ID two gorgeous girls please

Anyone have any ideas on maybe what site this could have come from? I was thinking either Twistys or Sapphic-Erotica, but I didn't see anything on either.
Hi. Don't despair just yet. The blonde COULD be Jana Cova but if you think about it the girls are obviously having a picnic. I've just tried a few Google searches with variations on 'lesbian picnic' (incuding Twistys, I don't think it's a Sapphic Erotica photoshoot) and think I might be near to finding something. I've been trying to identify some of the co-stars in 'Teens Like It Big' for months.

Dude, I've run so many variations of "hotties, picnic, lesbian, outdoors, blanket, blonde, brunette, etc" through image searches, its ridiculous. And I've gone back like 20+ pages on each one too, and...nothing.:(

Good luck, though.
I think they're European too. Maybe two of the Hungarian Honeys? I definetly recognise the blonde. All I can suggest regarding any of these unidentified babes is going through the profile pictures at websites like Eurobabes Index. It could take MONTHS! Very frustraring when you don't see the names of these girls.

By the way, you've never told us where you got the picture from. That would help a lot!
I just found it in a random blog a while back, I can't even remember how, but there was no information about it at all. Luckily, I saved it (the picture) though.
"Luckily"? Are you sure? We could go mad trying to figure out who they are! I'm SURE I that blonde girl is one of the big names in European porn. Have you clicked 'Properties' on your original copy of the picture - sometimes you can get information from there.

Good luck!
Well, I just went through both Hungarian Honeys and the Eurobabes index nad couldn't find any that really looked like her (I was looking for brunette). I mean, there were a few who resembled her, but not close enough that I'd ever say its the same girl. Closest was Kira Eggers, but I don't think its her, just subtle differences.
Hello again!

The closest I can find to the identity of the blonde is Anita Dark but none of the lesbian pictures I've seen resembled your photo. I'll keep trying as I need to know myself now!
Are you sure about that or is that a guess? 'Casue I'd give Jerri Byrne maybe a 7.5 at best while the brunette in the pic is easily a 10. That's one hell of a makeup and lighting job if so, and a huge dissappointment as well. I hate when that happens, when I find an amazing looking girl in a picture, only to look her up and she doesn't look anywhere near as good elsewhere.

Edit-- Looking closer, I think you're right, I'm about 85% sure its her, though that's by far the hottest pick she's ever had taken. But, 7.5 is wrong, more like 8.75 in all her other stuff.

Damn, I wish she was more popular or did harder stuff.