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yeah i was happy 2 months ago when he gave me an extra month for free, but only delivered 3 updates within those 1 mnths. that was actually not the best deal :violin:


Phad abandoned this thread and Kari's site

What a *%$#ing cum dumpster.

So much pretense about full disclosure and being so open and helpful with us...

Then fails to deliver, comes back with arm-fulls of promises, fails to deliver, follows that up with more feigned candor and bs promises, fails again... then vanishes and doesn't want to talk about it. Hides in plain site, babbling to himself on his echo-chamber of a Twitter account about other projects and how much fun he's having at Dragoncon while ignoring us and pretending it's OUR problem that he could never deliver what was paid for/promised. Just what a fucking cunt.

I just have a hard time believing there are adults in the world still maintaining my highschool homework levels of procrastination towards their life and careers. I'm quite sure I spent more time BSing papers and coming up with loquacious appeals contextualizing my laziness for less harsh grading on late work than I ever did on actual assignments. Seems Phad has that exact affliction and never grew the fuck up. I guarantee he spent more time on some of those fucking collages/gifs and endless posts explaining how much hard work he did than he ever fucking did actually producing the sparse sets.

Oh well, enjoy the free money; not really dying to fill out BBB paperwork about an idiot porn site subscription falling through, though considering the project cost some of us over a hundred bucks or so trying to participate at all, it shouldn't really be a tough case to take seriously.

Always wondered where all these guys dedicating so much time to leaking pay model content on the Internet find the time or where they come from.. but now I'd like to think they just met one of the webmasters and were like "Oh man, fuck this guy. Yeah... I could dedicate my life to that."

As indicated by every smart post in here, the lack of earnest communication and full disclosure was literally the only real rub going on. Instead we got disingenuous prose masked as candor over and over and over again like we're fucking children, and then you just running away with your tail between your legs. Just shameful, man.

What a shitfest this became. >.>
Ok, here's the thing. Everyone is let down by the lack of posts (including me), but bitching about it incessantly does no good. If you don't like it, cancel your subscription. Maybe that will be a wakeup call, maybe it won't, but constant complaining does no good. I'm sure Phad cares...to a point, but it is a business and he does have active sights with active models that he runs. This thread is starting to sound like a bunch of old men bitching about "those damn kids keep taking my garden gnomes". Give it a rest.


Ok, here's the thing. Everyone is let down by the lack of posts (including me), but bitching about it incessantly does no good. If you don't like it, cancel your subscription. Maybe that will be a wakeup call, maybe it won't, but constant complaining does no good. I'm sure Phad cares...to a point, but it is a business and he does have active sights with active models that he runs. This thread is starting to sound like a bunch of old men bitching about "those damn kids keep taking my garden gnomes". Give it a rest.

Lol, that's an adorable opinion you've got there but we've been involved in getting dragged through this for almost a year straight now and this is relatively the first word we've gotten that he's quit. There's certainly room to vent, and I don't remember seeing you being a part of any of the relationship/dialogue. --but thanks for joining in finally to bitch about our bitching, very insightful.
A member I know told me that Phad has been really busy with technical stuff, upgrading the websites, so in theory whenever that's done he'll get back on track with Kari updates


A member I know told me that Phad has been really busy with technical stuff, upgrading the websites, so in theory whenever that's done he'll get back on track with Kari updates

I can only half agree here because, as youve suggested, Phad has active models right now. Active models require a lot of time and work because the content isn't there yet and needs to be created - it's a long process. However, with KS Phad ALREADY has ALL of the content. He literally just has to upload the original set in higher definition along with some extra pictures. In the case of videos he just needs to view the raw footage and include a few snippets of originally cut footage. Seriously this is not rocket science.

Phad chooses to spend time carefully making suggestive pictures/gifs so he can advertise his shit. His material would spread by word of mouth/forums well enough if he just consistently updated. Unfortunately he's quickly becoming an unreputable site manager b/c of these antics


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Here's some transparency for you: I'm waiting on some content that I don't have access to. I did a full sorting of all the folders and cross-referencing of set names and the raw video to the releases on the site, and we have some missing spots. It isn't resolved yet, but I'm optimistic we'll find the rest, and then truly anything requested could be remastered at some point. We're not yet at that point. Not knowing what can be found makes the update process messy.

