
Torn & Frayed.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That is so awesome! I hope it works for you. I have seen so many of my friends and family try to quit and 99% of the time they fail. Even if they quit for a bit, they always start again at some point.

Let me give you an idea of what I'm up against:
My parents smoke.My sister smokes.My nephew who lives with me smokes. When I was a kid, most of my relatives smoked. I'm from one of the last generations when smoking was cool. It was never a question of if I was going to start smoking, but when. It was a rite of passage.

But.....I'm a determined son of a bitch. Someone who was once very dear to me-and still is- once told me that what I set my sights on I get for myself.

I will quit.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

How long ago did you quit?
This time is around 3 years ago.
I quit before then - for about 5 years. I was on my own after a wake for my father and there was a pack of cigarettes on the bar. Stupidly, I smoked a couple, and that had me hooked again for a few years - starting at one or two a day before getting back to 20+.
I started at age 16, so I had been smoking for 20 years before I stopped for the 1st time. Allen Carr stopped me that time, and I never felt a twinge of withdrawal at that time.
Starting again was my own stupid fault, but Easy Way helped again, once I had made the decision. These days, I find cigarette smoke a little annoying, and very occasionally get the urge to have a smoke, but as this lasts all of a minute or so, it is easy to dismiss.

Let me give you an idea of what I'm up against:
My parents smoke.My sister smokes.My nephew who lives with me smokes. When I was a kid, most of my relatives smoked. I'm from one of the last generations when smoking was cool. It was never a question of if I was going to start smoking, but when. It was a rite of passage.

But.....I'm a determined son of a bitch. Someone who was once very dear to me-and still is- once told me that what I set my sights on I get for myself.

I will quit.

I was in the same position. When I started work, you could smoke at your desk in the office. I still reckon I smoked less then than when you could not smoke at you desk, purely because I would light a cigarette have a puff and then put it in the ashtray while I got back to some work. By the time I looked up again, most of it would have just burnt itself away rather than actually be smoked.


Torn & Frayed.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I was in the same position. When I started work, you could smoke at your desk in the office. I still reckon I smoked less then than when you could not smoke at you desk, purely because I would light a cigarette have a puff and then put it in the ashtray while I got back to some work. By the time I looked up again, most of it would have just burnt itself away rather than actually be smoked.

When I started; you could still smoke pretty much everywhere. Now; not so much.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

When I started; you could still smoke pretty much everywhere. Now; not so much.

I think that that is part of the reason that I stopped in the end. Standing outside in the snow just to poison your lungs with cancerous smoke started to seem a little insane.:rolleyes:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

damn you jitna! haha. I thought I at least had a brief break from the "jonsian" type posts as you put it. I can't tell you how much I hate those crazy long posts that require so much work just to read and always at the end you're left thinking..
this could most definitely been summarized in a couple short sentences. Love Jon...hate the unnecessarily long posts.

my apologies, Nikki. i knew it was going to be long but i wanted to answer a bunch of posts and i know the mods frown on multiple posts, so i did what had to be done. as i was writing it, i was like this is getting to be really long, then when i posted it i realized it was only a poor attempt at a jonsian especially when take out the quotes and look out how little i actually wrote.

perhaps you are just such a great muse that you inspire men to write so extensively?
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

damn you jitna! haha. I thought I at least had a brief break from the "jonsian" type posts as you put it. I can't tell you how much I hate those crazy long posts that require so much work just to read and always at the end you're left thinking..
this could most definitely been summarized in a couple short sentences. Love Jon...hate the unnecessarily long posts.

