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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009

"The Cambridge police acted stupidly." —commenting on a white police officer's arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home in Cambridge, Mass., at a news conference, July 22, 2009

"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." --in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2009

"It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." --confusing German for "Austrian," a language which does not exist, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2009

"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." --making an off-hand joke during an appearance on "The Tonight Show", March 19, 2009 (Obama later called the head of the Special Olympics to apologize)

"I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any seances." --after saying he had spoken with all the living presidents as he prepared to take office, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 2008 (Obama later called Nancy Reagan to apologize)

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." -- defending his tax plan to Joe the Plumber, who argued that Obama's policy hurts small-business owners like himself, Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 12, 2008

"What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..." --in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who jumped in to correct Obama by saying "your Christian faith," which Obama quickly clarified (Watch video clip)

"I'm here with the Girardo family here in St. Louis." --speaking via satellite to the Democratic National Convention, while in Kansas City, Missouri, Aug. 25, 2008

"Let me introduce to you the next President -- the next Vice President of the United States of America, Joe Biden." --slipping up while introducing Joe Biden at their first joint campaign rally, Springfield, Illinois, Aug. 23, 2008

"Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee -- which is my committee -- a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon." --referring to a committee he is not on, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008

"Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under a McCain...administration. It will be a strong friend of Israel's under an Obama administration. So that policy is not going to change." --Amman, Jordan, July 22, 2008

"How's it going, Sunshine?" --campaigning in Sunrise, Florida

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

"Hold on one second, sweetie, we're going to do -- we'll do a press avail." --to a female reporter for ABC's Detroit affiliate who asked about his plan to help American autoworkers (Watch video clip)

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon (Watch video clip)

"Why can't I just eat my waffle?" --after being asked a foreign policy question by a reporter while visiting a diner in Pennsylvania

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters

"The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, you know, there's a reaction that's been bred in our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society."

"Come on! I just answered, like, eight questions." --exasperated by reporters after a news conference

"You're likeable enough, Hillary." --during a Democratic debate

"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people"


Official Checked Star Member
did you ever watch the documentary "Right America, Feeling Wronged" it was a really interesting listening to these people without a single ounce of information or facts make some pretty grandiose statements about Obama and the Democrats. I'm not saying that the Democrats are any more informed or more enlightened, but again, they aren't voting against their interests the way these people are.
Obama won the past two elections yet you are complaining about disenfranchised voters and and poor white trash that vote republican.
Bush is no longer president. time to get this economy chugging along.


Official Checked Star Member
dude, you wanna read some Bush quotes? How about some Palin quotes? those are some of the best like "Keep your government hands off of our medicare!!" at a rally in South Carolina or "John McCain and I will keep in close contact with the Queen" when asked about the US relationship with Great Britain or how about her quote just a few weeks ago saying that we should investigate Czech Republic because the Boston bombers were "Muslim Chechins" that was a classic.

Some of those were simple slip ups that happen when you campaign 20 hours a day. He said some stupid shit for sure.

But where does any of this have to do with voting against your own interests by people neck deep in government assistance voting republican??? What ROmney said he repeated when asked, and restated it again. He didn't misspeak, he was very serious in what he said.
dude, you wanna read some Bush quotes? How about some Palin quotes? those are some of the best like "Keep your government hands off of our medicare!!" at a rally in South Carolina or "John McCain and I will keep in close contact with the Queen" when asked about the US relationship with Great Britain or how about her quote just a few weeks ago saying that we should investigate Czech Republic because the Boston bombers were "Muslim Chechins" that was a classic.

Some of those were simple slip ups that happen when you campaign 20 hours a day. He said some stupid shit for sure.

But where does any of this have to do with voting against your own interests by people neck deep in government assistance voting republican??? What ROmney said he repeated when asked, and restated it again. He didn't misspeak, he was very serious in what he said.

Wanna read some Biden quotes or Maxine Waters quotes? Wanna see where Sheila Jackson Lee asked the Mars rover team to drive the rover over to where the astronauts planted the American flag?

Yes we know that Bush made many gaffes. But Obama is the smartest man to ever hold the office. And your premise is wrong. The numbers show that impoverished white Americans vote about 50/50 democrat to republican.


Official Checked Star Member
Yes he won thank goodness. I'm pointing out the current climate of those voting republican that shouldn't be. the poorest state in the US is the largest majority Republican state.

Your quotes are entertaining, but hardly have anything to do with what I said.

I'm sure you'll argue, but the economy is going in the right direction. jobs are up, the market is way up, housing is up, interest rates are still very low and taxes haven't gone up yet for anyone, even the very rich.

I ask a very common question, "what in your life is different today than it was 6 years ago" other than your bitterness and dissatisfaction over who won the election.

I can honestly say that nothing for me is different. The things that are better today in my life didn't come from government or a lack of government.


Official Checked Star Member
well since blacks make up 12% of our population and 45% of them are ineligible to vote, its obvious that there are a lot of white people voting democrat.

I never said that ALL poor whites vote republican. I was saying that many of those who are on assistance are voting against their own interests.

do you read what I write? it doesn't seem like it. or you just take a lot of liberties with being creative with my words? :)


Official Checked Star Member
Biden is an idiot. I cannot stand the guy. he's full of shit and a typical politician.

Maxine Water is horrible but she isn't running for President or Vice President. Palin was.

None of what any of those people said could compare to the stupidity of Palin. She didn't make gaffes. Gaffes are misspoken words...mistakes. She stands by her stupid remarks and she means them.
Yes he won thank goodness. I'm pointing out the current climate of those voting republican that shouldn't be. the poorest state in the US is the largest majority Republican state.

Your quotes are entertaining, but hardly have anything to do with what I said.

