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Lock Him The Fuck Up- Piece Of Shit Flynn Pleads Guilty

From the reports I heard today it sounds like Flynn was absolutely looking at jail time, and only had his sentence delayed so that Mueller could squeeze a little bit more use out of him. So I'd say that this thread has a lot more legitimacy than the "people get ready" running gag in this section.

We've been ready for a couple years now, Matlock. Still waiting...
From the reports I heard today it sounds like Flynn was absolutely looking at jail time, and only had his sentence delayed so that Mueller could squeeze a little bit more use out of him. So I'd say that this thread has a lot more legitimacy than the "people get ready" running gag in this section.

We've been ready for a couple years now, Matlock. Still waiting...

And now the other half of the clown car brain trust chimes in. Those “ reports” that you rely so heavily on also reported that Sullivan accused Flynn of treason and reported it as such hours after the judge had clarified his statements. Which are the same “ reports “ that Buckshot had heard and was so eager to fire off quicker than a trigger finger on a stray canine. Here’s a little secret Barrista, when judges hand down sentences in a plea deal the terms of the plea must be fulfilled and Mueller said that Flynn could still be useful so he delayed the sentencing until the terms have been carried out. Mueller had also recommended no jail time and although a judge can hand down any sentence that they want, they generally follow the recommendations of the prosecution.

The Clinton Foundation is being investigated at this moment and FISA abuses have been documented and traced to the Clinton campaign. It has also been established that Obama actually did “ tap mah wires” which Admiral Mike Rogers revealed.
So yeah trigglypuff, get ready because when the shit hits the snowflake fan, and it will, you’ll be the first one to curl up into the fetal position sucking your thumb. As for running gags around here, that has been your title for quite some time now.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Flynn and his lawyers took the judges hints to rather gop back and cooperate a lot more, than take their chace and get Flynn a sizeable chunk of jail time, right now.

Flynn and his lawyers took the judges hints to rather gop back and cooperate a lot more, than take their chace and get Flynn a sizeable chunk of jail time, right now.

Completely incorrect. Especially that MS-LSD dude in the video.
There are sentencing guidelines. The defendant and the prosecution agreed to a plea. A judge wants the terms of the plea deal carried out before they enter a sentence.
Sullivan essentially told Mueller to have your shit together by March. This does nothing but benefit Flynn.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
But her emails.


Why You Shouldn’t Feel Sorry for Michael Flynn

His defenders say the former national security adviser is getting a bad rap. But what he did was unconscionable—and deeply damaging to U.S. national security.

By SAMANTHA VINOGRAD December 19, 2018

spent almost two years working from a closet in the West Wing that was part of the national security adviser’s suite of offices. The Suite, as we called it, almost never slept. My boss, national security adviser Tom Donilon, and his staff worked around the clock to advance U.S. national security. I usually had a second dinner (cups of peanut M&Ms from the White House Mess were a favorite) around 9 p.m. each night so that I could plow through the pile of memos on my desk and read all of the intelligence that had come in while I was working during normal business hours.

Every national security adviser is different. Some, like Brent Scowcroft, see their role as honest broker, faithfully representing the views of top Cabinet members to help the president make informed decisions. Others, such as Henry Kissinger, tend to promote their own ideas more forcefully. But they all have had one thing in common: They put U.S. national security first. As far as I know, no national security adviser has ever put his or her personal business interests ahead of the country’s.

Michael Flynn changed all of that. A federal judge may have granted him a reprieve at Tuesday’s sentencing hearing—it was rescheduled to March—but let’s recall what President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser stands accused of doing. Flynn belatedly filed documents indicating that he was a foreign agent for the government of Turkey, meaning Turkish officials could have had influence over him while he was at the White House because they knew something the U.S. government didn’t, and we learned that he lied to U.S. law enforcement agents about his contacts with Russia. No wonder the sentencing judge spoke of his “disgust” and “disdain,” even in delaying his fate.

Those still defending Flynn are myopic at best. Even if he didn’t conspire with the Russians or the Turks while he was on the campaign, transition team or, briefly, in the White House, he did enormous damage to U.S. national security, counterintelligence efforts, and policymaking going forward.

By engaging in irresponsible outreach to Russian officials, potentially promising quid pro quos, and undercutting the sitting administration, Flynn knowingly turned himself into a counterintelligence asset for the Russian intelligence services. Flynn is one member of the Trump circle who can’t play the ignorance or the inexperience card when it comes to how to deal with foreign officials: He was, after all, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, which produces, analyzes and disseminates military intelligence information to support U.S. military missions. He also served in key intelligence roles including chief intelligence operator for the Joint Special Operations Command in Iraq and as intelligence chief at U.S. Central Command. So surely Flynn knew that his communications with the Russians, especially their ambassador to the United States, would be prime manipulation material for Moscow—especially if he didn’t appropriately disclose his contacts or if he lied about them. Lies are great bribery points, and there is zero chance Flynn didn’t know all of this from his decades of intelligence work. He wasn’t dumb enough to turn himself into a Russian or Turkish asset—he just didn’t care about the risks of doing so, apparently.

