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Parkland Agenda Exposed


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
The Illuminati can shut up. :tongue:

Good, worm. You shall cease and desist. You know better. Your treachery is breaching and you shall stop.

sean miguel

I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.

He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:4

which is why I'm not worried about the existence of the state of Israel. If it was going to be wiped out it would've happened in 1948 - they had absolutely no business prevaling then. I'm worried about the continued existence of ours. The grass withers and the flowers fade ...


Hiliary 2020

This is an example of trained behavior.
A conditioned response.
This is an example of arrested development.
Of a person who has been conditioned over a long period of time not to be able to think for themselves but rather respond in the way they have been taught.

"Those Germans killed 6 million innocent Jews in WWII (even though there was nowhere near 6 million Jews in the areas that Germany occupied).
"Oh how horrible German people are"

The Bolsheviks in which the leaders were almost all Jewish killed, tortured and imprisoned 10's of millions of Christians in the years following the Revolution and the murder of the Royal Family".
"You racist"
"You Hater"
"you Antiseminite".

Conditioned responses. There is a lot of that round here.


Hiliary 2020
Wills post here is a condemnation of supremacism.
Because if the writing in question actually does state the Jews are superior than that is bigotry no matter how you twist it.

Scott Israel is Jewish.
He made that an issue when he ran for sheriff.
He was running in a county that has a huge jewish concentration.
He used the fact that he was Jewish to get where he is.
This is fact.

And if you think that Jews whether orthodox, Hasidic, or just your run of the mill Barbara Streisand NY types don't stick together more than probably any other group than you are either naive or willfully ignorant.
You try getting into their inner circle.
Na Ga Happen.

And the media where you all get your information from in which forms your thoughts beliefs and opinions comes from Jewish people.
CNN is almost entirely Jewish.
And it just happens to be all lies and propaganda.

Whether I agree with wills post or not doesn't matter, at least I read it.

Most of you on the other hand just responded with the usual conditioned response that we see over and over.
"Will hates Jews, Duh"
Arent you smarter than that?


Be careful what you wish for, it might come true!
And if you think that Jews whether orthodox, Hasidic, or just your run of the mill Barbara Streisand NY types don't stick together more than probably any other group than you are either naive or willfully ignorant.

And this is a bad thing how? It makes for incredibly strong, supportive families. Which generally leads to the development of better adjusted, successful individuals.

You try getting into their inner circle.
Na Ga Happen.

That's a lot of bullshit. Intermarriage has long been common currency among Jews. Where the heck have you been to not know that?

Most of you on the other hand just responded with the usual conditioned response that we see over and over.
"Will hates Jews, Duh"
Arent you smarter than that?

Yes actually we are. You on the other hand are not.

I have uncle, 97 years old now, born a German Jew, who has a series of numbers tattooed on his arm, and a collection of memories so horrific that 73 years later he still wakes up in the middle of the night at times in a cold sweat. I had an aunt who was buried with that same kind of tattoo on her arm about 15 years ago. They were the only two members of that branch of my family who survived the death camps. I would enjoy watching you, with your painful ignorance and detached lack of humanity, lecturing my uncle on how the emotion people feel regarding the holocaust is a "conditioned response". An example of "arrested development". If you're ever in California please get in touch. It's getting late in his life and I'd hate to have him die without a genuine expert educating him about what really happened to him, his family and all the other souls who vanished from the face of the earth in those years.


Be careful what you wish for, it might come true!
If you're ever in California please get in touch. It's getting late in his life and I'd hate to have him die without a genuine expert educating him about what really happened to him, his family and all the other souls who vanished from the face of the earth in those years.

PS: Will you're invited too. Maybe you can educate him about how the jews "started it" by boycotting German products.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
meesterperfect said:
I admit it, when I see jews being accused of being implicated in something they aren't related to, in any way, it reminds me of what happened in nazi germany. Because that's exactly what happened there back then.

"Those Germans killed 6 million innocent Jews in WWII (even though there was nowhere near 6 million Jews in the areas that Germany occupied).
"Oh how horrible German people are"

The Bolsheviks in which the leaders were almost all Jewish killed, tortured and imprisoned 10's of millions of Christians in the years following the Revolution and the murder of the Royal Family".
"You racist"
"You Hater"
"you Antiseminite".

Interesting how when you wanna prove ou double-standart your claim we refer to nazi germany, as "germans" but when it's a about bolshevik russia we referred to them as "bolsheviks", not "russians". Interesting...

I'm not surprised you in the judeo-bolshevik BSS : It used to be very common in nazi germany to blame jews for the rise of bolshevism in Russia and to claim that most of their leaders were jews.
The truth is jews di supported the 1917 Revolution, thinking their situation in Russia would elvolve in a positive way. But by the time Stalin and Hitler signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, jews had been eliminated from the Party


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
"Those Germans killed 6 million innocent Jews in WWII (even though there was nowhere near 6 million Jews in the areas that Germany occupied).

