If I was your boss

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No only employees who are under you can fire you because you have a lead.

Sorry, but you lost me. :confused:

Someone under me might shoot me or complain about me, but how would they fire me?
This was the only job you had and you didnt like me. And your Job was in your hands. What would you do? leave or have someone below you fire you.

No only employees who are under you can fire you because you have a lead.

what is so funny?

No you go it all wrong, you see the hand works around the clock. Not the opposite way around, since when do you work at a school.

Since when did you have that moment of clarity?

On a promotion



what the fuck you lookin at?
if I were the boss. The place would be pretty damn cool to work. I wouldn't be a fuckin cunt like most bosses!
well no one like my boss but he can't fire anyone he did one time and they got there job back because of are union. I think in 30years 3 people have been fire do to stealing.