I'm sure you'll argue, but the economy is going in the right direction. jobs are up, the market is way up, housing is up, interest rates are still very low and taxes haven't gone up yet for anyone, even the very rich.

I ask a very common question, "what in your life is different today than it was 6 years ago" other than your bitterness and dissatisfaction over who won the election.

I can honestly say that nothing for me is different. The things that are better today in my life didn't come from government or a lack of government.

My health insurance premium has jumped from 4300 dollars a year to 6700 dollars a year. My tax rate has increased form 35 percent to 39.5 percent. No I am not better off.
He's just trolling. He likes the attention.

No, trolling is what you do. You haven't made one sound argument since you graced this board with your presence.

Sam and Will E. could pummel you with a gay sock puppet.


Official Checked Star Member
Back to the rate that it was under Clinton, which was a result of the "read my lips" by Bush 1

your insurance rate went up because insurance companies are fucking criminal enterprises and they saw the opportunity. Mine doubled in 2008 and have not gone up since. Obama care is being paid for by a 3.8 percent tax on investments, and an additional .9 percent Medicare payroll tax on families with adjusted gross income of more than $250,000. That is hardly a rape of the American majority.

Surveys are proving that more than half of Americans didn't even notice the increase and didn't change their spending or savings.

Nearly 2 million more people are working today than there were a year ago. Companies are adding new jobs to their payrolls at a rate of 50,000 per week. Salaries and wages are up about 2 percent over the past year. So for most employees, the higher payroll tax means they’re basically earning the same amount they were a year ago. And people are generally feeling more wealthy thanks to the soaring stock market and rising housing market.

There’s no question that the higher tax rates are taking more money out of the pockets of individuals. Revenues are flooding into the Treasury Department. In the first two months of 2012, Treasury collected $394 billion in cash, up from $337 billion in the first two months of 12—an increase of $57 billion, or nearly 17 percent. That trend has continued through March, according to the Daily Treasury Statement. But so far, at least, American consumers apparently have more than enough money coming in, or saved in the bank, to keep spending.

If anything, the economy on the whole has been strengthening since January 1. The forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers now says the U.S. economy, which grew at a weakened pace in the fourth quarter, is expanding at a 3.2 percent rate in the first quarter—and that includes the initial effects of the sequester. So the economy is on an upswing, and no matter which side you are on you cannot argue with the figures.
Back to the rate that it was under Clinton, which was a result of the "read my lips" by Bush 1

your insurance rate went up because insurance companies are fucking criminal enterprises and they saw the opportunity. Mine doubled in 2008 and have not gone up since. Obama care is being paid for by a 3.8 percent tax on investments, and an additional .9 percent Medicare payroll tax on families with adjusted gross income of more than $250,000. That is hardly a rape of the American majority.

Surveys are proving that more than half of Americans didn't even notice the increase and didn't change their spending or savings.

Nearly 2 million more people are working today than there were a year ago. Companies are adding new jobs to their payrolls at a rate of 50,000 per week. Salaries and wages are up about 2 percent over the past year. So for most employees, the higher payroll tax means they’re basically earning the same amount they were a year ago. And people are generally feeling more wealthy thanks to the soaring stock market and rising housing market.

There’s no question that the higher tax rates are taking more money out of the pockets of individuals. Revenues are flooding into the Treasury Department. In the first two months of 2012, Treasury collected $394 billion in cash, up from $337 billion in the first two months of 12—an increase of $57 billion, or nearly 17 percent. That trend has continued through March, according to the Daily Treasury Statement. But so far, at least, American consumers apparently have more than enough money coming in, or saved in the bank, to keep spending.

If anything, the economy on the whole has been strengthening since January 1. The forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers now says the U.S. economy, which grew at a weakened pace in the fourth quarter, is expanding at a 3.2 percent rate in the first quarter—and that includes the initial effects of the sequester. So the economy is on an upswing, and no matter which side you are on you cannot argue with the figures.

April is the height of the spring hiring season. 165,000 jobs is ok but at that rate it will take 2 years just to reduce the numbers by 1 million. I am willing to wager that the 2013 jobs numbers will be less than 2012. Almost 20 percent are part time jobs. And The Bureau of Labor Statistics are still underestimating the number of people without jobs by 9-10 million. Hours and wages declined in April and like I said in an earlier post, these are not the type of jobs that will lift the middle class into a position of prosperity. But hang on to your positive numbers if it makes you feel better.


dude, you wanna read some Bush quotes? How about some Palin quotes? those are some of the best like "Keep your government hands off of our medicare!!" at a rally in South Carolina or "John McCain and I will keep in close contact with the Queen" when asked about the US relationship with Great Britain or how about her quote just a few weeks ago saying that we should investigate Czech Republic because the Boston bombers were "Muslim Chechins" that was a classic.Some of those were simple slip ups that happen when you campaign 20 hours a day. He said some stupid shit for sure.

But where does any of this have to do with voting against your own interests by people neck deep in government assistance voting republican??? What ROmney said he repeated when asked, and restated it again. He didn't misspeak, he was very serious in what he said.

"A satirical article created buzz and was mistaken as real by some.

A satirical article at DailyCurrant.com has been mistaken as real by some, including a Polish newsweekly.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin called for the invasion of the Czech Republic in response to the recent terrorist attacks in Boston, states an article at DailyCurrant.com.

It's satire, Snopes.com assures..."

What, you repeat any BS you hear as long as it fits your agenda? I took less than 20 seconds to find the truth and you never bothered checking. It's a fact that Mrs Palin is much smarter than you, and she did actually do her job as Mayor and Governor when she was in...not like doing crosswords.
So much for your constant announcements that you are only posting facts...