And what of Trump’s ongoing defense of Flynn? Just on Tuesday, he wished him good luck at his sentencing hearing, and he has reportedly called the retired general to urge him to “stay strong.” It all sends a clear message that this president doesn’t care if you’re working for a government other than our own. National security advisers are supposed to have one customer: the president of the United States. It’s disturbing that President Trump doesn’t seem bothered that his top aide on foreign policy was serving other clients.

A responsible president would use this moment to reset his expectations for the office of the national security adviser and for his whole team. He would remind them that serving the U.S. government and representing America on the world state is an enormous privilege, and they can have only one master. Recirculating the rules on interactions with foreign governments and doing extra hard scrubs of any incoming administration officials could start to ameliorate some of the damage Flynn has done. As a new acting chief of staff enters the White House, he should remind all White House officials how counterintelligence works and why they are prime targets because of their access and influence.

When I was at the White House, there was an FBI investigation into an unauthorized disclosure regarding a covert program in Iran. Several White House officials, including me, were questioned by FBI agents. But the difference then was that illegal activity—in this case, a leak of classified information—was used to remind national security staff about the rules they needed to follow if they wanted to keep their jobs. That’s how incoming White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney should approach his task now, even if the president is blasé—or worse—about his obligations to the American people.
Why You Shouldn’t Feel Sorry for Michael Flynn

Who the hell feels sorry for Flynn??? Fuck him, fuck anyone who has hitched their wagon to this train wreck, fuck the entire disgusting, sleazy trump family, and absolutely fuck the bleating sheep who keep trying to convince us and themselves that every new disaster out of this shameful episode in US history is another trump victory.
Who the hell feels sorry for Flynn??? Fuck him, fuck anyone who has hitched their wagon to this train wreck, fuck the entire disgusting, sleazy trump family, and absolutely fuck the bleating sheep who keep trying to convince us and themselves that every new disaster out of this shameful episode in US history is another trump victory.

The election of Donald John Trump as 45th president of the United States of America is not only a defining moment but one of America’s finest hours.
The election of Donald John Trump as 45th president of the United States of America is not only a defining moment but one of America’s finest hours.

"They're heroes of the world. And they fought for us. But they killed ISIS. And ISIS hurt the world"

An actual quote from the president of the United States Of America. NO patriotic American should be able to read that without throwing up in their mouth a little bit. Pffft, America's finest hours. Go back to sucking cock in your "doctored photos of Obama" thread.
"They're heroes of the world. And they fought for us. But they killed ISIS. And ISIS hurt the world"

An actual quote from the president of the United States Of America. NO patriotic American should be able to read that without throwing up in their mouth a little bit. Pffft, America's finest hours. Go back to sucking cock in your "doctored photos of Obama" thread.

Damn right it is a quote from POTUS.
"These are great American heroes. These are great heroes of the world, because they fought for us. But they've killed ISIS, who hurts the world. And we're proud to have done it. And I tell you, they are up there looking down on us, and there is nobody happier or more proud of their families to put them in a position where they've done such good for so many people. So our boys -- our young women, our men -- they're all coming back, and they're coming back now. We won. And that's the way we want it."

Then, pointing to the sky, Trump concluded, And that's the way they want it."

That was our great president honoring those that served fighting ISIS and those that gave their lives in Syria.

That was an American President the first real president in years acknowledging their sacrifice. You’re just a lowly ausshole whose opinions about our president doesn’t mean shit. America gagged everyday you stunk up the joint by living here.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It dovetails nicely with this prison themed thread. You being an ex-con you should appreciate that.

Once upon a time I was a Correctional Officer for TDC, it's really not much different, as it is with your claimed line of work.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't typically hang out with boys, but it is cute how you constantly neg me for attention.
Even though he pleaded guilty twice. That's fine, just drop the case. Aren't Americans sick of having the corruption rubbed in their faces in broad daylight yet? Is there any department, tradition, or institution that hasn't been defiled by the republican party?

Pffft. Who the fuck am I even talking to? Benghazi!!!


Staff member
Even though he pleaded guilty twice. That's fine, just drop the case. Aren't Americans sick of having the corruption rubbed in their faces in broad daylight yet? Is there any department, tradition, or institution that hasn't been defiled by the republican party?

Pffft. Who the fuck am I even talking to? Benghazi!!!
Americans are tired off of beyond mediocre Obama devotees and their baiting affiliates. As if the Clintons weren't rotten and corrupted beyond belief. When you have poorly mediocre candidates like Clinton or Biden, you always lose.

Haley Attacks FBI Over Flynn Case: ‘It Should Send A Chill Up Every American’s Spine’

Trump Slams Obama Officials Who Prosecuted Michael Flynn: ‘Human Scum’ Committed ‘Treason’


Obama Worried Over Dropped Flynn Case, Warns in Leaked Call 'Rule of Law Is at Risk'