Personally, I enjoy Halloween as a life-long Horror fan and film collector. When I get my own place again and some new friends, even though I'm a bit of a loner, I wanna start getting back dressed up some more (love classic Slasher film series characters--especially The Shape, aka: Michael Myers, and Jason Voorhees) and going out to some city parties with friends and visiting shopping Malls to see what's going on, hold Horror film festivals, ect. I have a Plasma sceen and a great sound system and a well over 400 primarily Horror film centric collection now. I would love to hold a Horror film festival at my next apartment for friends, order some Pizza, ect.
Very interesting to see the wide moods and opinions here (forgive me if I seem to be the only one who views most here as negative or even overly negative, for some reasons). I grew up in different parts of Tennessee, and I loved the cool, moody Halloween nights. I think many get *WAY* too tore up worrying about crime and such, thinking it's for only kids or some think only now for child-ish and/or creepy and fucked up grown ups, ect. I think personally it's for ALL ages, and sometimes it's just not for some. Okay, fair enough.
I still enjoy Thanksgiving for the classic meals my mother's family (inparticularly our immdiate family) makes, and Christmas too cause I am a person of some Faith and I've been blessed to load up on that holy day (

), but Halloween will always hold a certain place in my heart. I have a strange love/hate relationship to how everything is over-produced and packaged here in North America. Hallowen, when you read it's history on, started to really be that way in the '60s and such as it shaped up to what we know of it today. But for those who compalin, it was always a bit overly fun in that respect, but the "Hallmark" days, I mean the bullshit (total bulshit) made-up ones like Father's Day, Mother's Day, Secretary Day, ect are much worse I would say. I see Halloween as a bit different than that (but don't ask me to explain).
Sadly, I think many complaining sour puses who complain that it's over showed for the month (but who cares? For Christ sakes it's only a month of pimping it out), the bullshit Urban Myths (look into them: Very few children have ever been poisoned, those who were by they're own families, and no more are kidnapped or harmed than on other days all over North America--research it) about razor bladed apples and poisoned Candy/sweets really harmed in through out the late '80s and earily '90s when I was younger.
It's even more commercial now, but I seem to remember it being bigger as a young lad in the earily '90s (and late '80s) before people got really overly scared of it somehow. Personally I've always enjoyed it. Can't wait untill next year so I can head to the drug store (Walgreen's) and maybe Target or Wal-Mart and decorate my next house I'll be in some, and make some plans. I'd safely safe for us playfull, eccentric Horror genre nuts, it's our true Christmas. You just love it or tolerate it or you totally will hate it. Pick an emotion. Love it, myself.
And as to the poster who said "Whoa, thanks America for giving our snot-nosed kids an excuse to egg us and commit crime": Well now, there can be several responces for that, but it's not my fault as an American. Your looking at it the wrong way, I think. Crime is universal. People have to get over and deal with it. Human beings just look for an excuse to be ignorant and mean and cause crime, and they'll find a way. Simple as that. Than again, the eccentric loner I am, I don't give the best responces. If you don't wanna deal with said 'snot-nosed brats', than turn off your lights and lock your doors and they shouldn't come to trick or treat very much.
Too bad Halloween seem's to make many pissy and has an overly negative light. It's an anchient Celtic/Gaelic holiday with some interesting, well meaning and just plain FUN elements behind it. I love it, myself ...