Now LifePath7 ..to answer your question- He is simply taking a break from freeones because he is pretty much always getting into altercations with people and lets b.s affect him way too much. He gets so pissed off about the smallest things from idiots he really shouldn't even pay attention to but he does and then unfortunately does NOT react well and it turns into arguments in pm's with ppl and that's bad for his health and heart condition. It also quite frankly causes a lot of problems for me. He gets into it with people over stupid shit and they all know he is a staunch supporter of mine so to really piss him off they start to insult me and then he comes back with venomous things towards them and says how I am a legend and don't even think about them and why wouldI etc and then ppl start to hate me BECAUSE of altercations with him. The entire time I have NO IDEA that any of this is going on and start to wonder why someone I don't even know and have done nothing to is all of a sudden talking shit about me and being mean to me. I love Jon but this has happened countless times and it kind of sucks for us both but at actually affects me proffessionally which sucks ass. Don't get me wrong I love Jon as a friend and I love his support but he just goes too far sometimnes due to the fact that he lets his temper and emotions control his actions before his head has a chance to think it through and by the time he calms down to do so it's far too late. Basically he just needs a break and I think it most definitely best that takes one. He could have just done that but of course in the very communicative Jon fashion he had to announce it. haha. He was concerned people would wonder where he was. Now you know. I advised him to start doing yoga. Hopefully he is in a yoga class somewhere learning to be mellow.

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

When Jon comes back Nikki, l reckon he'll be a totally different guy...much more relaxed and lay back :)

Jon's time away will do him the world of good.........a break is as good as a holiday they say :)

Anyway.....Wishing you Nikki and Everyone here a very Happy Halloween and a Wonderful Weekend :)


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No offense to Jon; but that really annoys me. Announcing you are leaving is the ultimate in attention-whoring.

Hope his time away does him well....
In all fairness he said he announced it in the thread he did so that someone else could take over running it as he kind of did. He has also left many other times though and he announced those also each time right here in my thread so...who knows. I believe he meant well but yes I think if you need a break you just take one kind of like how Who?? has and you did and others. I think if your are a girl in the industry then it's necessary to announce or if you run a thread like he does the OOTM thread as hge started to do fairly recently.

Let me give you an idea of what I'm up against:
My parents smoke.My sister smokes.My nephew who lives with me smokes. When I was a kid, most of my relatives smoked. I'm from one of the last generations when smoking was cool. It was never a question of if I was going to start smoking, but when. It was a rite of passage.

But.....I'm a determined son of a bitch. Someone who was once very dear to me-and still is- once told me that what I set my sights on I get for myself.

I will quit.
Oooh. That's hard! That's like working and living in a doughnut factory while trying to maintain a diet. That's just HARD!

I think that that is part of the reason that I stopped in the end. Standing outside in the snow just to poison your lungs with cancerous smoke started to seem a little insane.:rolleyes:
Like I said..everyone I know that has managed to quit always starts again...BUT they keep quitting too so..as long as you never stop trying to quit, I think you're good. Big ups to ya larss

my apologies, Nikki. i knew it was going to be long but i wanted to answer a bunch of posts and i know the mods frown on multiple posts, so i did what had to be done. as i was writing it, i was like this is getting to be really long, then when i posted it i realized it was only a poor attempt at a jonsian especially when take out the quotes and look out how little i actually wrote.

perhaps you are just such a great muse that you inspire men to write so extensively?
Oh jitna..stop it. I was just heckling you. You never have to apologize. You are most defnitely one of the most important vertebrae that makes up the backbone of this thread. You are loved. All is good.

When Jon comes back Nikki, l reckon he'll be a totally different guy...much more relaxed and lay back :)
Jon's time away will do him the world of good.........a break is as good as a holiday they say :)

Anyway.....Wishing you Nikki and Everyone here a very Happy Halloween and a Wonderful Weekend :)
I hope so..but he has left many other times for the same reason so...we will see. I'm certainly hoping so.
As far as Halloween...I'm not really participating this year but it's still fun to see all of the little kids in their costumes.

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thanks for the info Nikki. Jon S. always seemed ok to me, I guess I never realized he was evidently, if you'll pardon my French, so fucked up. You're right, he did post it in the OCSM of the Week thread in asking for someone to take it over for him, but now I'm sort of sorry I even asked. Hopefully he gets his shit together though.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No. Please don't say that. That isnt AT ALL what I was saying. He is NOT fucked up. Jon is a GOOD person and also a good friend of mine. Yes he has some issues but who doesn't? He is taking some time to work through them and I for one fully suport him. Please dont ever say something like that again. Jon is NOT fucked up.
Nikki Nova

Thanks for the info Nikki. Jon S. always seemed ok to me, I guess I never realized he was evidently, if you'll pardon my French, so fucked up. You're right, he did post it in the OCSM of the Week thread in asking for someone to take it over for him, but now I'm sort of sorry I even asked. Hopefully he gets his shit together though.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

My week has been a bit crazy and still is. I am not really participating in Haloween this year due to the nomadic situation. What are all of you guys doing for Halloween?
Nikki Nova


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh jitna..stop it. I was just heckling you. You never have to apologize. You are most defnitely one of the most important vertebrae that makes up the backbone of this thread. You are loved. All is good.

