Milking Table Cumshots

How I wish I was on that table.

But then, in a bizarre hoax, it's your MOM who is under the table.

YIKES! :eek:

Hey! They should do that! Put a guy on the table and (a) not let him know who is UNDERthe table and (b) not let the girl know who is ON the table.

Let the hilarity ensue!
But then, in a bizarre hoax, it's your MOM who is under the table.

YIKES! :eek:

Hey! They should do that! Put a guy on the table and (a) not let him know who is UNDERthe table and (b) not let the girl know who is ON the table.

Let the hilarity ensue!

That could be funny as hell :)
great idea, would have never thought of it^^ hot though