Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

Obama Uses John Lewis Funeral to Call for ‘Eliminating the Filibuster’

Barack Obama Uses John Lewis Eulogy For Political Diatribe, Attacks Trump

Barack Obama Issues Desperate Private Warning About Trump Voters To Top Democratic Donors

MLK’s Niece Torches Barack Obama For Politicizing John Lewis’ Funeral And Using It To Bash Trump
Obama Uses John Lewis Funeral to Call for ‘Eliminating the Filibuster’

Barack Obama Uses John Lewis Eulogy For Political Diatribe, Attacks Trump

Barack Obama Issues Desperate Private Warning About Trump Voters To Top Democratic Donors

MLK’s Niece Torches Barack Obama For Politicizing John Lewis’ Funeral And Using It To Bash Trump
God, what hot diarrhea Obama is. Making a eulogy political and divisive. He's the same asshole as when he was in office: intentionally fomenting racial division, laying the seeds for the discord of today. The twat's even doing at funerals now.
I watched it. The crowd there didn't seem divided. He was talking about continuing the life's work of John Lewis, which reasonable people agree Lewis would have been supportive of.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
God, what hot diarrhea Obama is. Making a eulogy political and divisive. He's the same asshole as when he was in office: intentionally fomenting racial division, laying the seeds for the discord of today. The twat's even doing at funerals now.

Obama could put on a hood and join the Klan and you'd still say he hated white people.
Obama could put on a hood and join the Klan and you'd still say he hated white people.
Not white people. American people. Barry is 101% sold out to big government graft, and lifetime appointees like Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer. All 5 of them, lifers in Washington, and assholes that are so far removed from everyday Americans as to refer to them as "deplorable" . Funny, how that can backfire on a cunt, though, isn't it. 😉
Not white people. American people. Barry is 101% sold out to big government graft, and lifetime appointees like Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer. All 5 of them, lifers in Washington, and assholes that are so far removed from everyday Americans as to refer to them as "deplorable" . Funny, how that can backfire on a cunt, though, isn't it. 😉

I agree 100%. You won't get any argument from me on that. The 2008 election was the first election I got to vote in and the Democrats still have the same stale ass leadership from that time in Pelosi, Schumer, Hoyer and Clyburn.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Each party turned over one of their leaders since the 2008 election. Pelosi and Reid led the Democrats while Boehner and McConnell led the Republicans. Pelosi and McConnell remain. Leadership hasn't changed very much for either faction.
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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Not white people. American people. Barry is 101% sold out to big government graft, and lifetime appointees like Clinton, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer. All 5 of them, lifers in Washington, and assholes that are so far removed from everyday Americans as to refer to them as "deplorable" . Funny, how that can backfire on a cunt, though, isn't it. 😉

Typical far right, "I get to define you by what I think of you, not anything based in reality" garbage.

TF outta here with that shit.
Typical far right, "I get to define you by what I think of you, not anything based in reality" garbage.

TF outta here with that shit.

Ironic that you mention terrorist financing, as that was kind of the Obama administration "thing". Their "special sauce".

"The Middle East Forum has discovered that the Obama administration approved a grant of $200,000 of taxpayer money to an al-Qaeda affiliate in Sudan — a decade after the U.S. Treasury designated it as a terrorist-financing organization. More stunningly, government officials specifically authorized the release of at least $115,000 of this grant even after learning that it was a designated terror organization."


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Ironic that you mention terrorist financing, as that was kind of the Obama administration "thing". Their "special sauce".

"The Middle East Forum has discovered that the Obama administration approved a grant of $200,000 of taxpayer money to an al-Qaeda affiliate in Sudan — a decade after the U.S. Treasury designated it as a terrorist-financing organization. More stunningly, government officials specifically authorized the release of at least $115,000 of this grant even after learning that it was a designated terror organization."

Oversight, I'm sure. Pales in comparison to the Iran-Contra affair that Saint Reagan should have been impeached for.
Oversight, I'm sure. Pales in comparison to the Iran-Contra affair that Saint Reagan should have been impeached for.
You're swift to excuse the Obama administration of literally funding terror (like, wow) 🤯

But was giving the Iranians BILLIONS of dollars to work on nuclear weapons - that couldn't have been an oversight, right? Providing the sworn enemies of the United States billions of dollars of funding to develop weapons of mass destruction. Oversight?

How readily some make excuses for the crimes and sins of others. Weird.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You're swift to excuse the Obama administration of literally funding terror (like, wow) 🤯

But was giving the Iranians BILLIONS of dollars to work on nuclear weapons - that couldn't have been an oversight, right? Providing the sworn enemies of the United States billions of dollars of funding to develop weapons of mass destruction. Oversight?

How readily some make excuses for the crimes and sins of others. Weird.

Obama saved the U.S. tax payer billions of dollars in interest on money that the WTO was about to order returned to Iran for arms purchases in the 70's that were cancelled after they took hostages in 1979. Your glaring ignorance of history and facts is not surprising.
Obama saved the U.S. tax payer billions of dollars in interest on money that the WTO was about to order returned to Iran for arms purchases in the 70's that were cancelled after they took hostages in 1979. Your glaring ignorance of history and facts is not surprising.
Am I to understand that you're denying that the Obama administration unleashed an ocean of money, BILLIONS, into Iran, which they now use to develop nuclear WEAPONS? Are you in 2020? Who's the President of the United States, sugar? Say it with me, President Donald TRUMP! 😽


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Am I to understand that you're denying that the Obama administration unleashed an ocean of money, BILLIONS, into Iran, which they now use to develop nuclear WEAPONS? Are you in 2020? Who's the President of the United States, sugar? Say it with me, President Donald TRUMP! 😽

I don't think you comprehend much, amigo. :rolleyes:

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Being that I am not a democrat, nor republican, I look at both parties more objectively, and here's my take:

The worst president in our HISTORY was George W. Bush. During his tenure, we had:
  1. Multiple political scandals
  2. Multiple financial scandals
  3. Multiple banking scandals
  4. Multiple bailouts
  5. Multiple violations of the law
  6. Multiple violations of the constitution
  7. Market crash of 2008
  8. Fannie Mae
  9. Freddie Mac
  10. The intel on Iraq was not a CIA failure. It was an open lie by the president to justify his thirst for revenge against Sadam Hussein and his assassination plot against George W's father (which the CIA discovered and prevented). Personally, I think Hussein needed to go, but lying about the reason to invade and using the CIA as a scapegoat should have gotten him impeached.
  11. Plame, FEMA, Kyoto, Blackwater, "Mission Accomplished", and the list goes on...
If that's not enough, look at the bottom line. Check the national debt for the day GWB took office, and for the day he left office. Nuff said.

As for Obama, whether you liked him or not, history will judge his time as president as a failure for two reasons:
  1. He inherited a god-awful mess from the worst president in history (that was a lot to deal with).
  2. Trump (an extreme narcissist) came in 8 years later and was hell-bent on obliterating the Obama legacy.