Here's some more transparency: I haven't been around much because the complaints have started drowning out the sanity. Certain people have gone out of their way time after time to tell me every update put up is boring, and in their own special ways, rated a C- on the scale of Steve, etc, and how it's not worth their money. That feedback shouldn't be a big deal, and it wasn't for awhile. At first I thought, to each their own – we'll get some drive by bullshit from people who aren't really fans of Kari Sweets. Everything you put online gets heckled to a degree.

But it's not drive-by, it's persistent, and it's actual members doing this by PM and email and Freeones post, and ranting on pirate websites about how much this sucks. Maybe I've encouraged that to some degree, and this is my fault. Because I responded to almost everything good and bad, I think a theory has developed that yelling at me will make me deliver great updates. But how could it work that way? The content already existed – I can't make anything better than it already is. So being nasty and setting off a fireworks display for yourself every time you quit doesn't improve the site. It only makes me not want to be here and chit-chat with you.

Think about it – when things go into crisis mode for my work, and the whole fleet of sites needs attention in one way or the other, what am I going to do with my time? Keep oiling the squeaky wheel that never stops squeaking, where people are openly bragging about quitting? Or just put the old jalopies on blocks for the time being, and fix the other situations first where I still have the degrees of control over the content? The latter; I've been working on Brooke and Bailey content and updates, their members are happy, the models are happy – it's not unpleasant to get up and work on that and face the music for the next update.

So why is this so unpleasant, and the other work isn't? It seems to me there are a gang of insult trolls that circle around this site. I don't know why, maybe it's something created in the old days and I just stepped straight into it, or maybe it was just dumb luck.

It's not everybody. But if you listen to the vocal ones, it sure seems like a fanbase that needed a cooling off period, doesn't it? Things have been damn good this year. Kari content is not boring, remastering it is not boring. When we can make the sets 3 times as big and the videos uncut and easier to watch, that's not boring. Sure, you might have joined 8 years ago and downloaded a pile of stuff and fast-forwarded through videos 8 years ago looking for tits and slips you never saw. But you don't have those blurry old videos memorized as a result, or know every one of those small old photos by heart. I don't buy that. They are worth seeing big now, and high-res, especially now that they could contain anything. If you truly think it's boring, I always say it - go find the site you like. I was a fan, and it's not boring to me!

Now, I understand that twenty bucks can mean a lot to some people, and everyone has their own unique financial situation. But it wasn't cheap to get this archive. I don't want to get into numbers, but it was unprecedented. And it's crazy that this stuff can be released this way now. So complaining about chipping in now and then like you've wasted a fortune sounds off key to me.

It doesn't have to be a pure ass-kissing parade on Freeones, and it never has been. But the tone of the feedback – and the sales - always effects what project I work on, and how patient I can be with replies. If you're miserable, and you want me to read that, I will probably read it, and take it to heart – at least the first time. But if you do like this site, don't shitpost. It has an effect – it drops this project down the list of priorities. Using your soapbox to discourage new people from joining as a motivational tool for me isn't logical either. I've got so much other work to do. If feel you need to scare people away and shut this site down before it does any more damage to the world economy, feel free to make those speeches. But please keep your head screwed on to where this site is actually at compared to before. The expectations shouldn't have shifted to another dimension.

I'm working on an update right now, 230-ish new pics. As usual, it will make some people happy and others not. I haven't decided whether I'll keep posting here, but you can see I haven't been lately.
Sorry to those who have been nothing but cool this whole time. New updates are coming, and sorry you waited on them.
We have different ideas on what 20 a month should be worth. In my opinion, 20 bucks recurring deserves some kind of schedule. You feel that 20 bucks a month is not entitled to any updates. I could pay 20 and not get a single update that month, and you're ok with that.. I'm not.

IMO, that's the problem with your business model. When people pay for a subscription, they expect to be subscribed for X updates. When there are no updates, they are upset and rightfully so.
I wish you could just realize that and give the people what they want, instead of playing this game of "behave yourself, or I won't update".

