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John Podesta & Pedophile Pizzagate Exposed


Hiliary 2020
I believe the chances that there is a child raping happening by DC people, or rich fucks with power all over the world is much higher than there being reptile people.
Look at these people in power, and think of the real rich fuckers who are above them but we do not see.
Do you think raping children is really that far fetched? Beyond their capability?

Pizzagate however was a psy-op.
It was put out there intentionally to be picked up on by people, then "exposed" by controlled opposition agents like A Jones.
Basically a false trail that stays warm but never actually get hot or leads anywhere.
Good professional criminals do this all the time.
I believe the chances that there is a child raping happening by DC people, or rich fucks with power all over the world is much higher than there being reptile people.
Look at these people in power, and think of the real rich fuckers who are above them but we do not see.
Do you think raping children is really that far fetched? Beyond their capability?

Even assumoingt you're right on this, that doesn't mean they do it.
You seem to equate "they could go away with" to "they certainly doi it" but bottomline you have no actual dat backing your claim, no actual hint that would indicate pedophilia may have happened. All you have is your own assumptions
Are you tired of imagining stuff all the time ?

Pizzagate however was a psy-op.
It was put out there intentionally to be picked up on by people, then "exposed" by controlled opposition agents like A Jones.
Basically a false trail that stays warm but never actually get hot or leads anywhere.
Good professional criminals do this all the time
Always the same patterns from conspiracy-theroists like you : First, you claim it did hapen, it's 100% true. Then we all know it was bogus, you claim it was just a decoy
Aren't you tired of being wrong all the time ?


Hiliary 2020
Oh hi Johan it's been a long, long , long time.
Regarding part A of your rebuttal , I don't feel that "assuming" some or perhaps many (percentage wise) of mega millionaires and billionaires are into children and act on it.
I don't need "actual data" to feel this way. Pedophilia does exist and I believe a lot more than most of us want to admit. It's just too much of an ugly thing to address for many people.
And I believe it is more common among the filthy rich because frankly they are more decadent and gluttonous people, raised with a silver spoon who feel they are above the law and above us peasants.

You however seem to think it doesn't exist. That is irrational.

Part B-
I brought up pizzagate here not by saying if I thought it was real or not but instead by showing the links of the suggestible websites and photos and comments from which the whole thing stemmed from. Photos and painting of children in what many including myself consider tasteless at best and perverted at worst.
Most centered around James Alefantis and his creepy friends and his creepy pizza joint which caters to the white house. Seems kind of weird that a pizza guy would have so many DC buddies.
And Also Podestas creepy kiddy paintings and sado masochistic art.

However I did say fairly quickly that it looked like a set up. Then when A Jones and his bat shit crazy routine ran with it I knew it was a set up.
Then when Edgar Maddison Welch decided to go there with a gun "to save children" I knew it was an all out full blown hoax.

See Johan I doubt you can think this deeply but at the time Pizzagate came out it was in the height of the 2016 election and Hiliary was getting destroyed all over the internet and it was spreading fast.
Much of her destruction was due to THE INTERNET and its ability to spread information.
Pizzagate served as a means to make all people who don't trust the MSM and the GOV look like crazy fools like the actor A lex Jones.
It was a red herring, a false trail that too many people followed.
Right after that they began to heavily censure sites like yootoob and other big social media sites, and pizzagate was used as one of their excuses to do that. At this point its pretty obvious what it was.
I'm sorry you cant see two steps ahead,and can not think outside that box you've built around yourself .....and if you say I'm wrong then I'm wrong.
But I'm not.

I do respect your dominance of the English language however, thats not an easy thing to accomplish.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
mester, save yourself and let this tread die.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Mr. P didn't mention that the "they" he's referring to is Torre82's uncle Morty :pimpdaddy

Ah geez, Rick. We dont talk about uncle MorTecai. Its like.. its not what we do, we gotta.. we gotta suck on Israel's dick, Rick. We gotta suck it.
Cuz.. aw geez, I dunno man. We just do.


Israel gets 3ish billion in the latest bill.
The 'wall' gets 1ish.
Just to let people know where Trump's loyalties are, and to beckon to the 'Clue' movie.. communism/Russia was just a red herring. Trump is cucked out to foreign interests, absolutely.
Now, not to diminish my people's role in it all, but follow the money. Lobbyists and a capitalist president = easy agenda, not a new conspiracy. Nothing to be surprised about, unless you wear a red hat and believed the hype. He sold the public on running the country like a business ~ and like so many business owners, they actually have no idea how shit works. :)
Man busted for child porn after ‘cheese pizza’ Craigslist post

NEWARK, N.J. — Authorities say a New Jersey corrections officer has been charged with receiving images of child sexual abuse.

Federal prosecutors said Thursday that 37-year-old Stephen Salamak was arrested at his home in Lodi.

Salamak has been suspended with pay from his job as a corrections officer at East Jersey State Prison in Rahway.

Prosecutors say an undercover officer first made contact with Salamak after he posted on Craigslist that he was looking for women and moms “that are into Cheese Pizza,” a reference to child pornography.

After police executed a search warrant on his email, prosecutors say they found an email with five attachments showing nude images of young girls.

Prosecutors say he admitted his crime after a search of his home.

It wasn’t immediately clear if he had an attorney to comment on his behalf.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
BeatBoy should be real proud of this thread.

I sure think what kind of porn investigators would find on his HDD. He seems to be obsessed. A bit like Dino, just not with snuff.


Hiliary 2020
Pizzagate was a psy-op used mainly to promote internet censureship.
And it did. Thousands of channels terminated and thousands of videos removed.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Ain't nobody going to watch that shit, it won't be there long, anyway.

As of 1 minute ago, I could watch the video. The thing is, I ain't wasting an hour of my life watching that shit.

Oh, and meester, what is psy-op? Can you use it in a sentence?


Hiliary 2020
Its a psychological operation.
The definition is in the compound word.

I'll give you an example.
A Pizza joint owner in DC with direct connections to Podesta, Clintons and Soetoro posts a bunch of creepy pedo-masochistic photos on social media.
They have the fraudster A. Jones from Infowars run wild with it and talk about it everyday.
At the same time wiki-leaks is posting John Podestas email in which there are many that contain known pedo code words.

Some people dismiss it.Some people think that it should be investigated by law enforcement.
Then in a world wide broadcast screech by Hiliary she mentions A. Jones by name, giving him worldwide attention.
Info-wars listeners/watchers skyrockets thanks to Hiliarys generous plug. And what is he talking about every day?

Then, as predicted by me right here on Freeones, something bad happens at the pizza joint.
A young acotor with no criminal history other than running over a 15 year old boy and almost killing him a month earlier who's father worked directly with the Clinton foundation regarding Haiti decides he is going to go into the pizza joint with what else but an AR-15 to "save the children".


He walks out 2 minutes later and gives himself up to waiting police. Crystal Clear photos courtesy of Getty Images.

The media jumps on it immediately, blaming pizzagate and a free speech social media for what happened.
Hiliary makes more screeches blaming the same thing.

The results- Hundreds of yootoob channels are terminated. Thousands of videos are removed.
And the excuse used is that it is for the benefit of The People. To keep them safe.
They are doing us a favor.

That is a psy-op. They create a situation that you think is real. Then they produce an incident.
Then they pass more laws and regulations in the name of preventing future such incidents. Which was their goal from the start.

Hey someone answer me this: The official story is the guy was in the pizza joint only for about 2 minutes before walking out to waiting policia.
However the entire area was taped off with yellow police tape when he walked out.
How did they receive a 9/11 call, dispatch police to the scene, and tape of the entire area in 2 minutes?