Nikki Nova

im sorry. the last thing we needed was another long post. which vertebrae do you think? Im guess the L5.
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

damn you jitna! haha. I thought I at least had a brief break from the "jonsian" type posts as you put it. I can't tell you how much I hate those crazy long posts that require so much work just to read and always at the end you're left thinking..
this could most definitely been summarized in a couple short sentences. Love Jon...hate the unnecessarily long posts.

Now LifePath7 ..to answer your question- He is simply taking a break from freeones because he is pretty much always getting into altercations with people and lets b.s affect him way too much. He gets so pissed off about the smallest things from idiots he really shouldn't even pay attention to but he does and then unfortunately does NOT react well and it turns into arguments in pm's with ppl and that's bad for his health and heart condition. It also quite frankly causes a lot of problems for me. He gets into it with people over stupid shit and they all know he is a staunch supporter of mine so to really piss him off they start to insult me and then he comes back with venomous things towards them and says how I am a legend and don't even think about them and why wouldI etc and then ppl start to hate me BECAUSE of altercations with him. The entire time I have NO IDEA that any of this is going on and start to wonder why someone I don't even know and have done nothing to is all of a sudden talking shit about me and being mean to me. I love Jon but this has happened countless times and it kind of sucks for us both but at actually affects me proffessionally which sucks ass. Don't get me wrong I love Jon as a friend and I love his support but he just goes too far sometimnes due to the fact that he lets his temper and emotions control his actions before his head has a chance to think it through and by the time he calms down to do so it's far too late. Basically he just needs a break and I think it most definitely best that takes one. He could have just done that but of course in the very communicative Jon fashion he had to announce it. haha. He was concerned people would wonder where he was. Now you know. I advised him to start doing yoga. Hopefully he is in a yoga class somewhere learning to be mellow.

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

He told me a few months ago he was about to begin a yoga class, but it seems he didn't do it... Hopefully Jon is gonna follow your advice, settle down and then he will come back renewed! :thumbsup:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm gonna be sleeping in during this Halloween!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nothing much really happening here for Halloween Nikki.....It's not celebrated down here quite as much as it is up your way.

So..l guess not to much trick or treating going on down here :)


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm gonna be sleeping in during this Halloween!
Now that sounds like a plan if you ask me!
Nothing much really happening here for Halloween Nikki.....It's not celebrated down here quite as much as it is up your way.

So...l guess not to much trick or treating going on down here :)
And yet you guys have the best candy (Violet Crumbles). Such a shame. haha.
I personally think Halloween is great when you're a kid and then a great reason to party when you're a teenager. After that it's just basically an excuse for all the girls to pretty much dress like sluts and call it a "costume" and guys to try to find funny costumes to get a reason to make a girl laugh or have a great drunken conversation and hopefully get to sleep with her. A total cheesefest and pathetic in the bars and clubs. Halloween doesn't become truly magical and awesome again until you get to experience it though the eyes of a child ad when you were a child. You know? I loved seeing that with my cousins and my friends kids. I love passing out candy. I dress like a slut at work so when I'm not working it's the furthest thing from my reality of my day to day life. I'm very simple and chill. This year is an odd one because as you guys know, I'm on the move/a traveling nomad through the winter so I'm probably going to be on cam working.
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604


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I must possess all, or I possess nothing.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nothing much really happening here for Halloween Nikki.....It's not celebrated down here quite as much as it is up your way.

So..l guess not to much trick or treating going on down here :)

Same here, Dazza.

My only memories of Halloween — as a kid — are: hiding in bushes and then proceeding to throw eggs at trick or treaters, and then spraying them with supersoakers! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh