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Keith Olberman out at MSNBC

The only reason right-wingers hate Olbermann is because he tells the truth.


Olbertwink spewed his vitriolic biased opinion and did so as if it was gospel. The overstuffed turd left before management could say "GTFO".
Good riddance, now let's dump the Madcow.


Official Checked Star Member
I am not one of the tiny demographic that actually watches MSNBC so I can't REALLY say for 100% certain why he left but I do know that he and Chris Mathews were actually taken off of the campaign coverage by Tom Brokaw because of their blatant inability to report news without including their extreme left points of view.

One golden rule of news journalism is that you cannot have political pundits reporting hard news. Look at what it did to Dan Rather or Rick Sanchez...Rather has a legendary career until he was permitted to incorporate his political point of view into the news and it ruined him. Sanchez was no Dan Rather but he had a great job making plenty of $$ and he blew it because he couldn't just report the news.

Olberman was great on ESPN and I don't disagree with some of the things he's said...he just is obnoxious and states opinions as facts without factual due diligence. It came back to bite him.

He will be a martyr to the left and he'll get a job at the Huffington post or somewhere like that where he will more than likely do a great job.

I don't mean to sound like a right wing nutt because I'm not...but I certainly can appreciate getting facts when being informed on issues rather than opinions being sold as facts no matter which side it comes from. I don't buy a fucking thing Hannity or Limbaugh says 90% of the time and same goes for Maddow or Mathews or Olberman.
I am not one of the tiny demographic that actually watches MSNBC so I can't REALLY say for 100% certain why he left but I do know that he and Chris Mathews were actually taken off of the campaign coverage by Tom Brokaw because of their blatant inability to report news without including their extreme left points of view.

One golden rule of news journalism is that you cannot have political pundits reporting hard news. Look at what it did to Dan Rather or Rick Sanchez...Rather has a legendary career until he was permitted to incorporate his political point of view into the news and it ruined him. Sanchez was no Dan Rather but he had a great job making plenty of $$ and he blew it because he couldn't just report the news.

Olberman was great on ESPN and I don't disagree with some of the things he's said...he just is obnoxious and states opinions as facts without factual due diligence. It came back to bite him.

He will be a martyr to the left and he'll get a job at the Huffington post or somewhere like that where he will more than likely do a great job.

I don't mean to sound like a right wing nutt because I'm not...but I certainly can appreciate getting facts when being informed on issues rather than opinions being sold as facts no matter which side it comes from. I don't buy a fucking thing Hannity or Limbaugh says 90% of the time and same goes for Maddow or Mathews or Olberman.

Most of his work with MSNBC was as a political commentator. He should have never been an anchor..that was MSNBC's mistake not Olbermann's.:2 cents:

MSNBC did the correct thing changing his title with their organization.

Unlike Fox who continued to employ someone like Brit Hume as an "anchor" until he stepped down. He was virtually another commentator like Hannity and others.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Olbertwink spewed his vitriolic biased opinion and did so as if it was gospel. The overstuffed turd left before management could say "GTFO". Good riddance, now let's dump the Madcow.

OK....this is over the edge for me. Sorry but this kind of hypocritical one-sided rhetoric is what really fucking pisses me off, especially coming from a self-professed "centrist" like you, Trident. I guess in your world there would be no dissenting voice to be heard other than opinions that are in total concert with yours. If you truly believe in American values, why would you want these people silenced? I can only assume that you don't believe in the tenets of the constitution because that is exactly the stance you are taking with these statements.

I don't agree with many things (or even most things) that Olbermann espoused on Countdown. Nor do I agree with many of the stances taken by those on the other side like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck etc but I will defend until my last breath their absolute right to present them. It is what comprises the basic core values of America itself. Any yet, you would eliminate them if you could? :surprise: Why? Are you afraid that some of what they say might actually have some validitiy? :confused:

Why do you feel so reluctant to admit your obvious extreme right-wing leanings? I have lost all respect for you in that regard.

I'm really disillusioned with you man. At least members like Georges, Facetious, MP etc are honest about their positions. You're a total phony. I'm not buying your bullshit anymore.

Sorry....don't mean to be contentious but I call 'em like I see 'em and you showed your true colors with this single post.
Sources close to Olberman revealed that he is in talks for a show with Fox News!! He will either have his own show or replace Alan Comes as Hannity's co-host.


Closed Account
Well I like Olbermann political views and I agree with him that the Bush Administration should have been charged for war crimes. Bush should have never invaded in the first place. Just used that lousy stratgedy for his own personal gain. Anyways politics is politics, im sure Olbermann will find another high paying position.
OK....this is over the edge for me. Sorry but this kind of hypocritical one-sided rhetoric is what really fucking pisses me off, especially coming from a self-professed "centrist" like you, Trident. I guess in your world there would be no dissenting voice to be heard other than opinions that are in total concert with yours. If you truly believe in American values, why would you want these people silenced? I can only assume that you don't believe in the tenets of the constitution because that is exactly the stance you are taking with these statements.

I don't agree with many things (or even most things) that Olbermann espoused on Countdown. Nor do I agree with many of the stances taken by those on the other side like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck etc but I will defend until my last breath their absolute right to present them. It is what comprises the basic core values of America itself. Any yet, you would eliminate them if you could? :surprise: Why? Are you afraid that some of what they say might actually have some validitiy? :confused:

Why do you feel so reluctant to admit your obvious extreme right-wing leanings? I have lost all respect for you in that regard.

I'm really disillusioned with you man. At least members like Georges, Facetious, MP etc are honest about their positions. You're a total phony. I'm not buying your bullshit anymore.

