Jersey Jaxsin

She's one of my favs and I have some hot movie clips with her. But I'm looking for the clip from Spread 'em apart (scene 2) where she's having a ball with some guys. Anyone? :cool:


It's good to be the king...
Link said "page not found" but yeah she's been ensnared in the religious whacko grasp of anti-porn zealot Shelley Lubben.

Do me a favour and get your hand off your dick for a minute. You need a bit more blood inside your brain to understand what I have to say about your statement.

Shelley Lubben might be a religious whacko, but being in her grasps is bliss compared to what porn actresses are used to be treated when they are working. Feel free to take a couple of minutes and read past the religious stuff on No matter how many porn actresses are telling in public how much fun it is, to "get paid so well for great sex", you need to face the fact, that they are telling bullshit. They are getting paid to sell you a fantasy, and the process of producing this fantasy is most of the time quite the opposite of this fantasy.

Shelley Lubben might be a zealot, and a zealot you would be if you have seen and heard what she has seen and heard. And a zealot you need to be in order to compete against a billion dollar industry that is legally abusing women without the customer realizing it. Do not think of abuse as "making girls having sex without them liking it". Think of the weirdest, dirtiest, most brutal things you can imagine, and you think of the real kind of abuse.

Ok, you can now grab you dick again, your next porn video is waiting. Just keep in mind, that this porn size cock pumping her ass, the chance is about 90% that she does not enjoy having something in her anus. But the good thing is, that she isn't really suffering physically. The painkillers she is taking all day long are taking care of it.
Do me a favour and get your hand off your dick for a minute. You need a bit more blood inside your brain to understand what I have to say about your statement.

Shelley Lubben might be a religious whacko, but being in her grasps is bliss compared to what porn actresses are used to be treated when they are working. Feel free to take a couple of minutes and read past the religious stuff on No matter how many porn actresses are telling in public how much fun it is, to "get paid so well for great sex", you need to face the fact, that they are telling bullshit. They are getting paid to sell you a fantasy, and the process of producing this fantasy is most of the time quite the opposite of this fantasy.

Shelley Lubben might be a zealot, and a zealot you would be if you have seen and heard what she has seen and heard. And a zealot you need to be in order to compete against a billion dollar industry that is legally abusing women without the customer realizing it. Do not think of abuse as "making girls having sex without them liking it". Think of the weirdest, dirtiest, most brutal things you can imagine, and you think of the real kind of abuse.

Ok, you can now grab you dick again, your next porn video is waiting. Just keep in mind, that this porn size cock pumping her ass, the chance is about 90% that she does not enjoy having something in her anus. But the good thing is, that she isn't really suffering physically. The painkillers she is taking all day long are taking care of it.

I've never been much for the teachings of Marx but this quote from him is good enough for you.

"Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions."
Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

And Shelley Lubben is as much of a fraud as scientology.

Jersey Jaxin was fucked up long before she got into porn. The fact that she is with Lubben is more evidence that she is still fucked up.
I've never been much for the teachings of Marx but this quote from him is good enough for you.

"Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions."
Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

And Shelley Lubben is as much of a fraud as scientology.

Jersey Jaxin was fucked up long before she got into porn. The fact that she is with Lubben is more evidence that she is still fucked up.

Your answer tells me that you haven't taken your hand off your dick while reading my message.

Let me state this clearly in case you misunderstood my intentions: I do NOT believe in god. And as soon as somebody starts to praise god I am pretty much on the verge to vomit. So let's consider our believes about religion to be quite the same.

However, if you try to ignore the religious bullshit, there remains the fact, that the girls Shelley Lubben reaches and helps are far better off WITH her but WITHOUT her. It does not matter at all, if those girls were fucked up already before they got into porn. Actually the reality is that the porn industry is looking for those girls, because they are the ones you can get the most profit off.

I had contact with girls that got out of porn a while ago, and trust me, you would be so shocked if you knew what I know now. Some of them are still with Shelley Lubben, some of them are going their own ways once they don't need any support anymore.

But as a matter of fact, I am afraid nothing you can be told be ME, would change your mind eventually. I am not an apostel, and I definitely have better things to do than to evangelize others. If you are smart enough you can do your own research. You don't need any guidance for that, it`s just a matter of will.


Your answer tells me that you haven't taken your hand off your dick while reading my message.

Let me state this clearly in case You Misunderstood my intentions: I do NOT believe in god. And as soon as somebody starts to praise god I am pretty much on the verge to vomit. So let's consider our believes about religion to be quite the same.

However, if you try to ignore the religious bullshit, there remains the fact, that the girls Shelley Lubben reaches and helps are far better off WITH her but WITHOUT her. It does not matter at all, if those girls were fucked up already before they got into porn. Actually the reality is that the porn industry is looking for those girls, because they are the ones you can get the most profit off.

I had contact with girls that got out of porn a while ago, and trust me, you would be so shocked if you knew what I know now. Some of them are still with Shelley Lubben, some of them are going their own ways once they don't need any support anymore.

But as a matter of fact, I am afraid nothing you can be told be ME, would change your mind eventually. I am not an apostel, and I definitely have better things to do than to evangelize others. If you are smart enough you can do your own research. You don't need any guidance for that, it`s just a matter of will.

Oh my Lord go fuck yourself and post more of this cum eating whore :blowjob:


ya i am familiar with the scene can u pm me and i can give u an email address u might be able to attach it and send it to me, really love the scene where he shakes her head after he blows the load and would love to see the other guys load on her face too!