I'm sorry that some of the updates were called boring, but they were. Imagine the frustration when the users were lucky enough to get an update that month, then that one update is disappointing.

I need to stop posting in this thread and just let the subscribers subscribe to potluck updates. I don't want to beat you up or contaminate your sugar daddy userbase... there's no point. You have selective hearing and my point will never be heard or acted upon.
Looks like Phad works better with compliments, we need to encourage him, bring Kari Sweets to the top of his list. If it wasn't for him we probably wouldn't be getting any of this. He is more a man of quality than quantity, that works for me, as there are so many sites churning stuff out which all looks the same with no imagination gone into it, give me an artist like Phad any day!


Everything you put online gets heckled to a degree.

Think about it – when things go into crisis mode for my work, and the whole fleet of sites needs attention in one way or the other, what am I going to do with my time? Keep oiling the squeaky wheel that never stops squeaking, where people are openly bragging about quitting?

Now, I understand that twenty bucks can mean a lot to some people, and everyone has their own unique financial situation. But it wasn't cheap to get this archive. I don't want to get into numbers, but it was unprecedented. And it's crazy that this stuff can be released this way now. So complaining about chipping in now and then like you've wasted a fortune sounds off key to me.

This reply is meant to be constructive. I probably qualify as one of your hecklers and I am more than willing to let you in on what the hecklers are so irritated about. In the past - on this very forum - you have stated that updates would be ~10-12 days apart (2-3 updates/month which isn't great in itself tbh). There have been occasions where you informed us that update intervals would be longer due to extenuating circumstances. Similarly there were also times where you suggested that update intervals would take longer because you were training new staff...with the possibility of updates coming more regularly from the help of the additional staff. However, none of this happened. You said a lot of good and promising things but delivered on zero of it.

It's your prerogative how you want to operate your business. As you suggest, you purchased this content and are re-selling it over time in hopes of turning a profit. Makes complete sense to me. However, you can't play victim here and act like all this negativity was sprung upon you. You made statements/promises which tried to convince members to keep their memberships and nonmembers to feel comfortable joining. It all comes off as...well...deceiving.

Word of advice: Stop making promises or even providing long explanations about the time in between updates. For whatever reason it always comes off as "sorry this time around, but next time it will be better". Just keep it short and sweet - "couldn't get to it this time, will get to it shortly". None of the hecklers can fight with general statements and so we won't be disappointed...and so we won't be so negative.

Phad we all clearly have a great appreciation for the work that you do. You do a good job. And that's why it pisses us off because we want you to do the job you're doing...just more regularly. I am going to voluntarily remove myself from the heckling brigade because this message sums up my frustration and hopefully provides some constructive criticism about buyer concerns. In the future don't buy into the whining and nagging about updates. Be short and to the point and deliver the update. The more you talk/write the easier it is for someone to interpret it as an error on your part and negativity blossoms from there.

I'm working on an update right now, 230-ish new pics. As usual, it will make some people happy and others not. I haven't decided whether I'll keep posting here, but you can see I haven't been lately.

Glad to hear you haven't abandoned the project. I am going to assume that updates will be erratic from here moving forward. That way I won't be let down and that way I won't get irritated. At the same time I won't be rejoining (and there are many updates I'd like access to) unless I see an improvement in update frequency.



Now, I understand that twenty bucks can mean a lot to some people, and everyone has their own unique financial situation. But it wasn't cheap to get this archive. I don't want to get into numbers, but it was unprecedented. And it's crazy that this stuff can be released this way now. So complaining about chipping in now and then like you've wasted a fortune sounds off key to me.

Just to be clear... you nitpicked people earlier for calling it $30... but it is $30... unless you do recurring, then it's $25. Unless I'm missing something it's never been $20 and you've always referred to it as $20. Not sure if you're out of touch with how you priced it this whole time or you are actively choosing manipulative language right in the same sentences you're telling particular people not to do the same...

Honestly if it was just a 20-spot instead of $25+ maybe it would feel more clear and chill just giving you a whole bill and getting nothing back that month.

