Liberal vs. Conservative

Which statement would you agree with most?

  • I tend to lean more towards the conservative view on issues.

    Votes: 58 27.8%
  • I tend to lean more towards the liberal view on issues.

    Votes: 94 45.0%
  • I don't really associate myself with being either a C or L

    Votes: 40 19.1%
  • I'm too jaded or distinterested about politics to care.

    Votes: 17 8.1%

  • Total voters
I can tell you from just personal experience the growth in franchises is big. I left my corporate job, bought a franchise and am very successful.
Look at all of the franchises that are springing up, diaper service, dog poop service, legal assistants, mobile glass repair , home inspections, appraisers, sandwich shops, delis, etc. etc.
So people are working out there.
What happens with a lot of corporations is that they take a look at the work force and offer or force offer golden parachute deals to players that make too much, have been around too long, have too much vacation etc. It is really a sick deal, especially to the workers that have been loyal to the company.
Big company announces big layoffs and quietly refills jobs with a less experienced, cheaper work force that has twice the work load.
Next time you go by a library or big book store, check out the Entrepeneur Magazine on Franchise opportunities. It is astounding.(I am an Entrepeneur, I just can't spell it)

Die hard Liberal. We must get rid of Cheney and send the monkey back to Crawford, Texas.

first of all people, my orginal post about

Bush is a Nazi... yeah cause he sure is loading a buch of arabs in ovens and declaring war on the free world while running a fascist regiem... My god... wait that isn't happening.
I'm not saying Kerry is bad and i'm not saying Bush is good. What i am saying is if your gunna complain put some back bone into your argument otherwise you seem like a fool.

Was ment to be ironic... see cause bush "isn't" loading people in ovens and other nazi affiliated stuff. I even go so far as to say "wait oh that isn't happening" in the post.

Also... listen i can't believe that some of youy would be mad at me for wanting context to someone's argument. Its not like i called someone a mean name. Someone said in a post they would vote for someone because he isn't someone else. I can mind read all i can do is read your post and if thats what your post says thats what i'll make my relpy based on. That's the honest truth, i respond to what's posted. Georges... i don't know what you found offensive unless its the miscommunication i already addressed. If its something valid then i'm sorry your offended but clue me in as to what offended you. :coolman:
thechosenone said:

Also... listen i can't believe that some of youy would be mad at me for wanting context to someone's argument.

Who said I was trying to argue? Jesus! Does every post have to be an intro to some kind of argument?

thechosenone said:

Its not like i called someone a mean name.

I post a small cooment & then you jump all over me calling me a fool, assinine, retarded. What? I'm supposed to not get mad and respond to that? Why? because you were being cute & witty... WTF?- no.. dude you were throwing insults at me and I defended myself.

thechosenone said:

Someone said in a post they would vote for someone because he isn't someone else. I can mind read all i can do is read your post and if thats what your post says thats what i'll make my relpy based on.

Chosenone. Cant a guy just say he doesn't like something and leave it at that? I cant see why that bothers you or anybody. At that time no one else here was getting political and giving opinions before me so I held on to my opinion. I didnt feel like getting into all the reasons why I hate Bush when there was no one was explaining their position either. Then all of a sudden I got to deal with you dissecting my words and telling me what I should have said because you think its a crime to not give a point of view. GRRRRRRR!!! :mad: You attacked me for a lame ass reason- why is it hard to believe why I would get upset about that.

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whatever Big lou. I'm done with this thread. I though that maybe an interesting debate could actually happen on this thread. If people would rather make quick comments and not have any kind of conversation about them then fine. If a thread was posted about anyone of your professions you'd certainly have something to say about them. I said that for people to be so dispassionate about politics that to vote for someone simply because they don't want to vote for someone else is sad. Its lazy and shows a lack of interest in politics.
But again, whatever. You can call yourself the winner, i'm done with this thread. congradulations, you've spun what could have been a thread about politics into a thread about name calling and who said what instead of looking at what was said and having an intelligent conversation. Never once did i call anyone a name, i said People undertaking a certain action would be one thing or another but i never mentioned anyones name. Doing that would be kinda petty, that would be attacking a person rather then a point.
thechosenone, youre the greatest... I love how the thread is now suppoed to be going in a new direction of name calling just because I talked to you directly instead of through semantics. Hey I'm not a passive aggresive guy. If somebody says something about me indirectly or in a direct manner I am going to talk things out with that person straight out by name. Dont take that the wrong way. If I confront you then confront me back and if you want to drop it, we can drop it but dont just pick up your ball and leave.

