no she didn't.

she's stated on the website innerdeviant she couldn't ever bring herself to do that.

she had dermal anchors until recently at her waist.

Oh. I thought for sure i saw something shining through her lacey panties in a shoot some time ago. Must have been something else. My mistake. Also, am I the only one that thought the dermal anchors were kind of weird? I was glad to see them go.
Does anybody remember the webshow she did a while back where she "accidentaly" dangled her uncovered nipple infront of the camera and tried to say she didnt know?
The only reason she has been able to get away with this tease shit so long is that we have seen her nipples... and they are the most glorious beef jerky, pepperoni nips ever.
You bet I do pimpducky991, I can't seem to find an online copy of it anywhere on the Internet right now but here's a couple of shots from that wonderful camshow Nikki did in 2010 ;) :

View attachment 310569

not complaining, but you have to wonder what her thought process was after that "accident" happened. any casual nikki fan, if you add everything up, has seen her tits a million times over the years. and you can tell its getting harder for her to come up with ideas to hide her fucking nipples that we've all have already seen. wouldn't be time and cost effective to just babble in front of her laptop for 45 min, like she already does, then the last 5 min just babble with her tits out?