Post-Pandemic Economy

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Ha. No apology needed. Those are the people who think they got to where they are by themselves with no help from anyone else. Most taxes are regressive, yet the loudest complainers about taxes are the more affluent.
Perhaps the rich whine amongst themselves more but I doubt many call the local paper opinion line. More like those who we picture as Trumpistas. Old, White, feeling cheated by life. That type.


On the dark side of the moon
Perhaps the rich whine amongst themselves more but I doubt many call the local paper opinion line. More like those who we picture as Trumpistas. Old, White, feeling cheated by life. That type.
You would be surprised. White, suburban, upper-middle classers with a couple kids, over-extended, spending like crazy, and feeling cheated by life.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Sometimes I think that this Country really needs another 10 year economic Depression just to make people rely on each other again. Like back in the days of no government handouts at all. No unemployment, no food stamps, no section 8 housing. Just a return to the WPA and CCC. It would either kill us or cure us. I know how I think it would go.
I've been saying for years that a big chunk of the world's problems can be traced back to rich people's kids. People who were born on third base and convinced themselves they deserve it. Now we have a well established ruling class where the kids of politicians and CEOs are the only ones with a shot at becoming politicians and CEOs and nobody making decisions for the average person has the slightest clue how the average person lives.

I'd like to see congressional salaries tied to the median wage, see how fast things improve for the average worker then.

I've had the hardest time, without it turning into a generational argument, explaining that all of us living today have been on the downslope of the post-WWII boom economy. In my opinion it's been diminishing returns for every subsequent generation, and somehow that seems like, to boomers in this conversation, to be an attack on boomers. Especially MAGAs returning to a prosperous state they never had a hand in making.
Boomers hate to admit how easy they had it. They got out of high school in some nowhere, one horse town, accepted one of the dozen job offers they got, made a decent wage with regular increases stacking potatoes in a warehouse somewhere, bought their houses with whatever change they had in their pockets. Yet any time I've ever suggested that their generation might have had an easier time than others, either online or in real life, I get a flood of abuse and "you don't have a clue". "We worked hard for our success" they scream, to which I reply "congratulations, my generation works hard just to get by."
All the talk of how "entitled" younger generations are is infuriating. If a boomer doesn't like something, they complain to a manager, or they're on the phone to their local rep, my generation just shrugs and moves on, because we're used to disappointment.
And my kids generation is even more cynical again. They barely even seem to have aspirations. It's like they looked around and said fuck that, we'll share memes and tik tok dances instead. And that's their strength, in a way. They're not going to kill themselves struggling for the white picket fence and 2 cars. They're going to be happy living in shared rentals and taking ubers when they do bother going anywhere. It's one thing that won't be able to be used to hold them down.


On the dark side of the moon
Sorry to offend you guys so much. :LOL:
After a cold morning in the potato warehouse getting bashed the younger set ...

It's good that some are getting the message. When the auto industry closed down here, the government funded retraining for all the retrenched employees to go and find work in other industries. Then they offered incentives for new industries to move in and use the existing infrastructure that the auto makers left behind. Of course it didn't save everyone, but it was a hell of a lot more productive than spending 40 years telling them that their coal mining jobs are going to come back.

The elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about is that we're on a very fast track to a situation where there just aren't enough jobs to go around. Remember the old "world of the future" vids from the 40s and 50s, where people were promised that increases in productivity would see a 20 hour work week becoming the standard? What really happened is that the work week got longer, standards of living stagnated, and all that extra productivity went to the top.
No organization is going to give employees a 20 hour work week just so it can hire another worker. How many people do you think it would have taken to do the work of a single amazon warehouse 40 years ago?
The current global financial system is unsustainable, and it seems like it's starting to strain. Toss in the coming turbulence of climate catastrophe that's right around the corner and I think that we're going to see some serious upheavals in the next few decades. I don't think anybody has any idea what it's going to look like, but I reckon it's going to get wild.
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Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
After a cold morning in the potato warehouse getting bashed the younger set ...
I read that article and almost posted it myself. Picking a career is more than a crapshoot now than it ever has been . Many changes already in the workforce and as the article says, automation is here to stay. Luddites be damned. Even Medical care is unsteady here in the midst of a pandemic as some hospitals are laying off staff due to the loss of elective tests and surgeries. Hard times are coming. Back in ancient times when i was young you could get out of High School and get a fairly good job. And if that employer pissed you off you could quit and have another the same or next day. After the oil crisis of 1973 that began to change and after Regan broke unions with the Air Traffic controller strike in 1981 things began to really go downhill for workers and they have become less important every year since. I am glad to be out of the workforce for all intents and purposes and my little job as a School Bus Drive is secure as no one want to do it.


"Borrow" half the personal assets from the top 10% richest aholes.
It will be enough to give every American $20,000, so that they can survive for 6 months, it will go back to businesses owned by the rich aholes and it will boost the economy.
Problem solved until the pandemic starts to wane.
Then send a bill to China for the cost of the pandemic.
"Borrow" half the personal assets from the top 10% richest aholes.
It will be enough to give every American $20,000, so that they can survive for 6 months, it will go back to businesses owned by the rich aholes and it will boost the economy.
Problem solved until the pandemic starts to wane.
Then send a bill to China for the cost of the pandemic.

Borrow or "Borrow"? I may be too much of a risk applying for the first one and trying the second one may burrow me in a grave and not just "burrow".

Who's the Phildelphia leg-breaking loan shark to force China to pay after the judgement?

How about this instead? Spread your message while making money at it.


"Borrow" as a long term loan, at 0% interest, to be paid back in installments over an indefinite time period.
"Borrow" as a long term loan, at 0% interest, to be paid back in installments over an indefinite time period.

I think they would laugh at me if I tried to actually borrow that kind of money especially at 0% over an indefinite time period. I can't get my foot in the door so could you co-sign for me? We can give them the high hat and stiff 'em like China will to all countries including us.


"HA-HA-HA. Catch you next time, kid."
Imagine being so stupid you couldn't see investment opportunities in Biden's $2 trillion climate plan.
Imagine being so stupid you couldn't see investment opportunities in Biden's $2 trillion climate plan.

Be my financial planner then. Honestly, I'm scared of the stock market. What should I buy into? If it makes money I may invest. I'm not very business savvy so I need your help. I am a lucky man who has lived a charmed life.


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