Well, like you said..."whatever" .:hatsoff:
Ranger said:

My feeling is that we are at war with some very bad dudes that don't wear uniforms and aren't afraid to kill women and children to move their cause.
The guys that we are fighting want the American public to elect John Kerry. They want someone who is soft on terror. Kerry will turn Iraq into Vietnam. He will play just to not lose face. You have to play to win.
In my opinion, get the women and children out of Fallujah and level it. Drop a few GBU-40s on the terriorist and roast some marshmellows.

Ranger, I know where you are coming from when you say that war against the terrorists should be fought agressively. True, these dudes are ruthless I agree. I mean I still get pissed when I think about how they had burned up those those 5 Americans in Falujah. It was fucked up but the thing is I think if Kerry were in office he would go in & track down those assholes just the way Bush is doing right now. Any normal reasonable leader is going to do that. John Kerry should have learned from Vietnam & know how to handle a war aggresively and not drag it out. I mean come on, he didnt earn the Medal of Honor for being passive, he got it for being decisive and doing alot of killing. The Bush administration is trying to sell an idea that they are the only ones that can handle the war against terrorism and no one else can do a better job. That is just not true. .I think if anything, based on his military record, Kerry is the more qualified leader to deal with these situations.
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georges said:
you really need to open your eyes.Fighting against terrorism and parties like sbollah, hamas, alqaida and people who support them is the duty of every free country.If its necessary kill them.
Bush Facist?????Damn you must have had a serious problem with history.Mitterand was a nazi he was Finance minister and was in marechal Petain's governement during 2 nd world war and Helmlut Kohl was a nazi too he was a former schutz staffeln in the "das reich panzergrenadier division"
Please stop making anti us president propaganda (that includes saying good or not) because by acting like this you insult indirectly the person who supports his party.

that is all what i had to say


georges:) ;)

Georges, I think you misinterpretted what thechosenone was saying. He was being sarcastic but I have a question about what you said in your response to him. I can picture Francois Mitterand being a finance minister during WW2 but isnt Helmlut Kohl too young to have been a Nazi during that time period?....

georges said:

well if i lived in the states i would never vote kerry. except roosevelt and kennedy all other democrat presidents prouved their unability to improve economics of the us as well as create jobs.Remember that mr bush created 300000 jobs two weeks ago.Under regan who is a republican the dollar was the strongest money and it reached values that it had never reached before.Dean fucked up the vermont and he was a democrat.I would like to see bush reelected.



...& also where did you get this figure that Bush recently created 300000 jobs, From what I understand he has caused unemployment to rise- not come down....There have been alot of lay offs. In fact its the other way around- the actual figure is that 300000 jobs have big lost lost in the business sector under Bush
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Helmlut Kohl was a nazi too he was a former schutz staffeln in the "das reich panzergrenadier division"

omfg... guys! At least READ some INFO before you´re posting bollocks.
Helmut Kohl was born in 1930. So he was like 3 years old when Hitler claimed the power in Germany, he was 9 years old when WW2 began and 14-15 when it ended.
Kohl was a member of the "Hitlerjugend" like 99% of all children in that perios. But connecting him to a Panzergrenadier Division or even the SS is utterly ridiculous.
Ha i seem to of brung out Nazi chat on here . . . .OOps my bad

bibo said:
omfg... guys! At least READ some INFO before you´re posting bollocks.
Helmut Kohl was born in 1930. So he was like 3 years old when Hitler claimed the power in Germany, he was 9 years old when WW2 began and 14-15 when it ended.
Kohl was a member of the "Hitlerjugend" like 99% of all children in that perios. But connecting him to a Panzergrenadier Division or even the SS is utterly ridiculous.

that was said in a tv magazine "parallel history" specialized in wwII.But being a member of the hitler jugend doesn't make him a better person because he served hitler's cause and ideas.


georges:) ;)
big lu said:
Georges, I think you misinterpretted what thechosenone was saying. He was being sarcastic but I have a question about what you said in your response to him. I can picture Francois Mitterand being a finance minister during WW2 but isnt Helmlut Kohl too young to have been a Nazi during that time period?....
...& also where did you get this figure that Bush recently created 300000 jobs, From what I understand he has caused unemployment to rise- not come down....There have been alot of lay offs. In fact its the other way around- the actual figure is that 300000 jobs have big lost lost in the business sector under Bush

hello biglu

kohl was in the hitler jugend so he was nazi.Hitler jugend wre young boys who were taught how to use weapons against allied soldiers and they were endoctrined to hitler ideas.A nazi is a nazi even if he is a hitler jugend.Someone who served and supported hitler's cause and ideas what ever his age was, is a nazi and you can't cover up history.Some people will not agree with me but this is my point of view and it won't change.
about the 300000 jobs i can only blame radio bfm a french radio specialized in economics who has said such a lie.They are apparently more specialized on spraying and talking plain bullshit rather than talking the truth.