I don't wanna be the guy that's shitting on you for whatever struggles you're dealing with trying to do this project that is so close to my heart(the lower heart in my loins, probably).. particularly given how reasonable you try to convey yourself in each response. I'm sorry if there are gangs of "insult trolls" dive-bombing you about whatever and I hope you're not considering me one of them. I've tried to understand you and be reasonable this whole time. I think there are some solid guys on here who have been giving you feedback tirelessly over the last, almost a fkin year. It's a shame to feel like you're lumping all of us into the crowd that's just assaulting you. Though, all of that "feedback" has seemed to mean nothing; off the top of my head I can't think of a single thing you changed or cowed to since the project's inception based on our needs and suggestions with LOTS of feedback, you just tell us we're asking for too much 100% of the time. That sounds more off-key to me than even the fact that there's insane internet trolls out there who complain about everything and will try to insult and injure anyone doing anything somewhat publicly online, pretty much no matter your industry, gender, creed, or nationality.

You came in with an idea of how you wanted to do the project, nearly every one of us pointed out that that felt weak and was going to be hard for us to stick with. You stuck to your guns and kept doing it, and we trusted you. Then turmoil arose and updates trickled and failed, and we point out that that's hard to bear considering some of the more unreasonable angles of your specific stipulations of how you imagined originally doing it, and you reconciled by continuing to do it exactly as conservatively and slowly as you had once hoped, even in light of even of literally continuously failing to deliver product to paying customers.

Seriously, because I'm a fucking idiot, I literally made my ~6th subscription so far nearly a month ago when I still had almost 3 weeks left on another account that apparently was set up to reoccur. How cute, I fell for the $5 subscription trap. Beautiful. So I literally just paid $50 just for the fun of visiting the page and this forum 25 times to then get called a whiner because you vanished along with the updates and I, along with other customers, were completely baffled and frustrated by the radio silence.

I mean really think about it, with a like 35% failure rate or whatever at this point, you literally have tossed us 0 bones to pat us on the head and have us hold on. Meanwhile since the inception we've all been staring at the collection like a children outside a candy store pawing at the window actively listing everything possible that could make us happy, covering the sidewalk in drool. But in light of failing us over and over and over again(hey, we've all been there with one responsibility or another) not ONCE have you said "Well shit, this is my fault. I know I said I'd only handle it this way but let me figure something out." And reach in into your bag of unimaginable goodies and give us a fucking stocking stuffer... manipulate the maximums of your stringent selection process for one set.. Nothing. Nothing. Just 100% commitment to a process none of us thought appeared that sound in the first place. Literally the only thing you've offered for our outrage at sometimes being actually actively stiffed by your business is "Hey, our bad. We'll TRY to not do that with the next delivery, please stop complaining to other people about not receiving your products it hurts business."

I guess when you've got a poker hand full of naughty bits as nice as Kari's you're not really subject to normal market commandments, but even from that side of the fence you've got to be able to see how uncomfortable and out of touch this should feel to us.

I'm always glad to hear you haven't let the trolls and discontent end the project. I don't seem to be able to keep quiet about some of the total bullshit going on and trying to feel like you've at least heard some of the more ridiculous issues here, but none of my nonsense should be construed as wanting to siderail the project. Again pretty much every model on the net could vanish and I wouldn't hardly be bothered to notice for a few years -especially if this project was putting out regular, healthy updates. So I have a lot invested here in how devastatingly stale or excellent this project becomes.

Cheers to there still being hope for Kari releases. Boo to holding to a hardcore conservative approach even when the whole fkin levy is breaking. Loosen the belt, have some fun, give people what they want and I think it'll be 10953860826x easier to forgive the endless, if possibly understandable foibles.

The game where we're supposed to be free-love beatniks in regards to whether or not an update even comes out that week or even month for the money we put up... but when it comes to gently asking what great fun we can have the dialogue is necessarily dragged to hardcore conservatism and how this is a professional project with an update schedule that couldn't possibly break the rules and *gasp* release more than one update a week or one that's got too much win without it being a magic lottery --EVEN in extenuating circumstances, seems to be becoming pretty blatant . And god forbid you've ever actually picked from the random lottery and moved on to save an amazing set for later in light of implying you wouldn't do that.. That would just be an ultimate crime with how you're running it.