Sorry....don't mean to be contentious but I call 'em like I see 'em and you showed your true colors with this single post.

I just wanted this to be posted again, because it's right.
OK....this is over the edge for me. Sorry but this kind of hypocritical one-sided rhetoric is what really fucking pisses me off, especially coming from a self-professed "centrist" like you, Trident. I guess in your world there would be no dissenting voice to be heard other than opinions that are in total concert with yours. If you truly believe in American values, why would you want these people silenced? I can only assume that you don't believe in the tenets of the constitution because that is exactly the stance you are taking with these statements.

I don't agree with many things (or even most things) that Olbermann espoused on Countdown. Nor do I agree with many of the stances taken by those on the other side like Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck etc but I will defend until my last breath their absolute right to present them. It is what comprises the basic core values of America itself. Any yet, you would eliminate them if you could? :surprise: Why? Are you afraid that some of what they say might actually have some validitiy? :confused:

Why do you feel so reluctant to admit your obvious extreme right-wing leanings? I have lost all respect for you in that regard.

I'm really disillusioned with you man. At least members like Georges, Facetious, MP etc are honest about their positions. You're a total phony. I'm not buying your bullshit anymore.

Sorry....don't mean to be contentious but I call 'em like I see 'em and you showed your true colors with this single post.

Hardly. Once again here are my political beliefs:

Pro gay rights and gay marriage
Pro abortion
Pro women's rights
Pro gun rights
Pro separation of Church and State

You want me to go on?

Jagger don't attack the fact that I'm a centrist. If that pisses you off then so be it. If you can't figure me out because I don't fit into a stereotypical left or right winger then tough bananas.
I have my reasons for despising the far left and far right.

So please go on about "exposing my true colors".:facepalm:
So I guess all the twonks on the right who don't like non-o'reilly voices on the airwaves because it makes them insecure about their PNAC worldview, will be celebrating at the local rodeo/gun show/dog fight/tonight.

Now they can enjoy the comfort of their delusion knowing there is one less voice disturbing them with inconvenient facts

and stereotypes. Don't forget narrow minded stereotypes. Then again, they can just search your posts for those.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Having centrists views doesn't make you a centrist. I've got a lot of centrist views, most Americans do, but I can't stand zealot rightwingers- far, center, or moderate. I'm a liberal democrat- not a far left loon. I'm guessing Trident's big issue is religion. Abortion, perhaps? Pro-life insanity cancels out being a moderate centrist.


Hiliary 2020
It might be helpful if you read the entire thread before commenting, Meester, because in post #21 I said the following-

Now, meester, you know good and well I'm as fair-minded as anyone. I've +repped you more than once in threads that weren't related to politics.

ok, i didn't see that earlier post of yours, i feel basically the same.
i like that post btw

but i did respond to this post:

The only reason right-wingers hate Olbermann is because he tells the truth.
which is very different from your earlier post.

my friend jag mentioned me, let me say that i guess i am very conservative but not very republican and i dislike/distrust most news folk on both sides.
Having centrists views doesn't make you a centrist. I've got a lot of centrist views, most Americans do, but I can't stand zealot rightwingers- far, center, or moderate. I'm a liberal democrat- not a far left loon. I'm guessing Trident's big issue is religion. Abortion, perhaps? Pro-life insanity cancels out being a moderate centrist.

No, my issue isn't religion. I'm Serb Orthodox and most of my political views are not accepted by the Orthodox Church. So be it.
A centrist is one who in my opinion takes views that are "liberal" and "conservative". It's a gray zone.
Someone may have a different take on what is centrist but I describe my political views as being in the middle i.e. centrist.

I detest people who think they are "holier than thou" and Keith Olbermann was just that. He was a smug, conceited, little man who helped destroy what little shred of integrity the news had with his snide little monologues.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So don't watch him if he makes you so ill. That's how I stomach conservative talking heads- by not tuning in, but that's not to say that I want them taken off the air. Liberals should have an alternative to talk radio and fox news.


I detest people who think they are "holier than thou"

this coming from someone who pretends he is above party politics yet reserves his criticism for one side only.....

Hardly. Once again here are my political beliefs:

Pro gay rights and gay marriage
Pro abortion
Pro women's rights
Pro gun rights
Pro separation of Church and State

which is why you vote for the party which either or opposes or shows total contempt for 4 out of 5 of the items on that list while spending a great deal of your time on this board rubbishing the party which tries to uphold them.

You: a centrist? Nobody is buying it and you shouldn't be selling it.

Trident is just another garden variety troll to add to the woodpile.
Aint politics a wonderful powder keg

I watched Olbermanns rants during the the last American pre-selection & Election campaigns and they were exuberant but clearly Clinton & Palin made themselves such easy cannon fodder

I liken Olbermanns choices of who to target like what SNL pick as their next weeks main skit...its all about who ever can get the show its highest ratings not about whats more news worthy...Obamas 38 minute speech got the BIG GLOWING Rant from memory...the paranoid would see this as clear bias

I saw it as they knew it would rate highest so they went with it

My take is it doesnt matter who does the ranting on nbc ,cbs , fox etc
as its all shock jock theatre dressed up as informed comment which tries to give the impression that its a balanced message...

Clearly it never is

Unless your hearing views from parties on either side of the issues
like they do on PBS ie the Jim Lehrer News Hour
then its more than likely going to be a version of the truth thats been distorted to get their message across

I'm sure between now and the next American election someone will pick him up and he'll be back ranting as per usual....a ready made audience of millions who would tune in will be too hard for someone too resist