just giving you my views on this subject


But being a member of the hitler jugend doesn't make him a better person because he served hitler's cause and ideas.


georges, you don´t even have a clue what you´re talking about.

you do know that people HAD to put their children into the HJ to avoid repressions? do you know how faschist systems are working?
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bibo said:

georges, you don´t even have a clue what you´re talking about.

you do know that people HAD to put their children into the HJ to avoid repressions? do you know how faschist systems are working?

me having no clue? i doubt
well as far as i remember hitler was elected in 1933 with the majority of the vote, right? there were very few resistant in germany during wwII but there were a lot of "despite us" and this is the category of people you described.Of course they were forced to put their children in the hj, but there were also people who approved hitler's regime andwho endoctrined their children to hitler's ideas.

this was my last thaught concerning this subject.


georges said:
me having no clue? i doubt
well as far as i remember hitler was elected in 1933 with the majority of the vote, right? there were very few resistant in germany during wwII but there were a lot of "despite us" and this is the category of people you described.Of course they were forced to put their children in the hj, but there were also people who approved hitler's regime andwho endoctrined their children to hitler's ideas.

That does absolutely nothing to prove that Kohl or his family supported the Nazis.
well as far as i remember hitler was elected in 1933 with the majority of the vote, right? there were very few resistant in germany during wwII but there were a lot of "despite us" and this is the category of people you described.Of course they were forced to put their children in the hj, but there were also people who approved hitler's regime andwho endoctrined their children to hitler's ideas.

so... by your logic, all the people in North Korea who´re in the communist party and who´re "voting" for Kim are commies, right?

Hitler conquered Paris in 1940 and people in the streets were cheering. All of them Nazis, I´m sure. The french government in the alternative capital in Vichy was cooperating with Hitler and was responsible for deportation of thousands of jews to KZ´s in Poland. France approving Hitler and his ideas? See the point? The fact that people are reacting in a certain way under the pressure of a dictatorship to save their lifes and the lifes of their families and children does NOT mean they´re evil and fierce supporters of Hitler and the Holocaust.
And it´s NOT up to you point your finger at anybody and throw with mud while you´re sitting in your chair in a democratic country and in a free Europe. A Europe, that´s partially the result of the work of people like Kohl. Go figure. And no, I don´t like Kohl, never voted for him.

Dude, it took us all f*cking 50 years to get over those stupid stereotype points of view. And it seriously pisses me off when people are judging other people from a safe distance and without even remotely being in their position.
bibo said:
so... by your logic, all the people in North Korea who´re in the communist party and who´re "voting" for Kim are commies, right?

Hitler conquered Paris in 1940 and people in the streets were cheering. All of them Nazis, I´m sure. The french government in the alternative capital in Vichy was cooperating with Hitler and was responsible for deportation of thousands of jews to KZ´s in Poland. France approving Hitler and his ideas? See the point? The fact that people are reacting in a certain way under the pressure of a dictatorship to save their lifes and the lifes of their families and children does NOT mean they´re evil and fierce supporters of Hitler and the Holocaust.
And it´s NOT up to you point your finger at anybody and throw with mud while you´re sitting in your chair in a democratic country and in a free Europe. A Europe, that´s partially the result of the work of people like Kohl. Go figure. And no, I don´t like Kohl, never voted for him.

Dude, it took us all f*cking 50 years to get over those stupid stereotype points of view. And it seriously pisses me off when people are judging other people from a safe distance and without even remotely being in their position.

i see what you are meaning.About vichy and all the other crimes, Jacques Chirac recognized that France has been responsible of deportation of thousand of jews and that it had collaborated with germans under Vichy.My goal wasn't to piss anyone off and to "throw mud" according to you (which is something i never did, never will and never do) sorry if you have felt it this way so therefore i will apologize to the parties concerned.
About North Korea, I don't think that all people are commies, they just express their opinion by voting for kim.

regards and hope you are not angry against me

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georges said:

About North Korea, I don't think that all people are commies, they just express their opinion by voting for kim.

They aren't expressing their opinions about him. It's not a free country, so how could they? Remember Saddam had an election a few months before being deposed.... he won with 100% of vote, and even had the audacity to celebrate his election victory!
parker said:
They aren't expressing their opinions about him. It's not a free country, so how could they? Remember Saddam had an election a few months before being deposed.... he won with 100% of vote, and even had the audacity to celebrate his election victory!

i agree but please read above the reproach that was made to me parker.



georges:) ;)