If you were helping us with our win-seeking struggles the way you'd like us to be understanding with your business struggles, I think I'd have more than 3 or 4 pictures that are sexually relevant from a nearly year-long investment and we'd all have a few extra weeks of our life back from all the typing and heated exchanges that wouldn't be necessary. We'd be giving when the pressure builds up too much on your end, and you'd be doing the same for us. Instead, when we're hurting you just point at the rule book shaking your head stoically, then when you ultimately demand we be more reasonable and understand your extenuating circumstances it's somehow cruel that we want to say "Tut, tut!!! 1 update a week, you owe us!". The same way you get to say "Oh, no no! Can't pick out win sets! I know we've missed a ton of updates, but only one this week cause that's what we agreed to!!"

Realllly doesn't feel like fair play. :p
I read a lot of text on this page today, and some reasonable, critical points were made. But it's clear to me Phad is the person I'd rather have as a neighbor.

The majority of us need to man-up and keep some balance in this thread. Whatever you do like about Kari, tease models, Phad, or what he's attempting, it's time to say it. Don't worry about being attacked for sucking up to Phad, ridiculed for paying for non-nudity, for being interested in a long-retired model. If you like the product, that's all that counts. I know I'm guilty of not posting in the midst of these bitch&whine-a-thons, but we all pay a price for letting the critics burn all the pixels.

Don't attack people for having negative opinions. They've got a reasonable point. Just balance things. It's a silly thing to have to say, but Phad is not a supplier first. He's another human being who responds to things just like the rest of us. Be honest with him, but treat him here like you would in a face-to-face conversation with some store owner in your neighborhood. Critique, question, but try to improve things, not just vent.
I do love seeing some of my favorite Kari videos uncut! Definitely prefer that over the old edited versions! Thanks for that Phad!
That's a terrible attitude for a businessman. I do freelance work all the time. Can you imagine the response I would get if I told a customer:

"Sorry, man. I took on way too many projects and I can't keep up. Your negativity isn't helping. Maybe if you stopped being mean to me and asking where the product is that you already paid for I would be more inclined to help you out."

It's as if you think you're doing a favor to your customers who have already paid you lol. I canceled right before this mess... Looks like my timing was good. I can laugh about it but holy crap I'd be pissed if I was still a member.

If you can't keep up with the work, you either need less work or more workers. You can't just fall behind and keep taking the money. That's total bs. There's quite literally millions of people on the internet who would jump at a chance to help you with this job... Lots of them would probably work for free.


I read a lot of text on this page today, and some reasonable, critical points were made. But it's clear to me Phad is the person I'd rather have as a neighbor.

The majority of us need to man-up and keep some balance in this thread. Whatever you do like about Kari, tease models, Phad, or what he's attempting, it's time to say it. Don't worry about being attacked for sucking up to Phad, ridiculed for paying for non-nudity, for being interested in a long-retired model. If you like the product, that's all that counts. I know I'm guilty of not posting in the midst of these bitch&whine-a-thons, but we all pay a price for letting the critics burn all the pixels.

Don't attack people for having negative opinions. They've got a reasonable point. Just balance things. It's a silly thing to have to say, but Phad is not a supplier first. He's another human being who responds to things just like the rest of us. Be honest with him, but treat him here like you would in a face-to-face conversation with some store owner in your neighborhood. Critique, question, but try to improve things, not just vent.

With your attitude you might as well be donating money to a charity in Phad's name. Most people aren't attacking Phad at all. They are suggesting he is being misleading with his JOB duties. As in he is verbally/textually selling one thing (product releases) and then providing excuses as to why products weren't released on time. It's simply awful business and he would be fired if he had an employer/supervisor. If this were a face-to-face business transaction I would never do business with them again because they have proven unreliable time and time again. Actions always speak louder than words/text. The dude just doesn't deliver

We all appreciate Phad's work - it's great. We just want greater consistency and less baloney. As I said in a previous post I think this is an awesome project and I hope it continues. I look forward to Phad getting back on the ball and doing a good job, as he always has, albeit more consistently