Islam Mandatory, Christianity Optional in French Schools

The only reason, WHY the israelian - palestine - war is not finished ( yet ) , is the * fight for resources * , in this case it´s the * fight for water - rights * .
I don´t want to be a palestine farmer, ( who can really see the israelian border ) , watching tourist´s jump into a pool full of freshwater whilst my cornfields are TOTALLY broke down ....:mad::mad:
RESULT : Give them ppl. some water ( and food ) ...and you´ve got PEACE !:):)

@ Sabrina : In *theory* you´re totally RIGHT , but WHO accept´s that YOU built YOUR own church with YOUR own money ?? This is kinda * religion * ....and I myself would accept Mariah´s idea a lot better : NO religion at ALL. Bingo .
They explained Islam but not its branches including sunnites, chiites and wahabites and neither its political goals and interests. I have studied and learned much more about Islam by getting myself interested in the israelo palestianian conflict, the iran iraq war as well as about the famous handschar division than by listening to the teacher's courses.
Islam is taught to 7th graders (5ème), kids of 11-12 years old. You can't teach such young students about Sunni, Shia, Wahabites, their political goals, their interests, etc... Aloso, Islam is taught in History class. What you mention is not History. Now maybe you'd like high school students of 16 or17 years old to study Islam as well ?
The only reason, WHY the israelian - palestine - war is not finished ( yet ) , is the * fight for resources * , in this case it´s the * fight for water - rights * .
I don´t want to be a palestine farmer, ( who can really see the israelian border ) , watching tourist´s jump into a pool full of freshwater whilst my cornfields are TOTALLY broke down ....:mad::mad:
RESULT : Give them ppl. some water ( and food ) ...and you´ve got PEACE !:):)

@ Sabrina : In *theory* you´re totally RIGHT , but WHO accept´s that YOU built YOUR own church with YOUR own money ?? This is kinda * religion * ....and I myself would accept Mariah´s idea a lot better : NO religion at ALL. Bingo .
Hamas do nothing for their people either. They get millions in aid from the EU, US, Iran and Qatar and where does that money go? On hospitals, on feed, on air raid shelters, no it goes on building terror tunnels, weapons and thousands of rockets, the rest goes into the bank accounts of Meshal and Haniyeh who are multi millionaires. There can be no peace whilst Hamas refuse to accept Israels right to exist and they'll keep instigating future wars and making sure civilian casualties are high so we in the west feel sorry for them and throw loads more money at them whilst condemning Israel for defending itself. I know some Israelis and they never say anything bad about Palestinians/Muslims, they just see them as having a different mindset which us in the civilised world will never be able to understand.
Islam is taught to 7th graders (5ème), kids of 11-12 years old. You can't teach such young students about Sunni, Shia, Wahabites, their political goals, their interests, etc... Aloso, Islam is taught in History class. What you mention is not History. Now maybe you'd like high school students of 16 or17 years old to study Islam as well ?

Not really, if people want to get in a subject, they must do research by their own and not be stupid. Unfortunately a lot of people born in the 90's are very uninformed and their general culture is not so broad.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Make ALL religion illegal. Find ways to definitively prove it's all bullshit to even the hardcore believers and then the world will be a MUCH better place. Until then, this is what we have. One religion believing theirs is the right one and all the others are wrong or "misinterpreted" The christians have been horrendous throughout history the crusades for example, and continue to be in many ways like their treatment of gays and the catholic church's protection of child molesters. Its all bullshit and geared around money and control. It's the world's most perfect product. Imagine being able to sell something to billions of people that they will never see or touch and that you can't even prove exists and yet they'll stand in line to hand you money? That is intoxicating and no one is going to give that shit up.

It's not reasonable to expect someone that has been raised, or lived a certain way, al of their life, to suddenly just stop. It's the equivalent of telling a homosexual, stop liking guys, here;s a vagina. Holding people accountable is the best way, priests should pay for their crime, extremism in violent ways should carry heavy penalties, including death, and as far as the crusades go, while it is true Christianity has been the cause of some of the most horrendous atrocities in history, at least it has evolved. It is unfortunate that it has evolved into a political machine, that it is, and it sucks that it rules politics, and has the influence on politicians it does, but at least it doesn't condone strapping bombs to people, and blowing up buses full of innocent people, like islam does. You don't have to believe, but you can't make something illegal, that has been a part of the world, and peoples lives for centuries.


Official Checked Star Member
It's not reasonable to expect someone that has been raised, or lived a certain way, al of their life, to suddenly just stop. It's the equivalent of telling a homosexual, stop liking guys, here;s a vagina. Holding people accountable is the best way, priests should pay for their crime, extremism in violent ways should carry heavy penalties, including death, and as far as the crusades go, while it is true Christianity has been the cause of some of the most horrendous atrocities in history, at least it has evolved. It is unfortunate that it has evolved into a political machine, that it is, and it sucks that it rules politics, and has the influence on politicians it does, but at least it doesn't condone strapping bombs to people, and blowing up buses full of innocent people, like islam does. You don't have to believe, but you can't make something illegal, that has been a part of the world, and peoples lives for centuries.

Trying to spread reputation, but little chances :)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.