KFC or Popeye's: Which Do You Like Better?

Which Do You Like Better?

  • KFC

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Popeye's

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters


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Popeye's without doubt. Grab some of their red beans and rice plus a bag of corn chips, and you have the greatest bean dip ever made.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Popeye's, Louisiana Fast. But I do like KFC, too. We've got Church's and Chicken Express which are both as good or better than Popeye's and KFC's.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Do you have Bojangle's near you? It's like Popeye's but better. They have the red beans and rice also but they are separate sides. The Bojangle's Dirty Rice is incredible.

I've never heard of it. I have another great chicken place by me called the Peach Tree though.
In my defense, friend chicken probably is pretty fucking good. It's chicken you didn't have to buy.
Well it's safe to say that "friend chicken" tastes like ... well ... like chicken. :chickendance:

For me it's KFC. I'd also like to add a write-in candidate: Chick-fil-A :yummie:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I've been wanting to try Popeye's chicken for the longest time. The problem is that I can't remember where they are. When I do pass by one either I'm not hungry or not heading towards home. Have you ever heard of Kennedy's Fried Chicken? I wanted to try that too but I've never seen one in a neighborhood where I wanted to stop my car. There's a small chain around here called Cluck-U. This is some of the nastiest food I've ever eaten. Broken bones. Fried in old oil. Over cooked. Some of it you could break a tooth on. I would have brought that shit back and made a stink if I didn't have to drive so far back to the place.

KFC never disappoints. Always consistent. Extra crispy is way overrated though. Stick to original. Back in college there was a dude dating my girlfriend's roommate that worked there. The manager would give anything unsold to the employees at closing time instead of throwing it out. He would bring bags of it back to the dorm and he didn't want any part of it since he had to smell this shit all day. Imagine a bunch of drunk, high, and broke ass college kids getting those bags dumped in our rooms. We were like a pack of coyotes tearing through it.


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Bronze Member
To me, 'Popeye' is that sailor. Other than that, never tasted any food of his. Does it feature lots of spinach?

KFC came to Germany on a larger scale not really, it could catch on around the Fankfurt area where american personnel demands it.

I have gotten to like those paper buckets full of 'chicken' parts and the sauce. Sadly, no KFC around my town
I've been wanting to try Popeye's chicken for the longest time.

Back in 2003 I was in NYC for 3 days because I was placed in the contestant pool for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire show. I stayed at a hotel at 50th and 8th so I was within walking distance to ABC studios and I think Times Square was about 10 blocks away from the hotel. I decided one evening to walk across the street to a grocery store called Food Emporium and grab a six pack. I think they wanted 16 dollars for it so I said fuck it I'm not paying 16 bucks for a six pack. So I walk across the street to a Rite Aid to buy a couple of single tall boys and they had Bud Light on sale for some reason for 2.99 a six pack. I ask the manager is this right? 2.99 for a six pack of beer in NYC? and she said yes, it is the correct price so I buy 3 six packs. it must have been brackish but what the hell I was drinking beer in my hotel room in NYC cheaper than I could in NC.

Then I get hungry and start looking for a steak house and I find a Don Shula's steak house near Broadway and walk down to it. It is closed for remodeling so I continue walking and when I get to Times Square there is a Popeye's chicken I get a 2 piece with 2 sides for like 7 bucks I think. I think I ate at that Popeye's the whole time I was there. Must have been in a time warp or something because I was being fed for 7 bucks a meal at Popeye's and beer was 2.99 a six pack in mid town Manhattan. And the chicken tasted better at that Popeye's than any of the other ones I had been to for some reason. Last summer I had to go to NYC for a couple of days and decided that would be my game plan again, eat at Popeye's cheap and drink Rite -Aid beer. No such luck. Rite Aid beer was 15 dollars a sixer and the Popeye's was no longer there. DeBlasio must have ran them out of town for feeding the tourists so cheap. It was like I was eating for free. The next time I am staying near Newark/Liberty I will see if there is a Popeye's near there. Didn't know they had them in Jersey.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Popeye's, Louisiana Fast. But I do like KFC, too. We've got Church's and Chicken Express which are both as good or better than Popeye's and KFC's.


Also, if you've got the balls, order up some Chester Fried next time you're at a truck stop in the south.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The next time I am staying near Newark/Liberty I will see if there is a Popeye's near there. Didn't know they had them in Jersey.

Just so happens there's a Popeye's by EWR on Freilinghuysen Ave. just a stone's throw west of the Airport Hilton. Several others in the general vicinity as well.

Being that food is one of your favorite topics, you should probably start one of the foodie threads yourself.
I live on my own and don't cook but I could start Dino's Drive-Thru. When I get married I'll be just as much of an aficionado on fast food as I will avoid all home cooked meals.

You could combine your love of food and hookers and call it "Dino's Diners Drive-ins and Dive-ins!"