southern town that agrees that a video (that was transmitted or mailed across state lines) of Bree Olson taking a cock up the ass while screaming "oh, do me, Daddy!!!" is obscene and she and the producer wind up doing time. The same reasoning that some of the porn hounds here used to say that Max Hardcore got what he deserved, well, there are other people out in the world who believe that exact same thing. Only they apply it to ALL porn.

Who can deem something "obscene" or "lacking artistic value"? Just because they do not like something?
Sounds more like they want to take freedoms away.

Fallible people who cheat on their spouses and lie about everything should never act like they know what morals are.

What happened to Max Hardcore was unconstitutional.

these were men doing what men do. Sanatorium is a freak who more than likely puts cupcakes in his ass......

"What men do" is not an excuse. Santorum is just trying to appeal to what he believes is his voter base.
I doubt he keeps his promises.
Well, I hope you're the first one thrown in jail by the new Federal Sex and Pornography Police Force under President Santorum. So the liberal media is making this all up, eh? Well below I've posted your boy Ricky's statement from his own website. I suppose you'll tell me that Rachel Maddow hacked his site to put this there.



:1orglaugh Actually, I'm voting for this guy. The claims of his beliefs by the leftist media seem a little too exagerated, like when the rightist media said that Obama was a socialist, pure exaggeration, right? :tongue:

Plus, I don't care either way about social issues anyway but economic issues, which is what matters the most to me, I lean more Republican. If the difference between the parties was only the social issues but the Democrats had the same economic and foreign policies as the Republicans, I'd really consider voting Democrat, or at least I wouldn't give a damn if they won.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't care either way about social issues anyway but economic issues, which is what matters the most to me, I lean more Republican. If the difference between the parties was only the social issues but the Democrats had the same economic and foreign policies as the Republicans, I'd really consider voting Democrat, or at least I wouldn't give a damn if they won.

Yeah, vote for Sanitarium based on republican fiscal policy. That makes mighty sense considering republican fiscal policy is responsible for 93.99% of the national debt. http://reaganbushdebt.org/

Will E Worm

Well, I hope you're the first one thrown in jail by the new Federal Sex and Pornography Police Force under President Santorum. So the liberal media is making this all up, eh? Well below I've posted your boy Ricky's statement from his own website. I suppose you'll tell me that Rachel Maddow hacked his site to put this there.


"I proudly support the efforts of the War on Illegal Pornography Coalition"

:facepalm: We really need another war. The drug war has worked out so well.

There's really no proof. Too many people watch porn for there to be a "pandemic" of harm from porn.
People will do what they were going to do. Whether they watched porn, movies, or television. All it will be is an excuse. You are responsibly for your actions.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Rick Santorment is a rhino chickenhawk neocon flip flopper who should have dropped out of the race last year

To be honest, I think there are two candidates still in the GOP race who actually do believe what they're saying: Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. If Santorum had been like Romney, and just said what people wanted to hear, he'd have probably won Michigan and Ohio. And his recent gaffe in Puerto Rico certainly cost him votes there, and probably every place else where there are lots of Hispanics. But he usually does own his words... even when he's got it bassackwards. I'm not saying that he's honest or right, but I do have to give the little creep some credit for sincerity - even when being sincere has cost him votes.

Sadly, I don't see Santorum as a RINO at all. He is (IMO) the real deal. He is EXACTLY where that party seems to be heading: farther to the right on social issues, no substantive economic plan (just blind support of corporatism) and more military interventionism in regard to foreign policy.
How many politicians keep their promises? Do you really believe he will keep this one?

I doubt it. He will probably be caught doing something sooner or later.

Look at Bill Clinton and John Edwards.

You will vote for him if he wins the GOP nod.... 8)


Official Checked Star Member
Easier said than done considering the ever increasing numbers of single parent households in society these days...

As LA county said: there's always condoms. This is a weird society which fights to impose condoms on a super controlled bunch of 200 performers and then condones violence and bad parenting in the name of the lack of use of condoms.
It's easier to be done than to say it imo, Facetious. There are single parents, with low profile jobs or even unemployed who raise their kids being present, loving them and transmitting them the value of respect towards the next. How comes?
I bet you that a spoiled cunt like "snooky" Polizzi from Jersey Shore can become a triple parent, rich and healthy and yet she will raise another cunt as a child.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Apparently Sanitarium reaffirmed his porn hate today-


Rick Santorum doubled down Sunday on a campaign promise to crack down on the distribution of explicit pornography if elected president, saying exposure to the content "can be very damaging."

A position paper on Santorum's campaign website argues that current obscenity laws already prohibit the distribution of "hardcore (obscene) pornography," and that the Obama administration has failed to enforce these restrictions. As president, Santorum says he would instruct his attorney general to prosecute those who distribute content his administration deems "obscene."

Yeah! Go smaller government conservatives! You show that big-government liberal socialist Kenyan Obama how to keep the government out of our lives!!!