Wow! WWII didn't have Jews killed by Nazis. Why? Because YouTube doesn't have video of this. Oh, ...wait a minute, ...MSM ...Allied propaganda. Jews controlled the media back then. Never mind, delete my post.

Will E Worm

David Hogg graduated more than two years ago, in 2015, from the Redondo Shores High School in Redondo, part of Greater Los Angeles, California.

Classmates.com took his page down.



Hiliary 2020
David Hogg graduated more than two years ago, in 2015, from the Redondo Shores High School in Redondo, part of Greater Los Angeles, California.

Classmates.com took his page down.

Several things.
I am a little iffy about that yearbook photo.
Could be a plant. Intentional disinfo. A Red Herring.
Then again he did make yootoob videos in California as if he lived there.
But it might be real.
So I'm not sure. If A. Jones jumps on it then its probably fake.
Either way the thing was staged and scripted.

PH I don't want to debate it and I don't want to upset you.
I don't want this to turn into another holocaust debate
I simply don't believe the number and I never will.
I also don't believe there was a systematic slaughter of Jewish.
I know thousands were deemed enemies of the state and put in work camps. Prison camps.
And many died there especially in that brutal winter of 44/45.
And families were separated many forever.
That was a horrible horrible thing. I have great sympathy for anybody who had to live through that.
I am anti war and WWII is no exception. I think the war was uneccesary I think it was the allies mainly England who wanted both wars.
I believe the Jewish leaders who pushed for war in both wars sacrificed their own people.
I believe money is the cause of almost all wars and WWII is no exception.

As far as this dickhead Israel.
The guy has been going around pushing for laws not only to disarm the citizens but even worse have them arrested for internet posts.
Internet posts.
Fucking scary.
And also scary is they have these young people so afraid and brainwashed that many would agree with it.
If you hate what you believe about Nazis then you must be against that.

Will E Worm


What about the people saying they went to school with him and show yearbooks to prove it?

Someone needs to get a hold of that yearbook.

The Sherriff needs to resign.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
This is the deal of Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School Football team, the Eagles


And this is a tweet from David Hoog, featuring a picture of him in front of that same logo. The tweet is from Oct. 29th 2015



Be careful what you wish for, it might come true!
PH I don't want to debate it and I don't want to upset you.

Then don't spit on my family's graves. That should be easy enough, right?

Or is accusing those who mourn for the millions lost of "arrested development" more important?

I also don't believe there was a systematic slaughter of Jewish.

Ever heard of the Wannsee Conference??
Good grief ...*shaking my head*

How about Reinhard Heydrich? Does that name ring a bell?
"To take the place of emigration, and with the prior approval of the Führer, the evacuation of the Jews to the East has become another possible solution. Although both courses of action emigration and evacuation, must, of course, be considered as nothing more than... temporary expedients, they do help to provide practical experience which should be of great importance in view of the coming Endlösung (Final Solution) of the Jewish question." - Heydrich


Mass shootings only benefit the NRA and the corporations that control the NRA, and left wing anti gun extremists.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Mass shootings only benefit the NRA and the corporations that control the NRA, and left wing anti gun extremists.
Who are counter-effective to those who just want comprehensive gun legislation. These extremists are actually useful idiots for the NRA.


Hiliary 2020
Then don't spit on my family's graves. That should be easy enough, right?

Or is accusing those who mourn for the millions lost of "arrested development" more important?

I also don't believe there was a systematic slaughter of Jewish.

Ever heard of the Wannsee Conference??
Good grief ...*shaking my head*

How about Reinhard Heydrich? Does that name ring a bell?
"To take the place of emigration, and with the prior approval of the Führer, the evacuation of the Jews to the East has become another possible solution. Although both courses of action emigration and evacuation, must, of course, be considered as nothing more than... temporary expedients, they do help to provide practical experience which should be of great importance in view of the coming Endlösung (Final Solution) of the Jewish question." - Heydrich

I'm not spitting on any graves.
I don't don't believe the number and I don't believe there was a systematic genocide.
I don't believe the Germans were the monsters that the winner of those wars portrays them as.
I'm just being honest. I have said this here many times.

And I'm part German.
Maybe I should be pissed for what I see as lies against my ancestors?
I'm not.


Be careful what you wish for, it might come true!
I'm not spitting on any graves.

Yeah, you are. And it's really disturbing that you don't see it.

And I'm part German.

So am I. 50%.
Sadly the half of that 50% that was Jewish all perished in the death camps, except a mere 2 souls.

Oh well, maybe those two survivors just made up all the stories about their experiences in the camps, right? Maybe they got those tattoos to be stylish. Maybe they just imagined seeing other members of their family publicly executed. Maybe all the ones they never saw again are actually vacationing in Palm Beach right now, yeah?