Things are very quiet with her right now. I'm looking forward to her doing something new. There have been some rumors that she is contemplating retirement and possibly getting breast-reduction surgery!!! Say it ain't so, Masi!!! :eek:

She is so voluptuous and sensual....her face is beautiful, lips are soft and juicy, skin is mocha and just delicious, tits are monumental and magnificent, legs are hot, soft, smooth and sexy, ass is big and bounciful, her mouth is yummy and she loves to talk dirty. My God what fun she would be in bed...I can only imagine obviously (which I do with great vicarious enthusiasm)!! Please indulge me as I fantasize for just a moment (you can choose to turn away at this time if you don't wish to visualize this along with me). ;)

I would not only want to fuck her....I would love to make sweet love to God what a woman she is!! Holding her full, firm and sexy body next to mine as we melt our souls together with deep, warm, wet and sexy kisses with lots of hot touching and feeling...grabbing and groping....grasping, gasping and grinding. Gazing into her eyes, so very hot and horny for!!!! :drool2:

You get the idea!

She is an absolute goddess from my perspective. I realize that tastes vary widely so maybe some of you would disagree with my assessment of her but she is almost ideal in every aspect of what a perfect woman would be in my view from what I can perceive. If she also happens to be an excellent cook, loves sports and makes a six-figure income....she might just be the ideal yet unattainable goddess of my dreams.

If you visit this thread often, you likely agree with me. If not, c'est le vie and to each his own!

I could not agree with you more, Jagger. When she got pregnant, she just became even more perfectly perfect. Cheers!